
Game Adaptation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Alien Isolation makes a unique departure by not only capturing the tone and experience of the film but rather being innovative on its own spin on survival horror."
"They've nailed the unique distinct thing that makes this hero this hero and they've translated that brilliantly into a set of cards."
"Taking the idea of among us in the gameplay mechanics but turning it into a minecraft setting."
"Reviews brimmed with positivity with critics agreeing that it was a surprisingly solid adaptation of this series first outing as well as one of the most technically impressive shooters to ever grace its platform."
"This digital version is very close to the tabletop version."
"The Last of Us HBO show came out and that was overall really well received."
"It's Sonic in 3D and one of the best translations of the classic games."
"VR makes more sense in half-life 2 than it does in most games."
"Joel getting stabbed made more sense than landing on a spike like the game."
"Bloodborne on PC actually makes a lot of sense."
"In terms of faithfulness to the original game so far, they're nailing it."
"You don't strictly need the book to run this style of game."
"Resident Evil 2 feels less like a remake and more like a greatest hits of the series."
"Resident Evil 4 in VR: an enhancement, not just a port."
"Baldur's Gate 3 digitizes the free-form gameplay of Dungeons and Dragons in a way that keeps the spirit of that tabletop role-playing game intact."
"Our intent is more in line with our original Vision since the launch of the witch Queen." - Staying true to the game's core vision while adapting to player feedback.
"The Last of Us is shockingly close with incredible voice acting, graphics, combat, pacing, story, characters, etc., etc., at infinitum."
"Age of Calamity isn't just a Breath of the Wild-skinned Warriors title..."
"It's recognizably DKC and it plays better than the previous black-and-white games."
"Rare did a good job bringing ki to the n64 and it plays pretty well."
"Does the story of Smash follow the story of Smash, or does it do its own separate thing completely different to the games?"
"There's actual animations and a proper representation of the Monopoly board game."
"It's a perfect fit... I think Neil Druckmann is uniquely qualified... there's definitely an episodic nature to The Last of Us."
"Michael's Zombies is a zombies survival game based on the zombies mode from the Call of Duty franchise."
"Knowing how to adapt your early game is way more important than getting good items."
"A major Five Nights at Freddy league is going to change what you thought you knew about the FNAF movie."
"Alien Isolation did a stellar job of completely capturing the spirit of the film."
"Honestly this is nearly but not quite a perfect translation of a Super NES classic."
"This is the Sonic comics what Mania was to the games, going back to the roots and polishing it up to remind everybody why this franchise was so deeply loved in the early days."
"This game nailed Guardians of the Galaxy and I just can't really imagine a Guardians of the Galaxy game being much better than this."
"Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated perfectly captures the charm of its source material."
"This is Tomb Raider on a damn cell phone, and it's kind of amazing."
"This is one of the best realized versions of 40K I've ever seen put into video games visually."
"Black Mesa is both a faithful adaptation of Valve’s original work, and something totally distinct in its own right."
"I think this is a really faithful representation of what we see in the game."
"The series is sure to resonate with both die-hard fans of The Last of Us games and newcomers to the genre-defining saga."
"What you're going to get from Arcane is something unique and exceptional."
"I just enjoy the time I'm in playing and adjust to what works for me in any given activity."
"That's like one of Ash's staple moves on Pikachu, but not till later generations. But you know what? We got this. We're mixing it up. We're gonna have Iron Tail on Pikachu."
"This trains the player to not only be good at the game but to be good at every iteration of that game, to understand every scenario, to think, breathe, and feel that game."
"Of course, Liu Kang was going to beat Shang Tsung at the end, but the fun factor came from seeing the game come to life."
"As a big fan of the games, I find the live-action movie series to be mostly awful."
"The music tracks... turn it basically into a side scroller... it literally looks like a Mario level."
"I would love Chrono Trigger I think that could be oh that's a big one right yeah."
"Star Fox is the one I want to be great I love that that's got a great 3D animated kind of potential."
"What would happen if you tried to turn Dungeon Keeper into a classic Berlin Rog like?"
"Fans of the game will love this movie."
"They are full of suspense, emotion, you don't know what's coming next, very accurate to the game."
"Those fatalities from the game is something that I've always wanted to take a swing at in our own way."
"The best adaptation I've seen in video games so far at all has been The Last of Us."
"You have to get a feel for who's calling your game, get a feel for how the game unfolds, and then you have to adapt accordingly."