
Imperfections Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Doppelgängers have the ability to transform into another person and impersonate them, but some are not too good at it and could generate imperfections."
"Perhaps celebrating our so-called imperfections could be the future of beauty standards."
"People like imperfections... it's connective tissue it makes you a little bit more accessible and human."
"Imperfections are what make scientific experimentation possible, and that therefore imperfections are beautiful."
"I hope for you guys in this coming week, you embrace all of life's imperfections...that you see that as the beauty in life, the joy, what gives life joy more than anything else."
"Characters are more interesting when they are flawed as it leads to growth in their journeys."
"When you find someone that complements your imperfections, you're not only gonna help each other grow together and individually but you're also gonna help balance each other out."
"All these imperfections that we have are actually this vital part of the universe that keeps the universe in perfect harmony."
"Part of my beauty is in my flaws. Part of my mastery is in my mistakes."
"Being conscious is about understanding your imperfections and addressing them."
"What would your life be like if you could relate to imperfections with radical acceptance?"
"The leaning can be incredibly hurtful. We're all imperfect."
"They designed both of their divine beings with flaws."
"Some of our favorite games can have some fairly glaring flaws."
"Try to maybe find a way to forgive people when they're not as perfect as they should be."
"Your imperfections are what make people trust you."
"You're perfect already... you're perfect with your imperfections."
"Accept those insecurities... You're not meant to be perfect."
"Sure, Pokemon Colosseum is a bit unpolished, but if you can get past the small inconveniences, Pokemon Colosseum is a gem."
"As I started to get older I just realized that it's your imperfections that make you who you are."
"It's overlooking flaws in order to have a unique experience."
"Make peace, make love with your imperfections or the things that you don't like or do like."
"Love the flaws. Just accept each other's flaws. You'll be good."
"Never hide your imperfections for they do not make us weaker, but stronger."
"Remember, sometimes imperfections add character to your design."
"Why glasses, which I assume have been around for a pretty long time, aren't perfect."
"Even though for how imperfect it is in some spots, it's just so cool and fun."
"Embraced for imperfections" - a plea for acceptance.
"The black church is the most enduring black institution, flaws and all."
"There's definitely going to be flaws every year there's flaws... I think that's just the evolution of the sport."
"Don't rip out your work for a design flaw or a stitching mistake."
"You can accept any woman for her many many flaws as long as she loves you unconditionally and has a smile like diamonds."
"We've grown to love the imperfections in my family. That's my family, those are my people."
"He just like anyone has flaws, he makes mistakes, and he's not always able to fully keep his composure."
"Nobody is perfect; imperfections make us unique."
"The assurance that a game is operating exactly as it should, warts and all."
"The bad news is that when you have relationships that are grounded in reality the other person is going to see all of your quirks all of your shortcomings all of the things that you may have traditionally been trying to hide from Partners."
"Absolutely nobody is a perfect person and then it's just a matter of figuring out okay which things am I willing to work with which quirks or traits or kind of frustrating parts of a person don't bother me so much that it's a deal breaker."
"If a project is intense, valid, and has a powerful idea, its imperfections will be in the background." - Alberto Campobiza
"We have to be honest enough to recognize imperfections in our heroes."
"Art is about imperfections, about mastering a stroke, about putting your Humanity on paper in a different medium and an expression."
"The most attractive people in life are not the ones who are perfect."
"Real connection is when your friends love you with all your flaws."
"This is just a lesson to us that we can live despite our flaws and deformities, just like this cow did."
"Magnum XL 200: Imperfections That Give It Character."
"Is it amazing overall? Yeah, but is it perfect? Right not really."
"Your flaws, imperfections, insecurities - they are not everything."
"He fits perfectly within that and I think that's what aiming for and just to go back I don't blame the kid at all if I was 23 24 years old and and had nothing no wife or kids or you know real job to speak of then sure go do it."
"It's not perfect as in the sense of them being this hero who's fully flawless and loved by everyone."
"The most beautiful thing about somebody is their imperfections."
"At the end of the day, we're still going to these Parks every day but we know they're not perfect."
"Life is predictably unpredictable... growth comes from imperfections."
"My daddy made me believe that I was invincible in all my imperfections."
"They break when they cool and they're not round."
"Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the journey of cooking from scratch."
"Scars are something to hide because they're imperfections on your body."
"There's nothing really perfect about singing... sometimes we fluctuate in pitch, say a word weirdly or something."
"I've learned to appreciate the imperfections in life a little bit more."
"Focus on authenticity, imperfections and all."
"We all have unfinished seam allowances sometimes."
"Embrace your imperfections while still working on them."
"The little imperfections like the wobbles and stuff in the lines are so much cooler."
"The true goal of the game was to accept that a movie does not have to be flawless to be considered a great picture."
"Sometimes, you gotta love things flaws and all, you know? And Batman Returns is one of those."
"People need to stop being afraid of imperfections in the shows that they watch."
"We have imperfections, I mean, I would say even if you're 18, 19, 20, look at them sideways, at least, anyways, sorry, imperfections, you guys, um, which obviously everybody is imperfect."
"Great parenting, have I been a perfect dad? No."
"True love is somebody accepting your flaws, somebody accepting your pimples, somebody accepting your armpit hair, somebody accepting the fact that you're sick and got tissues up your nose."
"You don't need to be perfect, just know what your weaknesses are and be okay with them."
"People will have to celebrate your imperfection."
"It's about standing in the light, seeing the best in things even if things aren't perfect."
"I found a lot to enjoy in this film, despite its flaws."
"No matter how good the manufacturer is, they all seem to have their imperfections... when you're spending four hundred thousand pounds plus on a vehicle you want it to be absolutely perfect."
"Perfection is not realistic, embrace your imperfections."
"When you love someone, you just want to be with them, flaws and all."
"My imperfections are something to be celebrated."
"Uglyville is the detour to a better life."
"The other thing about dark wood it shows everything not only just like crumbs and dust and all that kind of stuff but it shows every little scratch every little scrape everything every imperfection."
"Life remains gritty and troubled but with the rugged character those imperfections bring."
"Our footage has imperfections that will make our job harder."
"Stretch marks are cool. Everything that's a little bit imperfect, we keep. We like. We don't want too much makeup. We don't want to hide imperfections. We want a little bit of wrinkles. You don't want to look too perfect."
"Ura's imperfections make her all the more captivating."
"It's got a lot of nicks and scratches in it, but I love that."
"Photos that are a little bit more raw and they have imperfections are actually standing out a little bit more now than photos that are just perfectly sharp."
"The camo patterns cover up and hide imperfections a lot better and easier."
"Love your imperfections. Every angle of you is beautiful."
"So, even though I'm insecure about it, it's something I'm trying to learn to love so that I can show people that you don't have to have Botox and filler and surgeries to be beautiful. Both are beautiful."
"The tiny imperfections of the attempted straight lines actually sometimes make it feel more alive and less stiff."
"I feel like everything in my wardrobe is just like very very slightly flawed because those are the items that I just been like oh they need they need a second chance they need a home they need love."
"Life, I think, is that way. Every time I meet someone that we all think of somehow in on some pedestal, I usually meet people who we all sit around and laugh about the stupid stuff we've done and we just go and I survived it."
"Thank goodness our brains are programmed to look at the beauty and to hide the junk."
"We are meant to recognize our imperfections."
"Our holistic sense of self comes from acknowledging our imperfections."
"Flaws can be endearing because it reminds us of our humanness. Flaws, not full out red flags, mind you, can enhance someone, not detract. So Revel in your beauty, my love, in your slight flaws and Imperfections. They make me love you more, not less."
"Every single one of us has a cross to carry, some sort of inclination that is disordered in some form or another."
"We're all messed up in our own way, but I believe that when push comes to shove, people truly try to do the best they can to be there for each other."
"Whatever you don't like about me, there's 20 more things I don't like about myself."
"Love has a way of making you overlook the small stuff."
"Embrace your natural beauty. When you've got imperfections, you have to learn to live with them and then make the best out of them."
"I love homes that have imperfections."
"There's something very attractive about your imperfections."
"You saw past my imperfections and loved me regardless. Not one time has there been a time that I needed you and you weren't there."
"Lesson learned I guess. I mean, I keep making this mistake and taking home things because I'm so excited that are flawed."
"They love your imperfections, every angle."
"The whole point is this is handmade. These kinds of dents and imperfections show that a human being put a lot of love and effort into it. That's what makes it."
"Fall in love with your imperfections because perfectionism is not real. Your imperfections make you perfect."
"These imperfections are what make them unique."
"We see the blemishes, but we also see the beauty."
"I don't care about dips, pits, imperfections. I do on the edge."
"...anything that's sort of an imperfection—yes, spots, rosacea, eczema, dermatitis—it just makes you feel rubbish."
"The imperfections that we have as people is what makes us who we are."
"Everyone has their little weaknesses, oh relax."
"Your imperfections are literally the things that really will give you an advantage in life."
"They saw your insecurities and still think you're perfect."
"Knowing that when you're making it, the imperfections that made it perfect."
"This one looks like his Crayon on it. The corners are sharper than anything else, but it's pretty, I don't know, badly off-center. Love that card though. Really sick."
"Mavis insists that despite Johnny’s occasional hiccups, she wouldn’t change a thing about him."
"The little bumps and Imperfections are what make us interesting as people, and the same is true of your character art."
"...I 1000 preventable but we are going to have to fix this um and mod pause this new print onto the canvas and the new print is Overexposed and orange but what can you do the print was literally cut off."
"There's a guy who's about to get it on with this chick, he's like, 'She had terrible breath, but you don't throw out a Rolls Royce because it got a dent in it.'"
"Because I really like myself I really like me you know I know I have issues I know uh my imperfections uh rear their head uh often but they're mine."
"I look in the mirror and I'm like oh yes I love exactly who I am the flaws the imperfections everything I look at it all and I I love it yeah and everyone else should too regardless your imperfections are almost as beautiful as"
"I think it'd be really cool to make our own surface imperfections."
"So when they begin seeing your imperfections, they begin to devalue you."
"When you start to see them as imperfect, you see them as imperfect, they see that, they come face to face with their imperfections."
"We have flaws. We absolutely have flaws."
"If you can't love beyond flaws and imperfections, you are indirectly training yourself to believe that you are unlovable because you yourself have flaws and imperfections."
"The person you will marry is the person that will love you for your flaws too."
"You're allowed to have flaws, you're allowed to have issues."
"This changes the look of your skin that much, seriously it is the primer I would say and also moisturizer but at the same time it just blurs out every imperfection."
"I ain't obsessed with listening to my music. I listen for imperfections and I'm saying, so if you shoot my video you like this, don't know word I ain't got no ghostwriter."
"But we are perfection detail we see in, you know, interior details like these but we also find some imperfections. It's also something that has been the Bentley charm for a lot of years."
"Every relationship has their kinks and their flaws."
"I feel like I'm in the arena because when you're in the arena you see the warts and pimples and the acne scars."
"Nobody's gonna notice those little imperfections like that."
"You're not sabotaging yourself by remembering their imperfections."
"It has this almost blurring finish under the eyes. I swear it just Smooths out imperfections."
"I love you with your faults and your good points."
"It has hairline marks all over it, which does not bother me one bit."
"There's a certain charm to having a device gracefully aged with you throughout life and none of these imperfections actually change how I use the device."
"The Revival in general is a work of God but there are irregularities, there are excesses that are brought in because after all, he was ministering as a broken person to broken people and we see that happen today as well."
"We never become perfect in that sense. We are always part of what makes us so unique are our imperfections, and I have no intention of getting rid of those."
"Every relationship has its cracks."
"We need to learn to appreciate the imperfections in our card making."
"People in general have this perspective that everybody celebrities should be perfect or they shouldn't [ __ ] up or they shouldn't do things."
"Beauty is made more lovely for its scars and burns."
"Step three: Learn to love your perfect imperfections, laugh at them."
"Embrace imperfections; they add charm."
"I just want to know that you guys are actually embracing who you are with all of your imperfections because imperfections are truly beautiful."
"This is rustic, so it doesn't need to be perfect. Any imperfections are going to give it character."
"Lasers treat the cause of imperfections, not just mask them."
"No nation is perfect, but here in America we confront our imperfections and face a sometimes painful past -- including the truth that some of these soldiers fought, and died, for a country that did not always see them as equal."
"Don't worry how it looks if you make one pull."
"All of the imperfections are what make something so perfectly handmade."
"Handles imperfections quite nicely."
No one wants, you know, you know what I want? I want someone with a double chin. Nobody wants that. But you know what? Sometimes you fall in love with somebody and they got a double chin, and you're like, "I don't like double chins, but I like her double chin."
"It kind of conceals most imperfections like redness, pimples, scarring, uneven skin tone, things like that, but it doesn't look heavy on the face."
"Nice, but it's those fine imperfections that make a DIY project a DIY project."
"Sometimes the best way to create memorable travel photographs is to leave in the little imperfections that might one day remind you of actually being there."
"You have the chance to make your own family and nobody's perfect so it's about finding the people whose imperfections are ones that are bearable to you."
"Imperfections are perfectly acceptable; I personally like a little bit of imperfections as they make each of my carvings look just a little bit different and unique."
"They will love me in spite of my imperfections."
"Imperfections in life make it beautiful and interesting."
"Even your imperfections are totally perfect in this light."
"To get at the deepest level of data, we have to use imperfections in the code."
"I'm willing to love this person with all their imperfections."
"The imperfections make a custom fixed blade beautiful."
"Even though there are so many imperfections... they're still beautiful in their own way."
"I feel a lot of things with my hands... surprisingly, you can feel all sorts of imperfections when you actually just use your fingertips."
"The imperfections can be really beautiful and make it look more handmade rather than manufactured."
"It's almost like you don't even notice or care about the little spots that shine through because overall it just looks like your skin has a bit of a clear bright radiance to it."
"I'm a fan of leaving it in because the sort of natural imperfections I think is what actually makes this amber so cool."
"The Dior Backstage blurs imperfections and pores."
"Part of a friendship is accepting the good, the bad, and the ugly."
"Just to keep the gasket in place, seal any small imperfections."
"Nobody cares if you have pimples."
"The imperfections that make us beautiful, that's what the true beauty means to me."
"So next time you're swooning over Gable's rugged charm, just remember, even Hollywood legends have their not so glamorous moments."
"You two bring out the best in each other's positive traits and turn each other's imperfections into symbiotic relationship-building qualities."
"Physicians Formula overall is a fantastic tinted sunscreen BB cream that can blend imperfections; it is wonderful if you have sensitive skin, if you have allergies to any ingredients because it is really no-nonsense."
"It's sharp enough to be sharp but it's soft enough to hide all those sometimes unpleasant imperfections."
"By being open about your imperfections, you show that you're not afraid to be seen as you are."
"Everyone has imperfections... and they want to feel better about themselves."
"It's often our imperfections that actually allow people to connect with us."
"I love your imperfections, I love you."
"You have to be comfortable with the person that you are, imperfections and all."
"As always, imperfections in life make it beautiful and interesting."
"I love adding little imperfections like these; I think it can really help to make a model feel more organic and natural."
"She's perfect the way she is, flaws and all."
"I think there's something quite nice about hearing you know imperfections in music."
"I've got loads of imperfections, but growing up, I've really learned that lying is so bad."
"It's those surface imperfections, they're so important."
"I like the imperfections, I like that stuff, I like the fuck-ups."
"If you're gonna take all this time to give us a picture of someone, I want to see some of those scratches and dents."
"Everything about her, even her stretch marks."
"A crush can turn to love if you realize that your crush has imperfections."
"Typically, real-world objects have slight imperfections that we don't even notice."
"It's imperfections like scratches, discolorations, and fingerprints that really sell an image."
"I like these imperfections in mockumentaries, you know, but maybe I'm just weird."
"Despite its imperfections, it's still perfectly watchable even now."