
Societal Differences Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"We're all in the same storm, but we're not all in the same boat."
"We will all just kind of wake up, we will realize that our differences are not so wide."
"We live in epistemically different worlds. People believe totally different things."
"Every single law that has ever been passed in the United States affects some groups differently than others."
"The reason I say it's mostly City people is because people who live out in the middle of nowhere believe in personal responsibility."
"It truly is a luxury to not even think about it."
"People are not their governments. People are people, and we have a lot more in common than we think."
"Look what happens when everybody puts everything to one side, all things that make us different, look what you can achieve."
"I hope that the differences are important enough, significant enough, that that's what prevents it from happening here."
"What's so interesting to me about doomsday preppers is what a difference there is between the people who want to stop the end of the world and the people who are looking forward to surviving it."
"Your America and my America have far more in common than people think."
"Live and let live, we disagree on a whole host of different issues."
"Not everyone is going to see this person for who we have seen them to be. Everyone is on a different journey."
"We're living in two different realities as black and white people."
"Rich people acquire assets; the poor and the middle class acquire liabilities that they think are assets."
"The world is just different for different people and it is what it is."
"We have the feeling of responsibility for our country and they don't."
"The things that make different populations function differently have to do with a lot of arbitrary things that are not inherent to the creature."
"Rural vs urban in Canada: demographics, politics, and cultural differences."
"Celebration is not the same thing as tolerance."
"Moral and ethical values are like Good and Evil; what is moral in one society often is immoral in another."
"I noticed that when I speak to a lot of Americans."
"If you want peace and you want to maintain the union, we're all going to have to accept that we won't have the same ways of life."
"You never realize how expensive having a child is until you live in the developed world."
"The essence of it, of course, the differences are insurmountable."
"Your male and female children are going to be growing up in different reactions of the world."
"Money buys you access, whether it's to testing, government relief, or an eBay auction."
"You know, people assume the economy means the same thing to everybody and no, of course, it doesn't. It means different things at different points of time and to different people."
"Love each other, accept each other's differences, and for the politicians, start doing your job with Integrity or just at all."
"You can't change your skin. That's the main difference."
"The world I want to live in is where race and other differences between groups have the moral and political status of hair color currently."
"Society made us different, but God made us all human beings."
"The reason why it's important for us to stress is because not everybody is equally affected or even adversely affected by these policies."
"Isn't that crazy though, like I think that's the how insane everybody's life experiences can be so different in this country."
"For her, for these people probably it's nothing right but for us it's a it's a huge deal."
"It's an amazing time back then, much different now obviously."
"You can't make sensible public policy for the country without understanding that the people are very different in IQ among other differences."
"There are definitely differences in the way black people and white people live."
"The economy we're living in today is very different."
"On food is one of those interesting areas of life where you'll get a real insight into a culture and the difference between the cultures."
"Poverty in Japan is not like poverty in other countries of the world; it is not a type of poverty that can be perceived just like that at first glance."
"There is every reason to believe that the differences are likely to grow stronger."
"To protect our differences is the first object of government."
"The conversations that people with money have is different than those of people that don't have money."
"The same causes do not produce the same effects in different societies."
"Not everyone is going to share your mind state, and the sooner you learn that, the sooner you can excel in life."
"Diversity is an exploration of a combination of things where you look at people and all their differences."
"The society out East is very different. It's not so much about the rights of the individual, but about the importance of the group, the importance of the community."