
Educational Resources Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"These books do help in that they don't talk about it in the technical jargon that most books do, and it's very natural, and they give real-life examples to help you grasp the topic."
"There are plenty of resources... in the form of pictures, infographics, assessment items... interactive games, worksheets, Virtual Lab contents, and quizzes."
"If truth matters to you, go to your local museum."
"The Great Courses Plus has over 7,000 lectures constantly being added to every week. Why not give it a try?"
"The only remedy is knowledge. And I know a great place to get a lot of it."
"They give free GPUs to universities and researchers."
"Everything you need to learn is already on YouTube for free."
"If you found this lesson helpful, you should check out the free guitar toolbox."
"It does give me a lot of insight into how to edit and paste my videos better, which helps me create better tutorials for you."
"Books on the stock market can offer some of the best insights on investment philosophies."
"You don't need to buy thousands of dollars of courses, all the information is online."
"Online videos are really really great for reinforcement."
"We have actually replicated this entire olabs content in an offline form."
"Online YouTube videos... Mr. Bruff... I cannot recommend him enough."
"Audible is probably one of the most important tools in my research process."
"For every person that tells you Wikipedia is a worthless starting point for research..."
"To make sure the professors are prepared, the document provides a small sampling of the certainly infinite number of genders that are out there."
"If I want to become a better social engineer, do you have any resources that you'd recommend?"
"Google fusion 360 for education or students or home hobbyist and what you'll find is there appears to be great ASSA tea from autodesk in using fusion 360 for free for if you're a student or if you're a home hobbyist."
"All the YouTube channels I mentioned before still work for this level."
"Our commitment...is to provide as much resources as much information as much education and as much engagement as part of this beautiful pro-democracy community."
"It really is a beautiful point of reference for people looking to get into New Testament studies."
"Thank you so very much for all of your wisdom that you shared with us where can people go to learn more about the work that you're doing."
"Interactive resource gives a scope of involving all the domains."
"It's time you invested in something real, a platform that gives you real value, access to education, tools, resources that can help you reach your goals."
"The images available to the public from the Landsat program are used widely in classrooms across the world."
"We give you the tools and resources to learn, grow, and navigate life like a boss and make money moves in the process."
"As of today, there are over 400 videos on my website with hundreds and hundreds of hours of material."
"How can this benefit my students? Don't be selfish and try to limit your students' resources just so that you could benefit by keeping your job."
"Mentors, books, and social media channels are key to gaining money intelligence."
"My goal is to make learning C-sharp easier... I go a few steps beyond that to show you when to do it, why you should or shouldn't do it, what pitfalls to avoid, and what the best practices are."
"The goal of my career is to make you a software developer, and Free Code Camp is a great resource."
"An extraordinary opportunity with the ark encounter, the Creation Museum, the global resources and education stuff that you're doing."
"FreeCodeCamp is a nonprofit coding site for those who want to become computer programmers."
"A roadmap for each phase, instructions on skill sets to acquire, worksheets, and blueprints to work through the processes."
"Shopify runs a blog that offers free education, tips and inspiration."
"Find a mentor, think of me as a mentor, my books my videos my broadcasts think of me as a mentor learn from the mentors mistakes as well as their successes they will shorten your takeoff and accelerate your learning and your success results."
"There are tons of channels on YouTube that I think are really instructional."
"Check out my book as well as M1 Finance down below if you want to get started with a dividend stock portfolio."
"Creativity is a muscle, and in my humble experience, Skillshare has been one of my best resources on how to grow it to be stronger."
"You could also offer bundles here so bundle a couple of these together so that that teacher can buy four or five in a set."
"Skillshare is an online learning community where you can go and learn anything."
"It's literally called Skillshare. They've got so many classes on pretty much any topic you could think of."
"YouTube does help with things like that, believe it or not."
"Stop motion is always coming and going and here's what I find now there's more young people who um they have programs they can learn online that are doing stop-motion animation."
"It is safer for a kid to read a reliable source that has been approved and purchased by a media specialist rather than to be misinformed by a non-credible source." - We need non-fiction books that are inclusive.
"Access our comprehensive curriculum and learn at your own pace."
"There's tons of information for you guys out there if you want to take a look at it more."
"First any research papers I mentioned in the video are going to be linked free to read in the video description down below so without any further ado let's kick things off and start by looking up."
"BBC bite-sized... very basic notes but still notes nonetheless."
"This merit-based system: people can do just a little bit of work and all the lessons on how to build a company are available for free."
"Tragedyandhope.com is a landing spot for meta learning and hyper learning."
"If you want to learn about all the cool AI tools that are popping up on a daily basis, make sure you check out futuretools.io."
"We have over 60 different topics on our website."
"One of the biggest advantages of our course... is the study plan."
"Everything on Skillshare is curated for learning, so there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes."
"Honestly this is a great supplement even if you do go through the textbook."
"Curated specifically for learning, meaning there are no ads."
"Skillshare is a website where you can train yourself up in about thousand different topics."
"Learn how to build amazing, professional, and responsive websites."
"All of my math materials are right here for calendar."
"The ideas and insights we cover to be available for free to anyone anytime they need them."
"When I first got into the industry, I was trying to learn and went to YouTube to learn about RVs, and this was one of the very first YouTube channels that I stumbled across."
"Ninja Nerd is one of the most utilized resources to supplement our medical education."
"The possibilities are endless with Skillshare."
"We're now doing it on PDF so since we put this on PDF completely free download so people in poor countries can get it but if you're in a richer country You Can Get It Free as well."
"If you've got a kid in quarantine and you're looking for something to turn on that will entertain them there are so many things on there that could do just that."
"We even have a virtual one in Quetta. Students can go completely free of charge, get access to books, magazines, computers, there's always programming happening there."
"Learn in the language that you are comfortable in; learn programming in Tamil using Tamil resources, not English."
"There's so many great free courses where you can learn everything and more."
"If you are naturally curious and you want to build up those problem-solving skills then consider checking out Brilliant."
"The hardest part about getting good coaching is finding one, and Pro Guides has made that process incredibly simple."
"They make it easy to learn by providing webinars, workshops, and 24/7 customer support."
"Ncrt textbooks for the academic year 2023-2024 are available all across the country."
"There are links in the description for education and resources on Black Lives Matter as well as The Trevor Project."
"You can go and play with an actual quantum computer... for free."
"But if you want to, everyone that wants to learn about hacking, I think YouTube and Twitch would be your best bets."
"White people don't know this. People of color do. Go to my website and download those printed materials and then do what the directions say. They can change their own behaviors. They can change their own willingness to believe the lie."
"Logic is one of the most important skill sets you can develop... and Brilliant is my absolute favorite way especially for those who may not be the most scientific or mathematically minded to start breaking into this head space."
"Find great channels like what you are on right now or find other good teachers who can help explain things to you."
"Seriously but he asked occasional questions but for the most part, we just figured it out from watching the videos."
"YouTube is like the holy mecca for knowledge."
"By signing up to this deal, you are greatly supporting this channel and all of your favorite educational content creators."
"You could learn a lot from YouTube lectures."
"We have apologetics, philosophy, history, documentaries..."
"Coding tutorials: I'm not excited about making them, there are already great resources out there."
"Inclusive learning: Resources for children with special needs."
"We released over 12 million dollars worth of character assets and environment packs - all available for free on the Unreal Engine marketplace. Take them apart, learn from them, and play with them. Have fun with that!"
"One of the most important tools of rule 1 investing is a stock watchlist Danielle calls it a wish list..."
"Brilliant is a perfect place to start learning about ML/AI or literally any STEM field."
"Rick Austin's books are a great way of learning how to set up a survival homestead."
"Skillshare is the best and my personal favorite online learning resource."
"Audiobooks have been just absolutely saving my life."
"What a privilege to go to a school with so many resources and so many cool electives."
"All the information that I try to provide you guys with on this channel is information that I sourced from chemists, dermatologists, estheticians, and licensed professionals."
"Download the checklist, download the practice booklet, get them all printed off, and then the rest is within the video."
"Make sure you guys check this out again lots of useful tools research science to support you I am all for love and peace and healing."
"Check out E2 Language for more information on sentence structures."
"This is one of the most comprehensive and in-depth guides."
"People are hungry for access to maker spaces."
"Use these videos, these streams to help learn with me."
"Creating a product to sell is very different than creating a resource just to use in your classroom."
"Canva Education is so resource-rich, you could literally build tons of lessons in here."
"...compiling all the best people and all the best teachers into one very convenient location."
"Look at these textbooks. And see how old they are. They look in good condition."
"These books start from the most basic mathematics pre-algebra geometry and they go all the way to calculus."
"Demystifying certain GMAT topics."
"I want to help make 5e easier to learn than ever before."
"If you are a person that's trying to learn audio, learn production, learn music, you have more options than ever."
"Another great way to learn languages for free is to use the free materials that publishers provide to accompany their textbooks."
"I want to give this to everybody so I can have a single place where I can just send people and say, 'Hey, watch this video. This should tell you everything you need to know about interviewing.'"
"If you like what you've seen here, why not head over to the YL website where you can find loads more free resources."
"Having that access to hands-on learning and state-of-the-art technology is awesome."
"We will soon be nearing a hundred pre-recorded webinars that are live at the time and then we put in there on all different topics."
"All of the resources today are free, and I'm really excited to share them with you."
"Lastly, I want to mention a learning center that we have now on our website where you can find all sorts of content related to the modern workplace."
"I have a special kind of free tool that I think will help you as you're trying to put the pieces together for your own transfer process."
"The best way to learn is through these hand drawings; it's a terrific book."
"So many children don't get the support that they need, and there's not enough of these schools around, unfortunately."
"There are really good resources... like the invention studio which is open to any Georgia Tech students."
"Those of you that want to learn more, do more, and have a better organized way of studying our videos, go over to our free video page."
"You can browse each course's transcript to follow along or search for an answer and skip to that point in the video."
"You can download tutorials and watch them on the go, including access on your iOS or Android device."
"Every resource that you use should help you either learn the material faster, cut down study time, or help you remember what you learn."
"If you're new and you're an aspiring front-end developer, you should definitely check out Scrimba's front-end developer career path."
"If you want to go ahead and download the worksheet that I work through on this video, then go ahead and check out the link down below."
"Training materials are an important tool for you."
"One good thing that's a benefit to pharmacology is that there are also a ton of YouTube videos that have really intellectual, really educated people who are able to explain concepts."
"Just watch these videos, review what you've learned using the resources at KoreanClass101.com, and you're on your way to mastering Hangul."
"YouTube is such a great place to go and find free piano lessons."
"Students will get access to content like flashcards and the PowerPoint slides that we've added into the course."
"We are proud to produce high-quality resources that support instructors and inspire the future leaders in the field."
"You'll receive the assistance and resources necessary to thrive in your medical studies."
"It is completely free; there are a lot of resources there like blogs, free videos, labs, and magazines."
"Then you need Ed model where you can share your files, where you can set exercises for the students to do at home."
"Our courses have labs and multiple mock exams that will help you clear certification easily."
"Awareness, education, and tools of protection."
"It's basically a one-stop shop for you as a teacher and a must-have for your classroom."
"Students click here to find all your resources."
"Parents click here to find all your resources."
"The facilities and resources you're provided are best."
"At the end of this video, I will post all of my notes 100% for free."
"If you really want to learn from people that know what they're talking about, there is a website called score.org."
"We do have our amazing knowledge base with articles on every single topic I will be talking about today."
"I'd really like to thank Carson Sievert for letting us adapt part of his slides."
"If you'd like access to all of our free materials, feel free to subscribe."
"If you're interested in learning more about how you can self-publish low content books, such as journals, planners, guest books, activity books, coloring books, and more, then subscribe to my channel."
"These three books work really well alongside a general English course and they come with online activities for students and a fun vocabulary app."
"It's very difficult for assimilationists in particular to believe that a majority black school this equally resourced can be equal in educating its children to a majority white school."
"With little children and their creative minds, I want to be able to provide a lot of different things for them and resources and items that they can use to create."
"Your primary source for studying is your study guide and your reader."
"When you buy the math center bundle, you're getting nine sets of centers."
"There are tons of really great articles and content out there that do explain these differences."
"Data Camp does everything possible to make it a great all-in-one place to learn data science."
"My tip for the reading part of the exam is to read articles on Wikipedia."
"I know there's a million different resources you could be learning from online, so I really do appreciate you choosing to work through this video series."
"If you are new to homeschooling or if you're looking for a different pattern, hopefully this video will be of some value to you."
"If you're looking for video resources, Stated Clearly is a really good channel."
"If you have a computer issued by your company or your school, you don't have to worry about installation restrictions like needing an administrative password."
"Your teacher is an amazing resource that you can use because they will have years and years and years of examples they've stacked up in their brain."
"I love that they actually have resources on them that the kids can use."
"This is information I wish I had when I first started teaching."
"We've created hundreds of recordings to help people start using and take advantage of the many tools that they have access to."
"We got to give our kids that game."
"I hope these resources are useful."
"There's so much good resources just for free on YouTube."
"It covers everything that you need for kindergartens."
"We're going to explore the power of the apps and the resources and the tools that are available here for you to use with your students to foster discovery learning."
"There will be an emphasis on training, with associated presentations, advice, and workshops."
"At your particular institution, three out of five students here do not take advantage of this one financial aid resource that would benefit their studies and make their lives a lot easier."