
National Success Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"We succeeded in America in limiting the size of government like no other country, and that's why we became wealthier than any other country because we had the smallest government."
"The success of that programme of modernisation was the triumph of Meiji’s reign and it allowed Japan to emerge in the early twentieth century as virtually the only nation outside of Europe and the Americas which was not either a colony of the European powers or ravaged by internal discord like China was."
"These are the things that made us the most successful, most extraordinary nation in the history of the world."
"Let the Super Eagles bring home the AFCON cup; let our musicians go home on the global stage and bring home the award."
"America is a tremendous success story... the greatest success story in world history."
"Economically, Chile is one of Latin America’s most advanced nations."
"We've built the greatest economy in the world."
"Of all the countries in the world, Norway's the single best example."
"I believe our nation has succeeded the same way because generations of Americans in their own ways have asked for grace, and God has supplied it."
"We would win, we would all win, America if you win America wins."
"Without debate, without criticism, no country can succeed and no country can survive."
"We're very lucky. Our country is doing so well."
"The greatness of our country came from the freedom of exchange."
"One country's success need not come at the expense of another."
"Mr. Speaker, immigration is and has always been essential to Canada's success."
"The most successful countries... allow people to experiment, prosper, and run their own lives."
"America is thriving, America is flourishing, and yes, America is winning again."
"If a poor island devoid of resources and Global political Capital can go on to become one of the wealthiest economies in the world then it stands to reason that just about any economy could achieve the same thing."
"China is the first major country to return to normal."
"Scarcity and decentralization is key in the success of a nation or a collapse of a nation if we're not able to adapt to those things."
"America is thriving like never before, and ladies and gentlemen of Louisiana, the best is yet to come."
"Any nation that out educates us is going to outcompete us." - Dr. Jill Biden
"The ultimate determinant of our success as a nation would be our ability to sustain a virtuous and well-educated citizenry."
"I love this country and it must succeed, and its institutions must be held accountable and reformed."
"China's rise to power on the global stage is a collective achievement of the Chinese people."
"America's thriving, America's flourishing, and yes, America is winning again like never before."
"Ukraine showed to the world that we decolonized ourselves. We did it. That's the history of success."
"Taiwan has handled this pandemic really well."
"Singapore is now one of the most successful countries in the world despite its accidental history."
"Countries that have brought in immigrants throughout history have done well."
"I'm kicking forward. It's all about Joe Biden, and it's all about the people in America winning again."
"Pakistan has been successful so far in containing the covert pandemic."
"China can figure out what is the best system for them to govern... Look at their track record."
"Federalism is winning, the United States is winning right now."
"What's made the US such a powerful economic nation historically is because we were the first great democracy."
"The future of the country depends on our success on this."
"They just defeated all these sanctions and all these restrictions in China just won the Chip War."
"China's success is your code, but it's not just the government, it's the people. The people got together and made sure that case counts would be low, and this is an accomplishment of the Chinese people."
"When we make the country prosperous, then people don't want to leave the union because why would you want to leave something that's so successful?"
"Success of the State of Israel and the success of Jewish people throughout the English-speaking world in particular makes it difficult to maintain this imagined pyramid in your mind."
"I'm gonna keep working to prove it, but at the end of the day, I want everybody to do good together. If everybody succeeds, this country succeeds."
"We built up the most prosperous nation that the world has ever seen."
"New Zealand another dramatically good news story virus basically eradicated from New Zealand limited cases."
"The Czech Republic has not only prevented saturation in hospitals, it is now also starting to help other countries."
"Yet the Australian story is one of great success which speaks to the strength and determination of the Australian people."
"You cannot deny the effect of the prosperity of America. A lot of it is because it got a 200-year head start of free labor. Any country that has 200 years or 300 years or 400 years of free labor is going to be wildly successful."
"Our country is doing very well economically and we've done a lot."
"I've been in a very successful nation for a long time."
"There are a lot of other things more important than us just getting a college education and a job that does not guarantee the success of a nation."
"Chile was basically a success story and is a success story. In fact, it's one of the very few countries in South America that became a developed country."
"There is no better indicator of the success or failure of a star nation than the strength of its economy."
"For without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed and no Republic can survive."
"America is winning again and America is thriving again like never before."
"Now that I'm your president, America is winning again and respected again as a nation."
"The Chinese are kicking some serious ass, I mean they're doing it right."
"China's not isolated; China is doing quite well."
"If you have lower taxes right across the board, the country becomes more successful, and that benefits everybody."
"Once again it's Britain that reigns supreme."
"No one is left behind, people feel a stake and have a stake in Singapore's success."
"Brazil has been by and large a pretty successful country."
"This nation succeeds when we've got a growing, thriving middle class."
"America is again winning each and every day."
"Our country has never done better than it's doing right now. We're the envy of the world."
"We will put our nation on the path to long-term success."
"Successful countries are doing this as a matter of fact; they're doing this because this is how they work."
"We are a multicultural country, and we want that country to succeed."
"We have foundational principles that have enabled us as individuals to excel, and as we as individuals excel, our country excels."
"The source of America's prosperity has never been merely how ably we accumulate wealth, but how well we educate our people."
"Finland is one of the most prosperous countries in the world right now."
"The best measure of whether a nation is going to be successful is whether they are tapping the talents of their women."
"Modibo Keïta's persistent efforts bore fruit as Mali achieved independence from French colonial rule."
"No country has had the success that we've had over the last two years."
"London is the engine of the UK economy, and when the capital succeeds, so does the rest of the country."
"Finland's success story: neutrality allowed Finland to have democracy, independence, and success and shared prosperity."
"The success of our country depends on the success of young people."
"We have to educate for everyone's excellence, if our nation is going to thrive."
"Our success, as a nation, depends on the effective education of all of our students."
"Success as a nation can only come after effort, unity, hard work, and fervent prayer."