
Ransom Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"How do you know that if you pay, they're going to let them go?"
"It's a ransom, you understand, not a reward."
"It's not a threat, but we are willing to take all this ransom money and add it to the pot for those who can bring us to you, whoever you are."
"Re-evil is demanding 70 million dollars in bitcoin."
"Lots of money is at stake. In 2020, the total amount of ransom paid by the victims reached nearly 350 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency."
"The decision to pay a ransom was mine. This was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make and I wouldn't wish it on anyone."
"Ransomware is a type of malicious attack where attackers encrypt an organization's data and demand payment to restore access."
"Her only hope of rescue depended on the ransom being paid."
"The greatest rescue ever, Jesus has paid the ransom to set us free and to give us life."
"Ransoming me will not work. My mother has specific instructions that if I am ever kidnapped for ransom, she is to discover who has kidnapped me and instead of paying the ransom, offer a dead or alive bounty on those that have done this."
"Steal the book for ransom and you'll be rich enough to Lounge on an island beach. Steal the book for me and you can buy the beach and the world."
"The hijacker's demands were met, including $500,000 in cash, 6 hours of fuel, and four parachutes."
"The fact that the one thing they wanted for the ransom was a dragon, respect a dragon was very cool."
"The United States government will not pay a ransom for a kidnapped citizen so that won't encourage further Terror attacks."
"It doesn't make sense to pay a ransom for this because it doesn't make sense."
"I know you brought the five million dollars. If you want your brother to be free, take the money with your ship."
"42 million dollars, that's the largest ransom payment ever demanded at the time."
"Put me down for that suffered death Ransom."
"So if you want it released, it's 10 million dollars."
"We hold the world ransom for 100 billion dollars."
"An angel could come to take up your cause, a messenger who would mercifully intervene, canceling the death sentence with the words 'I've come up with the ransom.'"
"The price for my grandson's life is $25,000, Mr. Lucas."
"The weight of the decision to pay the ransom with her inheritance was overwhelming."
"And to give his life as a ransom for many."
"King Edward paid his ransom and defeated the invaders."
"He made his demands clear: he wanted two hundred thousand dollars in cold hard american cash."
"God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors."
"Santa, I have Rudolph. If you ever want to see him alive again, bring two bags full of unmarked toys to the corner of Main and Fairmount at midnight on New Year's Eve."
"The ransoming of captives was a very normal part of medieval warfare."
"When Julius Caesar got kidnapped and was offended by his ransom, he demanded they make it higher."
"We have your paintings. I am here to negotiate their safe return for a modest sum."
"Alfred decides to pay the ransom and save his daughter, an act his trusted general Ada strongly disagrees with."
"How many KD am I worth? If I was being held hostage and my captor was like, 'We want some ransom,' would you guys donate?"
"You let me and the kid go and my father will give you $22,000."
"...when the Pirates demanded 20 talents for his Ransom, Caesar laughed at them for not knowing who their captive was and of his own accord agreed to give them 50."
"Atahualpa offered to fill the room he was held in with gold to pay for his freedom."
"The average ransom paid is a quarter of a million dollars now."
"Eleanor had raised the enormous ransom and managed to get it safely into the Emperor's hands."
"Kidnapping for ransom has been a common crime for centuries."
"I want my son back, and as soon as possible. How much money do you want?"
"I hope Anne's killer is smart enough to tell time; I said eleven o'clock and I don't like to wait, even for twenty-five thousand bucks."
"Eleanor then traveled to Cologne with Richard's ransom to join the English delegation there."
"Julius Caesar was captured by Cilician pirates... he laughed and claimed a man of his station is worth more and negotiated his ransom up to 50 talents."
"We have your daughter," demanded $118,000 for JonBenét's safe return, and vowed to call with more details by 10 a.m. "tomorrow."
"The first Ransom note demanded fifty thousand dollars for the return of the baby and included some unusual misspellings."
"We have your movie star. Gather $100,000 and await instructions."