
Historical Inquiry Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"There was an overriding question about the Great Pyramid: what was its true purpose?"
"It's amazing that such small fragments the size of a stamp can unlock so many important questions."
"Where did they come from, and if they weren't given their religious code directly from God on Mount Sinai, then how did Judaism originate?"
"Our best evidence for how the nose of the Sphinx got broken comes from a 15th century Arabic historian, and he explains that someone who was angry actually deliberately shot the nose off the Sphinx."
"What happened to this 3,000 strong group of soldiers? How could they simply vanish without a trace?"
"Exploring the past, questioning the Paradigm is what research is about. That is what science is."
"Is this Saint Peter's tomb? That's what Emperor Constantine believed during the fourth century."
"And will we have to rethink everything we thought we knew about the ancient world?"
"The public are owed a public inquiry about not just May 29, 2020, but the months of riots from coast to coast."
"Everything is changing, but what happened thousands of years ago?"
"Is there proof here of an ancient civilization?"
"Would you like me to cover any more similar topics about the Dutch that went to North America?"
"I just want accountability I want I don't give a damn if it happened 30 58 10 JFK assassination we're finding out the CIA was involved I want people to be held accountable."
"Mysterious ancient ancestors who displayed such astonishing abilities of stone building we still have no logical explanation as to their methods."
"But did Jesus really curse the city 2,000 years ago?"
"Living a life so different to ours, it was a landscape full of incredible Ice Age animals, huge glaciers."
"Who were these people? Who made these artifacts? And where did they come from?"
"We've always wanted to know who painted Dido and Elizabeth, if we could find out it would be a family goal."
"If you're a fan of ruining the past and hopes of building a brighter featuring there's tons of bright terracotta blocks that you can take out of the structure too."
"The tragedy of Abraham Lincoln's assassination."
"So were white people in existence during this time and were they the perfect model citizens or were they doing bad things too? How come you didn't go through and come with foreigners? How come they were used to enslave us?"
"Baka pyramid: Why was the construction of the Baka pyramid stop so abruptly which personality should have been buried here and why was a military exclusion Zone set up in the relevant area which no civilians are allowed to enter?"
"Has there ever been a time when someone was prevented from being on a ballot in American history?"
"I wanted to know once and for all, did architecture once hold a lost function that has been hidden from us? Did the cathedrals hold a mystery? Yes."
"Did the Phoenicians practice human sacrifice?"
"For eight decades, a southern Mississippi family has pondered the mystery of what happened to Private Andrew Ladner."
"So why was Tut's tomb prepared in such a rush?"
"We believe we deserve the right to question and explore history."
"Who killed Malcolm? Are they trying to rip open the wound again and have us fight each other again?"
"This is just one of the puzzles that faced The Mummy investigation team."
"I think I'd probably ask Aaron Burr what it's like to be a loser. He's the only person I've known who in winning lost even more."
"One of the most pressing questions that researchers have is whether or not the Sphinx is simply a large Monument or if it may contain something buried deep."
"Scientists have no idea how stones of this size were transported to the site and then manipulated into place because the stone isn't local."
"Why did a harbor so important to Constantinople growth as a world empire simply disappear?"
"You mean to tell me that the fourth pope was black, but the first three were white?"
"I'm going to take you on an adventure into the ancient past, into the core of the heart of one of the deepest questions that philosophers and magi and scientists and beings throughout the ages have asked: Who are we? Where did we come from?"
"Scientists can't always explain the seemingly sophisticated technologies of our ancestors."
"Are ancient artifacts remnants of an advanced past?"
"The Olmec heads give contemporary archaeologists and history enthusiasts alike plenty of questions to continue pondering."
"His death sparked an inquest into the abuses endured by these victims of the residential schools."
"Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could prove that those roundhouses were in use at the same time?"
"Would we have tattooing today if it wasn't for people tattooing themselves?"
"What year do you think we should recognize as marking the end of the true Showah age?"
"How do you think that their time came to an end?"
"How do we get to the truth? Has that ever happened before in American history?"
"Who built America? I mean, this is fascinating."
"Did Atlantis really exist? To answer the unanswerable, one must first delve into the question of what, followed by the question of where."
"Can we prove the pyramids were built and if so, how? What's being questioned?"
"Where today are the Pequot, where are the Narragansett, the Mahican, the Wampanoag, and other powerful tribes of our people? They have vanished before the avarice and oppression of the white man."
"Was the war with Germany truly over or had it simply completed the opening phase of a much larger covert operation?"
"So, were the Normans Vikings? In a sense, that's true."
"What the heck happened in Germany in the 20s and 30s, you know? Very intelligent highly educated population, and they went barking mad." - Dr. Malone
"I encourage people to look into what they think actually happened too."
"Had the Prime Minister considered how Iran would actually operate the oil fields without British Aid?"
"I wonder why the official story wants us to recognize 1943 as the starting date for the lisa when something clearly started long before that."
"We can hopefully answer the burning questions that have plagued mankind for centuries."
"How was that possible to educate himself back then? I mean was he just grabbing books and reading them at every opportunity he could get?"
"What did it sound like to be an ancient Egypt?"
"The challenge is how do you reconcile that clovis spear point with the carving of the sphinx?"
"Something is fishy here, don't you think? Something's missing from history."
"Were there any wars whilst Trump was in the White House?"
"What did he know? Who would have wanted him silenced? What happened to his journals?"
"The discovery of Genghis Khan's tomb and the perplexing artifacts contained within have opened up new avenues of exploration and inquiry."
"Is it possible that the army that had crucified Jesus was now spreading Christianity in his name?"
"It could also be from continental Europe, so we didn't resolve that question."
"Are these really closely related? The Kalashnikov copied the STG to make the ak-47 or is it more or less an independent design?"
"Jesus Christ may be the most famous person who ever lived, but how do we know He did?"
"What in the world got him crucified under Pontius Pilate? What was so dangerous or perceived to be dangerous or subversive about this man?"
"Who would you vote for in the Election of 1852?"
"So firstly you got to come to starting out with did Jesus exist?"
"What went wrong during the course of the 6th century?"
"It's kind of a problem. So now we have to ask this question: How far back in time does the idea or the concept of Jesus leaving his image on his linen shroud go?"
"Some of the thorniest and most intriguing historical questions of all."
"What do you know about the Vikings who sailed in the other direction to overthrow Hitler?"
"Historians don't answer these kinds of questions. According to Erman, he talks about this a lot. Historians, given their particular methodology to understand history, are not equipped to answer this question."
"How did it happen that there were free Negroes during a time of slavery?"
"'But what do you think of William Rufus, of his life, rule, and legacy?'"
"I want her to walk around Jerusalem with me because I want to ask her questions like, show me the house she lived in, what was it like in those days."
"How were abolitionists able to utilize the domestic political environment in their bid to see the trade abolished forever?"
"Throughout history, legions of scientists have been desperate to answer this one burning question."
"Many Chinese have asked the question... what was it that made the West so successful for so long?"
"What is a Holocaust photo? What counts as a Holocaust photo?"
"What have the Romans ever done for us anyway?"
"Is there actually any evidence to support this theory and what other ideas are out there that could explain this ancient myth? Let's find out."
"How did human sacrifice find a place within such a civilized society? Who were the Aztecs really, barbarians or a great world civilization?"
"It shows how compelling history is that we're still asking those questions."
"It's not just the question of why they did this that bothers historians, it's also the question of how."
"Who built Thebes of the seven gates? In the books, you will read the names of kings. Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?"
"What did the Buddha himself teach? That is where we hopefully can find remnants of that awakening experience."
"What can we actually know about the birth of Jesus? A historian's answer."