
Cultural Recognition Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Cultures and civilizations around the world all recognize the fact that human beings have a limited time here on earth."
"The most important thing was, you didn't need to be a gamer to recognize and appreciate games during the 2000s."
"Juneteenth should, in fact, be a national holiday. Frederick Douglass should be on our nation's currency."
"Acknowledging the impact of Africans in the formation of American culture is an affirmation of life."
"So if you ask me we should make Juneteenth a national holiday."
"It's quite an honor to have a visitor come and ask these kinds of things because we rarely are recognized as Zuni Native American."
"When it comes to doing good for Native Americans today, we do a lot in this country that is rooted in sort of symbolic attempts to appease Native Americans..."
"Red Bone was inducted into the Native American Music Association Hall of Fame."
"I respect everyone out there in the USA, in Malaysia, just respect."
"Gaming dictates entertainment today... where it was kind of an offshoot that was only recognized by the real core gamers."
"Native Americans are people, James mentions a few times."
"The exhibition that established him meant that street art was a phenomenon that had to be recognized."
"The whole Pakistan element of the game has been so fascinating that just like suddenly this complete other part of the world is actually the best at the game."
"Willow was not as appreciated during its time as it should have been."
"Raiders of the Lost Ark was added to the National Film Registry."
"So what we got to do to do that to hear what's the suggestions on the table man we listen first off I feel like we should celebrate June team and we should celebrate July 4th is like Juneteenth part 2."
"It's nice to see it getting a bit of a limelight now in a more popular medium."
"I think everybody knows that Thai food is famous internationally."
"Grace and peace family. I Salam alaikum Shalom my ID Hotel namaste free the land beloved."
"It's a very interesting intangible culture that has been recognized by UNESCO."
"Video games in the last 10 years have appropriately been getting more and more recognition for the art media that it is."
"Indigenous People's Day, I think is just a decency right that should be allotted to the people that lived on this land."
"An informal and internalized recognition of the dignity of our prophet within culture, art, literature, and the moral values of the West would be no mean achievement."
"The first nomination for South Korea in the Best Picture race."
"We taking pride in recognizing the accomplishments that black people have done."
"It's an affirmation of people of color's place in history and their contributions."
"This month we honor our diverse Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities."
"Shout out to all the El Salvadorians that speak English, man."
"There's a reason that 'S' means something and that people still know what it is."
"Video game music is just as real and just as valid as any other song."
"Without recognition of the empire, the very English cup of tea is just a cup of milk and hot water."
"No one more famous than Snoop Dogg. Your grandmother knows who Snoop Dogg is."
"It's cool for that same Nigerian dude to say he's not black, he's Nigerian."
"They've actually recognized that traditional wisdom."
"Whatever happens... we need to insist that the people in Tasmania... were fully human... there was nothing less human about them."
"France is often touted as the fashion capital of the world."
"It seems that the world at large is finally finally starting to appreciate the true genius of kate bush."
"We're not going to be silent about it and just like now we're coming up on Indigenous People's Day in October."
"The spirituality of indigenous peoples is something that is you can't discount it."
"All we're asking for is recognition, appreciation for our humanity. We're not these dancing machines."
"The money was made with live events, merchandise, and pay-per-view."
"I don't want it to just be limited to Black History Month."
"Black History Month is more than a celebration; it's a powerful reminder that black history is American history."
"It's cool to see the x-men are finally getting their due diligence."
"Tetris is a permanent exhibit in New York City's Museum of Modern Art."
"Most of all, people in the Latin Community felt seen."
"Shout out to the whole foundation of Black American family and also shout out to the extended international family as well."
"Shout out to Black History Month. One extra day."
"It became a seminal piece of millennial culture, and because of its cinematic mastery, the Academy could not ignore it."
"Dive Studios recognized in Teen Vogue as one of the biggest moments of K-pop in 2020."
"It's a hell of a lot of work just for a trophy of a mascot that most people in the west probably don't even know existed."
"The world owes a debt to the Africans of Asia."
"Traditionally, oral histories of Native Americans have been discounted as mythological."
"Every culture in the colonized provinces is a nation."
"Let's get back to it. You know how Rapunzel is like super famous. Everyone knows who Rapunzel is right?"
"To pretend... that British culture doesn't exist... is deeply unfair."
"Increasingly, I don't recognize the country anymore with these kinds of Stasi-like things happening."
"Ireland is world-renowned for many things, including lush green meadows, lively traditional music, and the ever-popular life-affirming black stuff better known as Guinness."
"It is time the world label it that way so that we can continue as an existence. If we don't, I don't know what will be left of us and what will be left with the Guy."
"Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, whatever holiday it is that you celebrate, don't want to leave anybody out."
"AFR Latina, AFR Cuban, salute to people who've got so much to say."
"That was a beautiful achievement, you never would have thought the Oscars would give a foreign film like that."
"Black people do play video games, I'm glad you're glad you finally realized that Xbox."
"It's about honoring the mothers that gave us our lives and those mothers are black trans women."
"The Library of Congress has been adding names every year since 2002. Imagine by John Lennon why in the world did it take this long but the good news it is finally here."
"This is the type of music that you don't have to ask who produced it, you just know. That's the new wave."
"The traditional Welsh number system definitely deserves special recognition."
"The Muslims are now beginning to be taken seriously as part of the American cultural landscape."
"Justice not retribution and a conviction that a common humanity could be forged by firstly recognizing individual differences and cultures."
"Everybody loves Jamaica; they recognize the flag, you know, of course, Bob Marley, Usain Bolt, they love the accent."
"I was further honoured by being named a sheik, the only American ever to be awarded that title."
"Happy Indigenous People's Day, everyone!"
"On this International Women's Day, when women around the world are celebrated for their cultural and economic situations."
"It was awesome to see the culture get put in this spotlight."
"Recognize a Sikh by their turban, and when you see one, say 'Sat Sri Akal'."
"We recognize that there are strengths in all cultures."
"Bradford was awarded the status of the UK's next city of culture for the year 2025."
"Islam recognized nikah of any culture and community and any faith and no faith as equally valid."
"From this day forth, May 18th every year in the state of Nevada will be recognized as the Asian Culture Day holiday."
"We have to recognize that they exist and they're simply a part of culture."
"The Bible is full of black history and black people and black places and black contributions."