
Language Development Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"What you see with the Nicaraguan Sign Language was it took about three generations worth of school kids to have a fully-formed grammar in the language as complex of a grammar capacity for embedded clauses, all that sort of thing, as you would find in any other sign language."
"Reading... can actually enhance your vocabulary and the way that you speak."
"Find small pockets of time throughout the day for language learning activities."
"Firstborns develop language more quickly...because their parents spend more time talking directly to them."
"Leisure afforded long periods of hanging around with others, which led to the development of language, storytelling, and the arts."
"Watching the language develop...seeing her just like figure out how to describe the world around her is the most amazing thing ever."
"Creoles are some of the best evidence we have of children's remarkable ability to create and modify language to suit their needs."
"First human is the new programming language."
"If physical media makes it more likely you spend your time reading books and watching movies... it's also exposing you to higher standards of language."
"Language is the second most fundamental skill that we develop after our ability to functionally manipulate our body."
"I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain."
"New study is exposing the impact the pandemic has had on language and development."
"Language evolves this is a concept that I personally understand."
"Language is mutable, adaptable. Babies don't learn their native tongue through rules."
"We can actually add new language features, and the bar for adding those is high."
"Chaucer was the first great literary artist to raise the English language to the level already attained by contemporary French and Italian."
"Simon Says helps build receptive language as well as direction following."
"This activity is not only hugely beneficial to language skills, but it's also really great for creativity and imagination."
"Prosody really does make a difference in helping babies pay more attention to parental speech."
"Over 1,000 artificial languages have been created since the 17th century."
"V has created his own entire language known as tete language."
"I hope this was helpful to you and you got some good tips to take away to really boost your child's language development."
"It's a great way to get language out and get them talking about you know how we move and things go on."
"It's amazing how different cultures have utilized the same tools for language."
"The animals have not created language and civilization like the way we have. That's why we have a different responsibility."
"Now is the time to develop your English to develop your fluency and your confidence in speaking more than ever because now more than ever the future requires English."
"Language allowed us to gossip and talk about things that weren't strictly physical and in front of us. It gave us access to all these concepts and ideas that weren't, well, they literally weren't available to us before that."
"Language evolves through the ages, shaped by literature and socio-political factors."
"Your actual language just grows in your head."
"Our daughter had about 13 words that she was consistently using properly in her communication with us."
"Most of the language development that we have done with our daughter has really come through play."
"If you invent a really good new language now, a large number of people will be able to use it in 10 years if you succeed. The success rate for new languages, especially for general-purpose programming languages, is very close to zero."
"Language acquisition doesn't happen in a straight line of improvement."
"This lack of tooling sort of goes with the territory when we're talking about bleeding-edge languages, but it might actually be a nice thing for those looking to get in early and have a hand in building these things out."
"...if you don't have any words by 18 months, to me that's a hard red flag."
"Reading from a variety of authors, styles, and types of books is really good for language development."
"That's the struggle for existence: words competing to stay alive in the environment of our minds."
"The arbitrary pairing of sound with meaning evolves through agreement."
"This is just how you got fluent in your native language."
"Languages change over time. English is different than it was in Shakespeare's time."
"Trade probably caused language, in order."
"...my goal is to develop a language that lets me reason about how large language models work."
"FOXP2 is this famous gene that has been shown to be involved and important in speech and language."
"Desperation with which children grasp at words because it's this desperate desire to express themselves."
"Oral language is hugely complex; we just take it for granted because it comes so naturally."
"Pokémon hijacked the culture so thoroughly that it developed its own language."
"Looking ahead, Microsoft's development team is excited about improving the model's ability to work in multiple languages."
"A Creole is a pidgin that has become a full-fledged language by stabilization and expansion."
"Make sure that you're creating communication opportunities at home."
"Vocabulary and oral language development is an additional benefit of changing themes in your sensory table."
"Language develops from using primarily chunks of language to using more frequent mitigated echolalia and making novel combinations."
"Helping a child become vocal and verbal and noisy is the very first step in moving a child toward using words."
"The single most important factor linked to expressive language development in children with autism is their cognitive skills."
"It's something we develop so effortlessly, that we learn so quickly and so easily."
"By one year of age, the baby should be able to say or recognize a word other than mama or dada."
"Our oral language skills are the foundation for learning to read."
"Read aloud is critical for decoding but also for language comprehension; it's a win-win."
"Language comprehension, background knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, and knowledge of language structures, verbal reasoning, all these things here, they develop over time."
"To develop their language skills, students need many opportunities to speak to a variety of audiences."
"A strong first language can support the development of a second language."
"Parents who have these kinds of parenting styles have children who have more language, have children who have more social skills."
"By reading books to your child every day, you're exposing them to so much more language."
"Being in a supported joint engagement state is important for the development of language."
"The language has expanded; it has many features that I hadn't even thought of."
"By the end of five, they should be able to speak around 2400 words and speak five-word sentences that are very descriptive."
"I'm going to teach you how you can use pretend play food to teach your toddler new words intentionally using speech therapy strategies that are research-based."
"They can say hundreds to thousands of words and they can talk in three-word sentences."
"Once we begin to understand that letters are symbols, we can really begin to develop language."
"The more the back and forth, the better their language is going to be according to the research."
"Children's language becomes symbolic, thus allowing them to venture beyond the here and now."
"Children's language development reveals the movement of their thinking from immature and illogical ideas to very logical ideas."
"Single words are emerging... and so we start to see single words really explode."
"The constant flow of new lexical items can enrich and develop our language."
"To some extent, the arguments suggest that overall, new lexical items enrich and develop the language."
"To summarize, lexical items enrich and develop the language as they allow for new development and understanding."
"By the baby's first birthday, they should understand words other than 'mama' or 'dada'."
"Education must begin at birth. Language development is no different."
"What's the next evolution of language?"
"Nursery rhymes get a lot of kids off the old language starting blocks in the super important race to literacy."
"My son is so cute, dude. He's so... first off, his language skills are advancing so fast."
"Drawings can be simplified into standard shapes; the shapes could represent sounds. That's how you do a written language."
"The child has to learn language by listening to you and then looking at what you're talking about."
"Pre-linguistic just means before and linguistic of course means words."
"Language changes just take longer; they take a long time to just simmer and really come up with a good design."
"We're trying to make kind of a language so that you can think about things computationally."
"There was a time before there were any words for colors."
"We want to always prioritize communication and language over talking."
"The baby is already exposed to language, even in the womb."
"When we do circle time, we're developing oral language skills."
"Receptive language games kind of hone that so that they are really again more participatory."
"English has always been collecting and opportunistic."
"From the age of 12 months on, babies start saying their first words."
"Preschoolers have the most rapid increase in their language during this period and can answer simple questions appropriately."
"Languages do sometimes gain material; for example, right now in English, there are pairs of simple old roots and their extended versions."
"The number and diversity of words that your child hears from ages zero to three directly impacts their IQ later in life."
"Children are not only picking up the sounds of the language that they use, but they're also picking up what's called prosody, and this is the melody of language."
"Language comprehension is unconstrained; it continues to develop over your entire lifespan."
"My goal is to have them say a word by Tuesday that they've never said before."
"You're number one trying to tempt them to want to say something or if they're not tempted to say it, then you want to at least expose them to the opportunity of using different words within various contexts."
"When they say their first word or when they respond to the first direction without you having to give them hints, we always celebrate by having them clap and say 'Yay!'"
"It's very important to continue to read to your child in your home language, whether it's English or something else, to develop those literacy skills."
"If you realize something is an issue, you go and fix it in the language, you go and fix it inside the VM."
"We need to move the language to a place where we can have better developer tools."
"Books become more challenging by third grade, and this is when support for oral language and content knowledge in preschool starts to pay off."
"Both oral language and literacy skills must be developed in preschool and kindergarten because they affect the children's reading success in later grades."
"We invented language as a way to communicate ideas and writing as a way to preserve them for future generations."
"Language comprehension can and really should start long, long, long before children begin to read on their own."
"She's willing and excited to learn words, every time she learns a word she gets happy."
"The home language serves a very important purpose in the child's overall development and serves as the foundation for a second language or English language acquisition."
"Children learn to speak from listening to people around them talk."
"People that invaded England shaped the English language."
"The modern grammatical system comes into place alongside our standardization of vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation."
"It provides some suggestions about what candidates might be able to do next to continue developing their language skills."
"The development of language is a very key issue in terms of consciousness."
"Master the basics of grammar first, then you can really start seeing progress."
"Babies as young as 16 months have some knowledge of how language is structured."
"Child language acquisition is completely miraculous."