
National Recovery Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Things will get better. And once they do, you can be sure that our country will come roaring back."
"We're doing everything in our power to heal the sick and to gradually reopen our nation, and to safely get our people back to work."
"America is getting to the other side of this challenging period and are in a far better place than when President Biden took office."
"America will come back stronger and greater than ever."
"When you get knocked down get up well it's time for America to get up together."
"We inherited a nation in crisis...look at how far we've come."
"We're opening up our great country again... it's going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever before."
"Bringing our country back bigger and better."
"We're going to bring our country back and it's going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever before."
"We're opening our great country again. It's going to be over a period of time."
"If we do this right, our country and the world, frankly, but our country can be rolling again pretty quickly. Pretty quickly."
"American history is after stolen elections, you bounce back and you recover stronger."
"Your right to petition your government could still be key to helping get this country back to where it belongs."
"Transition to greatness, we're going to be back."
"Our country is coming back incredibly well, setting records as it does it, we don't need somebody to come in and say let's shut it down."
"We got to get this country back to health and back to economic health."
"Every single day we are one day closer to opening up America again."
"With your help, we will vanquish the virus, we will get our nation back to work, and we shall build our glorious future with American hands, American grit, and American pride."
"It is a plan to turn our national recovery into millions of stories of personal renewal."
"We're opening up America again, a testament to the resilience of the American people."
"We're gonna make America wealthy again, we're gonna make America strong again, we're gonna make America safe again, and we will make America great again."
"Putin lifted Russia off the floor, dried it out, dusted it down, put it back on its feet."
"This is what Vladimir Putin's leadership means to Russia, it means coming out of the catastrophe that was the fall of Soviet Union."
"This November, this is the state where America's comeback will continue full speed ahead."
"Our country has to get back to work otherwise it's going to be very hard to start it up again."
"We have an opportunity to get our nation back on track."
"If we deliver this plan together, then we will together build our way back to health and we will not just bounce back, we will bounce forward stronger, better, and more united than ever before."
"We will defeat this horrible enemy, we will revive our economy, and we will transition into greatness."
"We're going to bring America back stronger than ever before."
"We're rebuilding our country, recognizing that so many people have died. That's the one thing we can't do anything about."
"We're in this together, and we're gonna pull this country out of this malaise like a fireman or cop pulls a drowning dog out of a frozen lake."
"I'm asking you to join us to start the great American comeback."
"We're going to help the country heal and get through this period of time."
"Our long national hibernation is beginning to come to an end."
"Take the win, America. Take the win. We screwed this thing up for 14 months. Can we just take the goddamn win?"
"Because we will defeat the China virus, we're going to be stronger than we ever were."
"Thank you Donald Trump for taking America back and taking Mexico back with you."
"Russia demonstrated remarkably to the entire world its ability to rapidly recover from Total Oblivion."
"We're on the verge of a great American comeback."
"I know we can do better. We can bring this nation back. We can restore the American economy. We can secure our border. And we can stand for the god-given Liberties that have always made this country strong and true and great." - Mike Pence
"President Julius Maabo offered insights into Sierra Leone's post-Civil War progress and ongoing challenges."
"Leading with science is the only way to deliver breakthroughs, to deliver hope, and to bring our nation back to full strength."
"We're slowing the spread, ensuring access to healthcare, saving lives, and healing our land."
"We're gonna make law and order a centerpiece of the great American comeback."
"I truly do believe the day will soon come when we will heal our land, and we'll be able to reopen America and put this great nation back to work."
"We did a job the likes of which nobody would believe."
"I think 2024 is going to be the economic comeback story... I think you're going to see this great American comeback story."
"Corsica meanwhile even though the Vichy government was set up in the South they were expected at the end of the war to regain most of their country back after"
"The biggest concern is that the United States will come roaring back with everything it has, not over a short period of time, but a long period of time."
"America's comeback is building the future of possibilities."
"Now it's time for the true leaders to come out and lead this nation to a new beginning."
"Rebuilding a nation requires fixing its economy."
"Relaunch America... a hint of hopeful feel to it."
"Putin picked Russia up off the floor where it was lying drunk with people picking its pocket and stood it upright and returned some dignity to it."
"Our nation is in the midst of the single greatest comeback that we've ever had."
"It's more than just us announcing a gig, this is a whole industry, it's the whole country coming back to life."
"To get a nation back on its feet, we must first get them down on their knees."
"We must get our country through the aftershocks of COVID with every ounce of ingenuity and compassion and hard work."
"This is going to be a difficult period of recovery for America, but we'll get through it as a country."
"If we're going to get this country back, it's going to be because all of us start to speak freely in the open again."