
Personal Benefits Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"One month of a minimalist closet saved me time, made me feel calmer and more put together, and curtailed my desire to buy new stuff."
"I'm very happy for her also that it created like a little bit of a social life because, you know, meaning a social life in the industry because that was so much a part of her life."
"Approach the month with curiosity, see how changes benefit you."
"Doing little favors for others ultimately helps yourself in the long run."
"A good man's actions set him up for a better future."
"The benefits that I get from snooker are more important to me than the actual game now."
"It means, 'Hey, I got this card. I might as well use it. It's going to fulfill all the things I really care about.' Sweet donkeys, literally the fastest card."
"Keeping it right is way more beneficial than keeping it real."
"Imagine having one whole extra day a week. More time to cook healthy meals, work on that novel, start a side hustle. Sounds pretty great, right?"
"If you're ever like considering having kids and you're not sure about it just remember there's a heck of a lot in it for you as well even though you do have to put yourself out an awful lot it's totally worth it."
"Weight loss truly is a side effect of prioritizing you."
"How the [] secret is for this [] bro... chlorophyll bro if you didn't know this is the reason why I have a huge dick I have no acne I'm [__] jacked blah blah."
"Chlorophyll water seems to be trending right now... let me tell you what it's done for me."
"Doing something bold or kind of innovative will pay off for you in a very beneficial way."
"Wealth would buy me literally a bit more freedom."
"Honestly, I hope they never stop sponsoring me because A. I get to keep doing these crimes to my face, and B. I sincerely believe that this is one of those little things that you buy once and it makes your life better multiple times a week."
"I have selected you to get my Limitless advantages in the next 7 days."
"There's a positive benefit to becoming more religious."
"All things flow to you when you're in that state of being in love and around love."
"Being able to talk to people and gain intelligence... it's been very beneficial to me."
"Honestly, I think once Sydney gets down with having that little bit of spinach..."
"This is so good for you because it's all about your own great abundance, boundaries, fulfillment, perfection, joy, and happiness."
"It costs $0 to be grateful, but the benefits are priceless."
"You're going to be handed a gift, it is going to hold the most benefits."
"It's actually very powerful and has great benefits in terms of emotional clarity and being able to process."
"If you can help people you will get more back and your reputation will also follow from that."
"I miss me cuddles, that's one of the benefits of decluttering."
"Jupiter is like the great benefactor in the astrology."
"Independence, the ability to pursue passions, flexible work hours, and more time with family and friends—these are the reasons and the benefits of being a content entrepreneur."
"This showed me the benefit of the medium of watching something at home."
"Guarantee you 100% you will see the difference when you wake up in the morning."
"The benefits from intermittent fasting have been so positive for me."
"Express your uniqueness and originality—you will reap the benefits."
"How many things in your life are you enjoying the fruit of because you took a risk and trusted God?"
"Fewer people on it, just Matt Damon really. It's got its benefits."
"Shifting away from fast fashion has been amazing, not just for my wallet but also for my closet because I no longer have a closet that's bogged down with mediocre pieces."
"Your uncle didn't buy and renovate that home so that your jealous friends could have a free place to live. He invested in that home so that you could have a place to stay and an income while you're in school. Don't back down, OP."
"That's actually a great way of getting rid of that and giving me some nice bonuses in the process."
"A lot of benefit comes with this set of eclipses."
"Almost immediately this is going to have a positive impact on you."
"It saves me time, makes it easier and more fun to drive, and saves me money on gas."
"You never know where being your authentic self will get you."
"Having the money is giving me the freedom to travel and stuff."
"Marriage is not gonna benefit us much at our age."
"Going through short-term discomfort can lead to long-term benefits."
"Waking up early has become honestly the best thing ever."
"I'm passionate about this life because I've seen the benefits that it's done for me."
"Are there any extra perks which might be really beneficial to you as an individual?"
"The benefits significantly outweigh the negatives for me."
"I vlog, which is interesting. A lot of people think that's distracting, but I find it beneficial."
"The benefits of leaving might be much bigger than you at first guess."
"Suppose I could show you how we could solve this problem for you, what personal benefits would you get?"
"What I didn't realize I would gain from working out so much more is the mental clarity it would give me."
"I tend to believe that physical activities like swimming or surfing are more beneficial than things like chess or eGaming."
"It seems like there's benefits and bonuses to some type of talent that you have."