
Change Of Heart Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Harry apparently had a change of heart in the last 20 years, and said that had he known in 1999 what he knew in 2017 on brain development, he never would've sought a first degree murder conviction."
"We need a change of heart at the root of the being, so that instead of hating, we start to love."
"He eventually calms down enough to have a change of heart, and agrees to marry her, for real this time."
"I take back what I said earlier. This is the most heartwarming moment in the film."
"I wasn't happy on the beach, okay? But now I am."
"I'm kind of over dance. I've kind of fallen in love with something else."
"I didn't expect that part but I'm like I don't know if I really love them together anymore."
"Guess what... to be honest though you know what I take back what I said about it didn't get us just do because I didn't... it's a timeless song like it's a great raw snap I went crazy."
"I hated that, but sentiment quickly changed after they started winning."
"Surely his heart is so hard he will never get saved and sure enough that guy got saved."
"Without the change of heart and the acceptance of God's truth, any enactments are useless."
"I always wanted ten kids when we first got married, now that we have four, five doesn't seem like that many."
"Veneer has compassion for others, and that compassion causes him to have a change of heart."
"Upon discovering that Farsight had pulled the old Switcheroo on him, the Tau did a 180 on their opinion of him."
"The bravest thing I ever said was 'I don't think that's my dream anymore'."
"I got fans right now that are my biggest fans, hated me the most, not hate but just didn't understand me."
"Somewhere along the way, he had a change of heart."
"Now that you've actually prepped, I've changed my mind. I don't want to fight anymore."
"I've had a change of heart towards Victor. I figured life was too short to keep enemies."
"My time with Babylon's Fall was a strange one. I don't recall ever disliking a game so heavily only to fall in love with it moments later."
"Funny how we wanted a draw and now wanted a win. That's football, eh?"
"I was skeptical at first but you know what she's real cute."
"I'm a notorious BMW hater, but this car, like this chassis and this engine, won me over the very first time I ever drove one."
"I didn't like kittens before... and now I have a cat."
"I changed my mind, I am madly in love with you."
"This is the vibe I had a change of heart."
"I walked in here Grinch mode and I see her face and I'm like my heart is growing."
"Perhaps after seeing what happened to her as a result of him keeping quiet he had a change of heart and fought to have her released."
"Oh my goodness, do you remember how much I didn't like this game in the beginning, and now I'm in love with this?"
"Tony Stark has a change of heart."
"Looks like the previous encounter with Iona helped change Lady Seldon's heart."
"Christian spots a homeless family on the street and immediately has a change of heart and realizes where his efforts should be focused at the family shelter with his dad."
"Astonished by the perseverance and strength a mere man had displayed in the face of an impossible task, Thingol softened in his attitude towards the son of Barahir."
"I thought that I might feel that way about you, but then we kissed and I just knew that I didn't."
"It's definitely made me do a 360 on it. I do really like her."
"He is brilliant and he is well-spoken and thoughtful and you know now he's one of my favorite people but really in the 90s I was no no not that not a chance."
"Yes airfix I am eating humble pie now because I was your biggest critic for years now I love you guys."
"Ryan had thought it was stupid. He didn't think so anymore."
"I used to hate the thing, now I love it."
"I used to hate Festool; I thought they were pointless, overpriced. Until I got the Domino, and I was like, 'Wow, this is an amazing piece of engineering.'"
"I didn't think that I would like it, but I've actually fallen in love with it."
"I used to want to be the greatest actor of my generation; I don't want to be anymore. Now I just want to be happy."
"It isn't something that I always wanted to do, but it's become something that I want to do very much."
"I was never gonna get married again, and it's come full circle, and I've changed my mind."
"I used to hate you, but then once I seen how dedicated you are, I respect what you bring to the table."
"Do you believe in love at first sight? No, I didn't believe it at first, until I saw you."
"I've never liked the idea of getting married, but you changed my mind."
"I never had hate in my heart for any person, but I regret my support of segregation and the pain it caused the black people of our state and the nation."
"Lord Ruffin, by his kind words implying almost repentance."
"I used to kind of think the iPad was the lamest device that Apple offered... but since I tried out Logic Remote on the iPad, I have fallen in love."
"I've actually kind of come around to loving pregnancy."
"I had not known you a week before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed upon to marry."
"Now I wanted to live; I had someone to protect."
"How can I give you up, O Ephraim? How surrender you, O Israel? I have had a change of heart, All my tenderness is stirred. I will not act on My wrath, Will not turn to destroy Ephraim. For I am God, not man, The Holy One in your midst: I will not come in fury."
"I went from being a person that said 'I ain't no way I'm eating guac' to 'I can't believe how good this guac is'."
"I'm really starting to like cats."
"I used to think crocs were the dumbest invention ever until I got a pair and I absolutely love them."
"The person who gave me this present wanted me dead too. He changed his mind about me, Skyler, and so will you."
"I almost felt I liked the place," said Pippin.
"Charlotte, who usually hated getting wet, loved splashing about in the sea."
"I'm not a massive fan of blue cars, but I'm going to have to massively backpedal on that statement because I absolutely love this exterior color."
"From this day forth, I shall cease to value the sight of any gold, save this little precious jewel before me."
"I love this thing, honestly, I was planning on just reviewing it and then I was probably going to get rid of it, but now I'm keeping this guy in my collection."
"I hated the stone, and then we sat on it for a couple of days, and I ended up falling in love with the stone."
"I've changed my mind, I want you to serve me for a hundred years as payment for freeing you."
"If you ever change your mind, I would love to sit and talk with you."
"I was a doubter in the beginning, and now, they definitely proved me wrong."
"For several years, my thoughts were 'let's not meet,' but now my thoughts are 'let's meet every Sunday to watch cartoons, my friend Tom.'"
"I didn't like Bangkok at first... but I stayed three days, I loved it."
"It's pretty amazing though when somebody says that they don't want to get married anymore... but when you actually see somebody find somebody who melts that part of your heart, it's a beautiful love story."
"You can't con our Father; you've got to mean it. It means to have a change of heart."
"My growth on the issue or with people with Down syndrome is quite interesting... I didn't really care for people with Down syndrome... and being with my wife, like I've met people with adult like Down syndrome and my opinion has completely changed."
"I love this song; it's a very... you know what, I've completely changed my tune. I love everything that's happening."
"I think it was the dream, but now I don't think I want to do that."
"This year's celebration actually did warm my cold, cynical, dead heart."
"Thank you," he said to her, "for not giving him up, for wanting him when I didn't."
"I changed my mind," she paused, "but I'm glad you did."
"I believe in signs. I never used to, but I do now."
"I am enjoying this season. I can't believe I would say that after the first week."
"I'll never ever call Brewster a slowpoke again. He's my hero."
"Aryan stopped attacking after seeing Ponta's cuteness."
"You know I came into this town wanting to destroy it. Tonight, I found myself wanting to protect it."
"I completely take back all of the terrible things I said about shallot sets before I knew what was going on because I'm now a bit of a convert."
"I liked her very much, and I've been all set to loathe her, but in the end, I was utterly charmed."
"I have changed my mind quite violently over the years."
"I'm not making fun of the Gator anymore, I love that little fella."
"I was never a fan, but now I'm kind of digging it."
"For so long he'd disparaged it, but perhaps love wasn't so bad after all."
"My desire to show her up faded away as I realized my love for Emily."
"I previously disliked a book by this author, but I loved this book."
"I have had a change of heart since the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory video."
"I love the process of learning, which is something that I've always hated."
"I was against it when it first came out, but now, no, I'm not against it."
"But what do you think about this? A man with two sons told the older boy, 'Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.' The son answered, 'No, I won't go,' but later he changed his mind and went anyway."
"Man, you know what? I'm starting to really love it. I hated it at first, but I love it."
"I used to not like Hondas, but I'm starting to really like Honda."
"Well, I found you annoying at first, but I appreciate your help and I value your feedback."
"He said looking at the beast that he knew immediately that he needed to stop killing; he couldn't continue as a hunter."
"Someone who blew you off is coming back around."
"It's not that it was a gross smell, it's actually a really nice smell, it's growing back on me."
"I never used to love leopards when I first came here... but now, it's just spending time with them, learning about them, watching them, and observing their behavior."
"I never wanted kids but with you, I do."
"Someone thought that they wanted to stay away from you, but they find themselves realizing that they want to be in your life."