
Peacemaking Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Oprah's calling for sort of a healing moment... there's an opportunity for peacemaking."
"Stop it both of you, this won't solve anything. There's been enough fighting and conflict today."
"True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers."
"Cole's deep passion for the democratic political and economic integration of Europe ultimately helped give him a reputation as one of the great peacemakers of the 20th century."
"China is the emerging economic powerhouse...and one of the interesting ways in which China is playing this emerging powerful role is by becoming a global peacemaker."
"We're creating our own platform, so I'm not going to be handing the keys to the kingdom out to finance."
"For Wilson, this was America's moment to force the old imperial powers to make peace on American terms."
"The Kratos of God of War Ragnarok is a man yearning for peace, unflinching in his refusal to compromise when it comes to the integrity and well-being of those he loves."
"We aspire to be peacemakers in this world." - Psalm 37:37
"I want to be a peacemaker because I have the peace of God in my heart and my life."
"China emerged as a player that can resolve disputes rather than merely just sell weapons."
"I don't want to give people ammo. I want to disarm them instead."
"Your person is making a decision to open up here, bring peace to the situation because they want to work on things, Cancer."
"If we get the mix just right, we might be able to bring order to the chaos and end war forever."
"China could play a role here in helping to end this war."
"She doesn't care and is determined to stop the war, even if she has to sacrifice her own life."
"You may need to make peace here with something or someone."
"Food is the best weapon on Earth to make peace."
"If you somehow find a way to have a life and make peace with life that is very cruel sometimes right, like the toughness of life, you can make good peace with that, it's okay. That's your chance."
"The role of a peacemaker is very different than a peacekeeper."
"Those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and they will reap a harvest of goodness." - James 3:18.
"You are the Christ of this new era... bringing peace in a world of duality and polarity."
"This is the only way I know how to be a peacemaker."
"Peacemaking is not just sitting back and allowing things to happen."
"He truly is the reason that peace is being achieved."
"I can’t change the past, but I will stop this war and save my home."
"Someone's wanting to reconcile differences or make peace with something."
"You don't always need to result in violence." - Joseph Tilton
"Steven consistently intervenes to de-escalate and resolve conflicts."
"Show people an alternative to fighting or running."
"Somebody who forgives is somebody who looks past the mistakes that others have made and tries to reconcile the bad with the good and tries to make peace."
"Puffy replied to this by saying that the East Coast vs West Coast had to stop."
"If he solves the issue with Russia and Ukraine, then he'll be the man of peace."
"It's never too late to stop, it's never too late to make a turn to diplomacy, to dialogue, and to negotiation."
"The true reason behind their help in ending the bloody civil war in Borneo was to secure peace and to protect the region's booming international trade."
"After a few months of a lot of Labor and a lot of love the new game room is finally complete."
"You should realize that you destroy your enemies when you make peace with them."
"The most important thing we could do in this life is to turn an enemy into a friend."
"Make amends with yourself, make peace with others."
"We all just need to get through this," Sabina expressed, trying to maintain peace amidst the turmoil.
"That's what nines can go create, that's nines deciding it's worth the effort to go to the park and to put themselves out in the public spotlight as a peace bringer, as a peacemaker, as a harmony giver."
"Peacemaking is still quite rightly viewed as a very very high priority and we have never forget it even in the midst of War ending."
"Blessed are those who keep the peace because they shall be called the sons of God."
"You may end up reconciling with someone, making peace with someone from your past, right before you meet your future spouse."
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God."
"Being a peacemaker doesn't mean you agree with everyone, but instead, it means you love them enough to yield when possible and agree to disagree."
"Sometimes the peacemaker will bring people together and help them work through conflict."
"The peacemaker knows when to listen and when to speak."
"Peacemaker: he specifically said he'll kill children in order to keep peace for America."
"I'm old-fashioned. I think peacemaking requires conflict."
"The church's vocation is to be peacemakers and reconcilers."
"Blessed are the peacemakers, not the peacekeepers. Blessed are those who go out of their way to rebuild peace, even if you're good, you go out of your way to rebuild it when it's lost."
"We must not be isolationists, we must not be the world's policeman, but we can and should be the world's very best peacemaker."
"We need to be peacemakers who sow in peace and raise a harvest of righteousness."
"Peacemaking is not for the fainthearted. It takes immense courage. It is the most dangerous job in the world."
"Peacemaking is proactive, it's a decision to do something and not just dream about something. Peace must be made."
"Our call is to peace making, not peace keeping. We come in where there has been no peace as peacemakers."
"Peacemaking is at the core of being a follower of Jesus."
"Being a peacemaker also means standing up against sin to protect the peace of others."
"Jesus really did transform the world, but Jesus did that not by sending in the tanks but by sending in the meek, the justice-hungry people, the peacemakers, and so on. That's how it's done."
"We're supposed to be peacemakers and we literally by the anointing that God puts on us as believers we have the ability to walk up... peace should break out and that should be a distinguishing characteristic of our lives."
"Any time you deal with folks who are peacemakers, you deal with people who understand humility."
"If you're right, you're not a peacemaker."
"Pre-emptive peacemaking seems to me to be the real call of the Christian gospel."
"Being a peacemaker doesn't mean peace at all costs."
"You want to be a peacemaker absolutely Jesus is the Prince of Peace so you got to want peace only a crazy person wants War."
"Soft words turn away wrath; it's a Biblical principle."
"He who would have perfect blessedness, so far as it can be enjoyed on earth, must labor to attain to this seventh benediction and become a peacemaker."
"Honor culture might be associated with the duel, but in fact, it was an ethos that prized restraint, peacemaking, and respect for hierarchy."
"Jesus Christ was the greatest of all peacemakers; He is our peace."
"Blessed are such peacemakers: you have saved a soul from death and hidden a multitude of sins."
"And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby."
"What a charming reconciler and Peacemaker money is."
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the sons of God."
"They made up y'all, they made up, good job y'all."
"So if your balance number is a number nine, then you will win any war and overcome any challenge by empathizing with the concerns of others."
"The reconciled are to be the reconcilers."
"Blessed are those who create peace around them."
"If we truly accept and believe that there is indeed that of God in every person, then we must be a peacemaker. - Judy"
"The Holy Bible tells us, 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.'"
"I come in good faith to break this cycle of hatred."
"Sometimes it's better just to be a peacemaker and help everyone in our family feel loved."
"I've been a peacemaker all my life."
"He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire."
"So often times we just have to sit in the position of a peacemaker, and whenever that peaceful opportunity presents itself, then I'm ready to make peace."
"Discourage litigation, persuade your neighbors to compromise. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good person."
"I'm going to create peace in the Middle East."
"Blessed are all the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
"And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."
"So much as in me lies, I make peace."
"I didn't come here for the damn scroll. I came here to make peace between us."
"Try to be a peacemaker, because blessed are the peacemakers."
"Do all you can to live in peace with everyone."
"Libras are natural peacemakers... they want to quickly get to a place of harmony and fairness."
"I know you're just trying to make peace."
"The main creator of that treaty was Ralph Bunche, a black man from LA, he received a Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation work during the war."
"She's known as The Peacemaker and everybody loves her."
"I'm a peacemaker because I'm a humanist."
"Great men of integrity and honor are here, their task to make a future war impossible."
"The courage to wage war is meaningless unless it is backed by the wisdom to make peace."
"As we follow the Prince of Peace, we will become His peacemakers."
"What we need is to explore the potential of indigenous peacemaking, bring back traditional means of peacemaking."
"God bless those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God."
"Where there is injury, let me sow pardon and forgiveness."
"Peacemakers are blessed, and those peacemakers will be called the children of God."
"What does it mean to be a peacemaker today in a world where the present is defined by the violence of the past?"
"You have to give them a way out. You have to find peace with Negan, find a way forward somehow."
"This is how you make peace, a literal passing of the torch."
"Rather than starting fights, why don't you be the bridge?"
"I have come to make peace between you and develop an understanding between you."
"What we're doing here, which is hopefully trying to make peace, is that enough? We'll see."
"Their next move is they want to make peace, this connection was incredibly intense."
"Many ninjas became ninjas in the first place to create peace."
"You brought peace amongst the people."
"You may be coming to some conclusions that you have to make peace with yourself and possibly with others."
"I invite you to make a difference in the world by being true peacemakers, 'for these will be called the children of God.'"