
Legal Support Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"He uses his training to help other prisoners prepare their appeals."
"Everybody should be working collaboratively to help Ms. Spears get to the point she's trying to get to that she's articulated in the last couple of hearings."
"Fashion designers need the support of better laws, laws made to keep their work safe without the hoops and price tags that only big brands can navigate."
"I support Roe v. Wade, that's what I run on, that's what I believe."
"She has passion and compassion for the victims, respect for the victims, a huge heart and zero time for BS."
"The Supreme Court has been very Pro First Amendment."
"Support the work of the aclj, go to aclj.org and say I want to be part of the team."
"Kamala Harris literally tweeted out a website so you could donate to free people who were arrested for rioting and looting."
"He's representing me for free. So I really appreciate him for that."
"I want to thank the Manhattan District's attorney's office... and all Joey's friends and everybody else who supported us over the last 2 years."
"Women are believed, not only on #MeToo, but in a court of law where they were under oath."
"No matter what I see in this video I and every other YouTuber Oh Ethan Klein and Hila Klein a debt of gratitude for what they did with Fupa."
"Good luck with the lawsuit, I hope you win. Make sure you like and subscribe."
"Hopefully that'll be of use to you, but don't just panic because most people panic. So one of the things I aim to achieve on this channel is to stop people from panicking when they have anything to do with law."
"Maintaining a strong legal and cultural environment that supports free speech is not only essential to the expression of ideas and values we all think are good."
"All we can do is just hope that the Robinson family and Shankuala get the justice that they deserve."
"It's very good to see the Digital Chamber of Commerce coming for amicus brief in the Ripple case. Thank you to Perry Anne Boring."
"I have a very huge network of defense attorneys and people behind me."
"They can't offer you services you don't need and we can look into that if they feel like some of their rights were violated."
"With Attorney Tom's team, you're gaining powerful allies who are committed to your well-being."
"We have not seen a stop to that support and we have appealed the case."
"This case is really sad. It's unfortunate. Rodney Reed, we stand with you."
"I've met with them twice, they are wonderful courageous strong people and I'll tell you they're going to need all the courage and strength they can as we go through this process."
"We're going to stand on the side of the law-abiding duck hunters, farmers, and sport shooters, aren't we?"
"We help good people charged with crimes find safety, clarity, and hope."
"I organized a fundraiser for Adnan here in New York it was one of the first in-person fundraisers to raise money for his legal defense fund."
"John Deaton is our voice. It's not Ripple's job to represent us."
"Ask them to please apply the necessary protections for whistleblower Mike Shumate."
"Trauma informed JD's legal team knew how to handle domestic violence survivors."
"He goes in there pro bono; the family ain't got to put up no money."
"I support legal abortion for all women full stop."
"It helps to have people stand up there, swear under oath, and corroborate what you said."
"I need my attorneys and my legal eagles to get in the comments."
"The majority of Americans do not want to see Roe v. Wade overturned. 69 percent of people across this country, a majority of Americans do not want to see Roe v. Wade overturned."
"Don't worry about it, I'm gonna take your case."
"Shout out to Ripple for standing up to the SEC. They could've given that money to help underserved communities."
"We help them navigate through the criminal justice system."
"I've got some good news. Our fight the fines work is now supported by a registered Canadian charity called the Democracy Fund."
"I fully support protecting your copyright when someone is trying to downright steal it."
"Nice to know the Supreme Court is looking out for us at least a little bit on gun issues."
"Defer to the Constitution; you have the First Amendment and the Second Amendment to back you up."
"The extra legal counsel will be provided to illegal immigrants who are in federal custody and facing deportation."
"And with his help, they are paving the way to normalize fair use practices in modern media."
"My hope is that Johnny Depp wins this trial, and Amber Heard is proven a liar and an abuser."
"Our intervention is called intervention and it is called the legal aid to support those who are being persecuted."
"The family stood by Florian 100, they made it very clear that Florian never would hurt anyone in their family."
"This is the perfect time to pass the baton. I have pledged to Amber and her appellate team my complete cooperation and assistance as they move forward on a path towards success." - Elaine Bredehoff
"You are in the right. Stick and stand up for it. It's okay. You've got plenty of support. You're right. You've got the law on your side, you got God on your side."
"We've got the resources, we have the support, we've got the attorneys, we've got the experts to stand by you."
"Thank you for your dedication and hard work Barnes... it's comforting to know lawyers like you are out there."
"We do have an entire team of people every day in court dedicated to helping good people charged with crimes find safety, find that clarity, and find some hope about their futures."
"If I'm going to do the Great Commission, I got to have the political and legal freedom to preach the gospel."
"Support Judicial Watch because we stand with you on the rule of law."
"I think he's being very open that they're helping with his legal bills."
"Support for the case has grown, it hasn't decreased and it's grown substantially."
"Love or hate Ripple, you want them to beat the SEC."
"I wish Blue Drake 42 and Draling Labs all the best in pursuing legal action."
"Jamie unreservedly supports Britney's plea to end her conservatorship."
"Effective documentation can eliminate many sources of confusion at the beginning and can support us in legal situations."
"I am so incredibly grateful for my legal team and their support."
"I have pledged to Amber and her appellate team my complete cooperation and assistance as they move forward on a path towards success."
"The firm I hired was the best thing I could have ever hoped for; they got me out from under my boss's thumb immediately."
"The Mental Capacity Act is a law about supporting and protecting vulnerable people who are unable to make their own decisions."
"Lawyers, we're like health insurance. You hope you never need it, but man oh man, not having it? No."
"I fully support these proud queens in their lawsuit against Disney, and I do hope they prevail with a massive settlement."
"If you're injured in a motorcycle accident, don't fight the insurance companies with just any lawyer."
"A great solicitor is going to be the key."
"Get some assistance with your claim or appeal. Find a veteran's service organization or a VA-accredited attorney or agent."
"In the dark night of the soul, when they come for you, you want a lawyer at your side."
"If both parties are agreeable to mediation, you can contact the court and we can help set that up."
"I can't take the case, but I will drive down to the jail and see your grandson tomorrow. I'll see what I can do."