
Government Size Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"We succeeded in America in limiting the size of government like no other country, and that's why we became wealthier than any other country because we had the smallest government."
"Politicians want a bigger government, and the bigger the government is, the more power they have."
"Vote for small government, more personal freedom, and more accountability."
"The government needs to be strong but small, and the founding fathers built that beautiful government."
"I believe very strongly in individual freedoms of human beings, I believe in having a very strong military, I believe in having a small government."
"The government shouldn't be that big. It shouldn't be on your back. You should live freely as you wish."
"We believe in limited government, we believe in freedom, and we believe that people should be able to make their own choices about their lives."
"Big God, small government; big government, small God."
"Term limits, reigning in spending, cut the size of the federal government."
"I think the United States government is just too gigantic and this is too large a country to be governed under one main governing body."
"America grew fastest when government was one or two percent of the economy. Let's move back in that direction."
"Less government power is something I like to hear from politicians."
"I want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub but as someone to the right of the political spectrum, I've come to realize that what we want and what is possible are two very different things."
"The best government is one small enough that they can't affect you in every way."
"I feel like the Tea Party movement was more fixated on like things like culture and small government rather than obsession with corporations."
"The federal government is the biggest employer in the world... they're supposed to be an overseer... but I think that because of President Biden and this Administration, they have opened the doors to China."
"He basically has been for smaller government and tax cuts and trying to rethink some of these things."
"Fauci is a great example of what happens when government gets too big."
"When is government too big? When is the tax code too complicated? When are there too many regulations?"
"We can't have small government without big marriage."
"A smaller federal government is not only necessary for our freedom, it is necessary for our survival."
"Brexit was somewhat a pushback against the super state, it was about individual independent sovereignty."
"Big government versus small government is metaphorical, it's not about the literal size of the government."
"The ideal form of government is one that is only big enough to protect the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of its citizens but not so big that the government begins to violate the very principles it is supposed to protect."
"We're not eliminating the Department of Energy or the Department of Education or housing at the federal level."
"The constitution was written to limit the size and scope of government."
"If we just followed the constitution, the government would be very much smaller."
"There needs to be a delicate balance between the size of the government and the size of the corporations."
"My purpose in politics is not to take power but to give it back, to have a small government with big citizens."
"The smaller the government, the less the corruption and the more individual freedom."
"We know that bigger government rarely means better government."
"I think something is seriously wrong with a beautiful system which develops this big, clumsy, aggressive government, huge corporations, with more influence over their markets than is desirable from the standpoint of free competitive theory."
"And while ultimately the Federalists won out and the Constitution was ratified, the issue of how large government should be did not go away."
"You need a government big enough to handle problems like this."
"The bigger the government, the more it can stifle freedom, crowd our private investments, and kill a thriving society."
"When the government is small, the individual is free."
"My constituents didn't send me here to create more government."
"The only answer is to drastically reduce the size and scope of government. That's the solution."
"I'm not for small government or for big government, I'm just for common sense."
"Government should be small enough to drown in the bathtub."
"The goal of small government is not about the size so much as it is about the function."
"The larger and more powerful the government is, the less Freedom people have."
"I don't want this authoritarian federal government. I wanna shrink the federal government as much as possible."
"The bigger the government gets... the better cash sounds." - Crypto Face
"We lost our way. How do we get back to a constitution, a government small enough to fit inside that Constitution?"
"The very individuals who claim that they're in favor of small government actually really love big government."
"David Cameron did admit that it was a policy to shrink the state."
"A government that has the ability to outlaw your gas stove is a government that needs to be brought down to size."
"Government growing is what the Democrats do. Conservatives are just riding the beast into taking over all your rights."
"Our debt is too big, our government is too big, and we have to recognize how serious the problem is today."
"It's the underlying corruption... big government means big corruption."
"I think what's more important is the trajectory, are we heading towards bigger government or are we heading to more smaller government?"
"The bigger the government, the more utilitarianism starts to creep in, the more we start ignoring the rights of the few under the assumption that it's good for the rest of the population."
"Capitalist economies need big governments."
"How much government is too much government?"
"The smaller the government, the less cronyism there is."
"I just want nice small government, as little as you can, leave people alone."
"It's based on ideas. It's based on a smaller government. A government that will respect the constitution. A government that will respect the taxpayers."
"It's not so much the size of the government that is the issue, it's who government is for, who government is actually working for."
"The larger the government is as a percentage of GDP, the less prosperous a country is."
"The bureaucracy swells massively."
"If government is big enough to give you everything you need, it's big enough to take away everything that you want."
"You want the smallest government only involved in what's necessary."