
US Economy Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The people who manage the US economy prefer to keep inflation around 2%."
"America's economic strength and competitiveness is a bright spot in the world."
"The critical factor is that the US economy was very lightly indebted, not heavily indebted as we are today."
"Economic conditions do not have to get to a point where it pushes the US economy into deep recession."
"The first new US payment system in 40 years is coming, and it aims to dramatically simplify processes."
"Imagine what is in store for the US economy when we get to hangover when this stimulus wears off."
"The US economy is remaining resilient amidst these tighter financial conditions, and it still shows that the Federal Reserve needs to stick to their guns of keeping rates up higher for longer."
"The US economy tonight: the US adding more than 353,000 new jobs last month, far more than expected."
"The unemployment rate held steady at 3.7%, that's now 2 years in a row below 4%, the longest streak of its kind since the 1960s."
"America finally is making policy at the federal, state, and local level, to level the playing field."
"You have corrected a view that was paramount in Paris that somehow the United States should penalize its own economy, be apologetic, lead with our chin, while the rest of world does little."
"Investing in the US market gives you exposure to every single industry especially the tech sector."
"America has remained a stable quarter of the world's economy since the 1960s."
"There's a prevailing concern that the United States might be on the verge of a severe economic downturn similar to the hardships faced during the Great Depression."
"So we're already in a recession in the US we're already in a deep recession in the Eurozone."
"The US Federal government's on an unsustainable fiscal path."
"Purchasing power go up like crazy in the United States."
"The US economy is definitely remains on strong footing we got that GDP report last week us e economic growth expanded 25% in all of 2023."
"The simple truth is that the United States has now had two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. The United States is in a recession."
"We might be on the exact same path that we saw in the '70s and the '80s."
"I think the US will be fine... I think the dollar will be fine."
"The United States will get crushed and it will not make it back to the highs that we've seen."
"The misnomer sickness the sickness business is the only growing segment of the economy in the US and it's funded by borrowing money from China."
"The worst place to be right now is the U.S. dollar."
"We built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
"Our goal is to strive towards a thousand gigawatt hours a year of annualized production in the United States alone."
"It's a given that the U.S economy will recover from a downturn."
"In October the average U.S. 30-year mortgage rate surpassed 7% for the first time in twenty years."
"As a long-term investor who is optimistic about the U.S economy in the next few decades, I'm personally reacting to the situation in a way that sets me up for the long term."
"I still believe that the U.S economy is going to come out strong."
"The US economy is undergoing its biggest shift in direction in 40 years."
"You need about 1.2 million dollars to raise a child properly in the US."
"If they do it, they'll blow up the global economy. They'll blow up the US economy, we'll be in a depression."
"The U.S. economy is going to bounce back significantly."
"I've learned not to bet against the U.S. economy."
"The sheer size of the US economy makes it the most important single factor in global trade."
"More people are working today in the United States than at any time ever in our history."
"The housing market is in shambles. In the US alone, 70% of people who want to buy a home can't even afford to anymore."
"You have all these extra rules on the supply chain, rules regulations, you have all these industries like the seafood industry here in the U.S., you had all these fishermen in different states and counties, they weren't allowed to go fish."
"Jerome Powell's been very clear about the fact that he thinks the US economy needs more stimulus."
"Ultimately, everybody's risking a lot of resiliency in the US economy by not dealing with this problem."
"U.S. exports should expand further in coming quarters."
"The United States could run out of cash to pay the bills on October 18th."
"The Mortal wound, I believe, would be what's about to happen to the U.S dollar."
"If you told me the next 10 years I had to pick a country to invest in, it would be the U.S."
"We basically shifted the US to a US economy with Chinese characteristics model."
"The U.S. is really the top destination for dirty money."
"The ability of the U.S. economy to withstand higher interest rates is probably at the highest level in 20 years."
"There are plenty of signs that the U.S economy is genuinely strong right now."
"Goldman now sees 5 0.6 percent in U.S growth in 2021."
"Trouble in the rest of the world sends capital out of the place where there's trouble and into the US because we're still seen as the safe haven for global capital."
"The U.S. economy is really built on asset bubbles. You take away the asset bubbles and the economy is kind of in a real tough time."
"You're getting default protection on the USA for less than one-third of the value."
"It actually would be to the benefit of the crypto community if we did more mining in the US."
"It's incredibly expensive here in the United States."
"America now has the number one economy anywhere in the world."
"U.S consumer prices are rising at their fastest pace in over 40 years."
"I don't think the U.S. economy is in recession right now."
"Foreign investors, obviously, as they invest in American government securities or in the American money markets, are effectively for the time being paying the bills of the American government."
"Wages in America have stagnated since the early 1970s."
"282 US banks are at risk, with nearly $900 billion in total assets."
"Google's numbers are like feeling the pulse of the US economy."
"...the US economy, it is the largest economy in the world, representing 25% of the global economy."
"...there are now significant numbers of manufacturing plants being built in the US."
"It is a jobs report that confirms U.S. economic exceptionalism."
"If you want access to U.S markets, you're going to need to use dollars."
"No matter how much you raise protection right now in the U.S., it's very unlikely that you're going to be bringing many of those jobs back."
"Non-farm payroll basically is the total number of jobs created in the US economy."
"The U.S economy grew from about a three trillion dollar annual economy to 25 trillion and was the single greatest period of wealth creation in human history."
"We're looking at possibly the lowest potential growth in US economic history."
"US exceptionalism is making its way through the US Stock Market, and I think that can be somewhat sustainable."
"The top 1% of US wealth has increased its net worth by 650 percent since 1989."
"On a level playing field, would companies be inclined to at least look at setting up shop here in the United States? They would."
"The US consumer is two-thirds of the US economy, as big as China's economy."
"The state of the U.S economy, 81% tell us they're dissatisfied."
"The U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand tightening of rates."
"NFP stands for nonfarm payroll, which measures the total number of jobs created in the United States out of the Agricultural sector."
"U.S. economic performance has been good. The labor market has strengthened substantially."
"Immigration has traditionally been an enormous benefit to U.S. economy."
"I think that the US will be well-positioned and better-positioned than many others to do well over the next multi-year period of time."
"It's amazing how resilient the US economy is."
"Where else does one go in the world for safe assets? The US has almost got the monopoly on those right now."
"U.S. demand, very strong U.S. demand, as the economy improves is going to support global activity as well over time."
"The fiscal spending is definitely getting out of control here in the US and that's definitely a source of inflation going forward."
"The energy intensity of the US economy has gone down tremendously and continues to go down."
"The good news is the U.S. economy proved to be remarkably resilient."
"We are a stabilizing force in the U.S. financial markets, dependable across all economic cycles."
"The US economy has been performing very well lately."
"This is a bigger indicator of what's going on in the US economy."