
Sentimental Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"The pink flower quilt that's on top is actually a sentimental piece that was made by my grandmother...for me to have at my wedding five years after her passing."
"Ultimately, it's just a keepsake and a relationship are just different things."
"The space shuttle spreads its wings one final time for the start of a sentimental journey into history."
"I just thought it'd be really special if I could keep his star alive for just a little bit longer."
"These are experiences that are going to live in your heart and mind forever."
"I made a crochet blanket for my son with his name on it. This blanket is special to me and the tools that I used to be able to make it cost me money not to mention the time and effort that it took to make it."
"A couple bought a tiny toy cat that reminded them of their own half Siamese kitty Cassie. The cat made a little cute mewing noise but eventually the batteries died and the toy cat stood decorative on a shelf."
"I always knew that I wanted to have a Chanel classic handbag in my collection... it represents so much for me."
"I feel like it's supposed to be this armor set that someone has, and whoever that is, it's cherished."
"Her heart is pure and it belongs to me, my greatest treasure right next to my Ken Griffey Jr. upper deck rookie card."
"This game always holds some kind of sentimental value to me."
"I always tear up when he's reunited with his family. Hans Zimmer really outdid himself."
"We have the power to imbue and into physical things our journey of love and appreciation for one another."
"Children are some of the most precious things on the planet."
"It's going to stay with me and my family and hopefully I can pass it down as well. Absolutely."
"I wrote a book about you—personal, sentimental, and under fifteen dollars."
"I'm not a hoarder, I just like to hold on to things that bring me happiness and joy."
"I might actually just want to keep this as a forever reminder."
"You always be in my heart, so a lot of heart stuff here meaning, um, you know, there's quite a lot of love for you."
"She meant the world to me but meant the world to my family and so many of you that never got a chance to actually hug her, smell her hair, smell the sweet sweat when she came in from outside."
"For a family heirloom piece like this, that's more about enjoying having the object and having it in your hands rather than its ultimate performance, I think that's the right decision to make."
"He hands her the photo he took of her in the snow."
"You know, um, just just anything man you can find symbolism in anything so as long as you have the essence of that sentimental item which is you know that's something that lives within you, you didn't lose anything man."
"This is one of those pieces I keep forever because it's iconic."
"I hold this one near and dear to my heart."
"Best wishes, remember you're my angel forever, happy every day."
"I think what gives a home a soul is having things that really mean things to the owners and the people that live there."
"Every night before going to bed, I would take that book and open it to a new page and put it on my kitchen table, just in case she wanted to keep reading."
"This is a really beautiful piece from your grandmother."
"Everything is either something that means something to me, something that has a story, or something that I just love to look at."
"Let me tell you a little funny story too about this tiny little silver ring that I wear."
"It's Nostalgia overload, seriously, just walking through here you just feel those warm fuzzies."
"This bed was also for Henry and Samuel and I'm so glad that I kept it because it just means a lot to us and the glider was also one that we used with the two of them and so I love that he has a little bit of that history here in this room."
"Once bought by her grandmother, this hidden desk now holds a special place in the owner's heart."
"This truck is like kind of sentimental."
"This was really nice, my little brother he got me this for Christmas... it really warmed up my heart."
"I'm grateful for Kevin, and I like to think part of my dad is watching over me in that bird."
"This was given to me as kind of an heirloom from a family friend that passed away, so that's really cool. It means something."
"I don't mind a little cute Prada bag, but I have a lot of memories of Tammy, so even like this Pandora bracelet he bought me, it's like I like it because then I can build charms. It just means a lot and every time I look at it, it reminds me of him."
"Having a piece of jewelry with your baby's name on it is just so special."
"He had one more prized possession all the way in the bottom and check this out, look what he had. He took this with him, that's right, that's a copy of my book."
"I hate throwing stuff away that has memory, whatever, and it'd be really good if Drew can find a few bits and Bobs and find new homes."
"What value do you put on anything that brings sentimental meaning in your life? ... How much value can you place on everything that it brings beyond its economic value?"
"It was like such a beautiful moment, you know, 'cause we were starting our own family."
"I'm emotionally attached to every suit I have, every dress shirt, every skirt. I'm emotionally tied to it because it was such a huge part of my life."
"This shirt, everything about this is how I remember you."
"This is the favorite thing that I have on this earth, now I'm giving it to you."
"My mom gifted this to me I grew up with this table she actually bought it before I was born she refinished it herself."
"I honestly think my grandma would be so happy that I was repurposing something of hers to use."
"Danesfield Hotel holds such a special place in my heart because it's actually where Mark and I spent our wedding night."
"From now on, whenever you miss your mother, you can see her figure in this bracelet."
"I mean, it'll be my sweet little thing I can just rub whenever I miss them."
"You gotta have something in your house that reminds you."
"I treasure this ticket... it really showed me something of the value of prayer."
"It'll always have a special place in my heart."
"Sentimental things mean so much more."
"These pins mean a lot to me, and as you can see, there's loads of them."
"Giving that special someone a tape that you spent hours making was very special."
"Can you share what that was? Sure, sure, um, I actually have, I had two, uh, one was a broken half broken Budweiser bottle opener that I had been given by my very first boss as when I was 16 years old."
"It holds a special place in my heart."
"Ideas for sentimental presents? A lovely photo album of a special trip together."
"I think everything has sentimental value to me."
"This watch makes me feel connected to my father... it's beautiful and it's something that I'll keeping my collection forever."
"Every time I wear this, I remember what it felt like, the moment that I had it, and what it means to me."
"This perfume means the world to me."
"How cool would it be to use granddad's old ax handle?"
"It does definitely have a special place in my heart."
"This bedroom is really close to my heart. I think this was the first bedroom that I really, like, had such an amazing idea for."
"I'm so glad you brought a prospector Pete so when we were in high school."
"Wow, this is the actual waistcoat my great-granddad wore when he was in service. Really wow!"
"'The Merry is an irreplaceable part of the crew.'"
"I cannot suggest enough for everyone to make one of these boxes of things that touch you."
"I think that people oftentimes with musicals have a connection and a bond with musicals because of the memories and sentimental things attached to it."
"This was my favorite present that I got throughout this whole thing because it is extremely sentimental."
"Handmade toys can be so special something that the receiver of the gift might hold on to forever if you've never made one I highly recommend it."
"When I heard about skylight frame I knew that my mum would love it."
"Some of my most treasured memories are literally tied together with the saddle stitch."
"Another reason why I like these is because my first ever ever Jordan 4 back when I was in high school was the pine green Jordan 4."
"I particularly like to buy pieces that are part of a memory."
"If you had to lose every racing memory that you've ever made and keep one, what do you keep?"
"The gifts she made for our kids mean more to them than anything she bought."
"Sophia with teary eyes hands Vishay her late mother's favorite necklace."
"My palm makes me smile every time I see it."
"This is a wool sweater that my mom made me."
"These are ones that I will probably hold on to as being favorites to some extent forever."
"These will always remain special to me."
"This one by Nicholas Sparks, it's my only Nicholas Sparks that I own but I'm gonna keep this forever because it was a very sweet gift from my friend."
"I wanted to make something for Lennon every year for Valentine's Day, like I wanted to give him something handmade."
"I've been back here like three or four times to Camp because the spot is just so perfect."
"I like to keep everything that has some significance to my life at that moment."
"It's almost like buying my childhood. But to me, it's monumental."
"I feel like each piece has sentimental value to me."
"I know this song doesn't get much recognition, but it will always hold a special place in my heart."
"This is one of my favorite areas of all time."
"That's really special, isn't it? To be able to reunite something."
"My prized possessions are handwritten cards from his kids."
"And now that wonderful sentimental special Derby moment."
"Hallmark has been central to my life since I can remember."
"I feel like getting someone the gift of a memory is just like iconic and so wholesome."
"Everything in my house, even though it looks so cluttered, is very meaningful. It's all meaningful to me."
"These aren't necessarily the most valuable items in my collection nor are they the rarest but they either mean something to me they're really nostalgic or they just have a really cool story about how I acquired them."
"...ultimately, it's that sentimental value that really makes it worthwhile."
"That's what Rosie bought me, this I think on her first couple months dating. And then this I painted in like 2016 and I said if little peep was a dinosaur if you follow me that long you saw me posted on Twitter."
"The nostalgia... always seemed to be raining when we came here."
"This just brought me back to my childhood."
"This is my Dino chain, uh, my brother passed away for the people that don't know."
"The biggest travesty in life is that dogs only live for like a decade. That bums me the hell out."
"You feel more sentimental, reflective, and thoughtful."
"How special are memory quilts I mean really, they're really Priceless if if you ask me."
"This may not be worth a percentage of Paul Newman's car, but it means the world to me."
"There are some things that are incredibly sentimental and they just need to be kept."
"This car means a lot. She's not going anywhere anytime soon."
"This volume will always have kind of a special place in my heart."
"You pretend not to be, but you're actually super sentimental and sappy."
"She paid for this doll entirely by herself, so it has lots of sentimental value as well."
"Now it's not just your car anymore, is it? It's more than that."
"This one also holds sentimental value."
"Keep the things that you like, need, and things that are sentimental."
"Every time I see a feather, I think of my Nanny Joy."
"It's such a beautiful blush and this is kind of one of those products that I will never declutter and never get rid of because it holds such a soft place in my soul."
"Maybe we could put it away in a special place to keep forever."
"Ornaments kind of hold memories, they're like a guest book through life."
"This ring was special because it was a special meaning to them."
"I wouldn't trade my little Ledger for anything."
"It's a film that I like because I'm sentimentally attached, and it is visually beautiful."
"Every kid seemed to have their beloved stuffed toy, and what could be better than having it be one that you have made for them?"
"I've literally grown up with Cal and I will never ever ever throw him away."
"It's like I'm a bit emotional because not that I've always been able to get a podium here, but I think it's just something special whenever you do finish in the top three here."
"I wouldn't part with them even if you gave me a thousand dollars a piece, no."
"I think that place is very near and dear to my heart honestly."
"Forever longing, isn't that so sentimental?"
"These bags are not just like fun fashion items but they have a sentimental value to me as well."
"They definitely had a very special place in my heart."
"It's because it's special to me; it's family."
"I chose to keep them because they either carry huge sentimental value or they are highly functional and useful in my life."
"Shoes to me aren't just sneakers, you know. You make memories in these shoes, and those shoes mean more to you because of what you did in them."
"This is my wedding ring. I was thinking that maybe you could give it to Hope someday."
"It feels so special to me. It's been to Europe twice with me and it just holds so many stories."
"She's extremely special, still one of my absolute favorites, and not just because of the sentimental value."
"I kept all of my really sentimental books."
"This bracelet right here actually has a lot of meaning to it."
"It was special 'cause, you know, it was for my baby."
"I felt like the necklace was a very sentimental piece."
"This little heart charm that I made used to be a heart necklace that my dad gave me ages and ages ago, and I treasured it so much."
"Some kind of sentimental item... just kind of keep you motivated while on that deployment."
"These shoes on the wall... they mean more to me than anything."
"It's been through a lot of things. I mean, this car is about 85 years old, so it's pretty special to me."
"Our Christmases have been kind of very traditional, very sentimental."
"There's so many stories for every piece in this box."
"They mean more to me as a momento of my father and it makes me very proud."
"I thought that this ring was a good match for you, and I hoped you will wear it forever."
"It has sentimental value, obviously, because I shot a lot of my first squirrels and things like that with it."
"This car means a lot to me, bro. It means the world to me."
"This is priceless, from my mother."
"This piece is really sentimental to me because my husband bought it for me."
"It's something I'm gonna absolutely keep forever."
"Making memories that last forever."
"They're my angels; you can't replace this stuff."
"These dolls are just very symbolic to me, I just love them so much."
"Each of you place upon the tray some object very close to you, something you have had a long, long time that has become a part of you."
"Focus on the most important sentimental items so you can honor those better and protect them better."
"Many of them were gifts from special loved ones or people in my life or represent special moments."
"This ring is really special to me because it reminds me of my late guinea pig Harlow."
"I'm so happy that I have that and that I got to hang it on my closet; it's very special to me."
"I'm totally keeping this - this is so sweet."
"This collar carries a little bit more sentimental value than just a typical puppy collar."
"These pans are so special to me, they were my mom's cake pans."
"This watch just has a lot of memories in it."
"I just love pieces that tell a story and that have some sentimental value."
"I'm really upset about mum's painting, she gave it to us as a moving-in present."
"It's a really nice ending to the story that Ellie's now got something that can remind her of someone who meant so much to her."
"This watch has some sentimental value."
"I love little things like this and it just sparks joy in my life just knowing every little time has its little memory attached to it or a specific meaning."
"This one here is actually very special to me because this was my father's."
"I'm going to write a letter to the owners of my childhood home and ask if they wouldn't mind selling me my cow back."
"These are very, very meaningful cards to me and probably a lot of a teeny."
"I got you a dog. Guess what I named her? That's right, I named her after you."
"None of them valuable at all except to me because of the memories and where they come from."
"It's something they keep forever."
"This one has a lot of sentimental value to it."
"It's super special because this was gifted by my husband who was my boyfriend back then."
"I love the nostalgia and sentimental value that this wedding gown has; it makes me love it even more."
"This plant will always hold a place in my heart for being my first rare plant that I ever purchased."
"I love it when family or loved ones give me jewelry because it just means a little bit more."
"This car means so much to me because it got me through so much and it just has so many memories."
"It is very personal and very sentimental to us."
"This flick means the world to me, man, because it's everybody that I love came back and played in the sandbox with us."
"I'm always going to have that nostalgic connection to them."
"I wouldn't sell it for the world."
"It was my favorite jacket; it was a gift from my beloved."
"I'm a bit of a sucker for romance."
"Make sure you babysit the other sentimental Mocha."
"This is my favorite book of all time, will always be my favorite book, and holds such a special place in my heart."
"Every single one of these words has a very special meaning to me."
"My dad told me that his tin foil ball was his prized possession."
"Hard to say goodbye to this one, a lot of good memories."
"This thing is scarred with love and joy, and it's never gone anywhere."
"It's always kind of had some extra sentimental value to me just from the people that held it in the past."
"It's such a good fragrance, it really has meant a lot to me in my fragrance journey."
"This ring, this bow, everyone always asked me, but my mum actually gave it to me, she had it when she was 16, so it's pretty special."