
Legal Outcome Quotes

There are 313 quotes

"We hope that today's verdict brings some measure of comfort and closure to the victims."
"Justice will prevail, and the offender will be held accountable for what he did."
"A lot of the families have now sued him, and they've won, and he's going to have to pay back tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to these families. And quite right too."
"A guilty verdict would mean they finally did the right thing."
"February 27th, 2014, the court declared Brian and his uncle guilty for the murder of Ruth Talia."
"I wanted Justice for Steven, that's all I've ever wanted."
"I felt elated that he'd been found guilty but I felt deflated that life didn't mean life."
"The court trial lasted 8 Days, the boys were discharged, and the case was thrown out."
"The fact that they were found guilty was just such relief for the family, all of us."
"The only thing that you can surmise as a result of that verdict is that the prosecution didn't meet its burden, that there might have been reasonable doubts."
"The trial of Paul Flores resulted in a unanimous guilty verdict."
"Love to you all. This is big. Happy verdict day."
"Kyle Rittenhouse was not guilty on all charges."
"I'd be shocked if she doesn't after hearing all the evidence rule against Donald Trump and keep him off the ballot."
"The more Donald Trump acts out and lashes out, the worse the day in court was for him."
"The verdict was overwhelmingly in his favor."
"At the time of publication, Nancy has not been sentenced. Both Dan's mother and his son Nathaniel were grateful for the guilty verdict and believed it was necessary for their family to begin to heal."
"I think we have a great case and I think he's either going to spend the rest of his life in prison or he's going to get the needle."
"Danny Masterson's going to prison for at least 30 years."
"It's a big deal if a jury decides that a former president is a rapist."
"Three activists who blocked a road in order to stop a deportation flight to Jamaica in 2021 have been acquitted by a jury."
"Guilty on all counts, second degree murder, third degree murder, and second degree manslaughter."
"The director however finds it very unlikely that he'll be convicted of anything."
"I had questions about Mr. Murdock's guilt but voted guilty because I felt pressured by the other jurors."
"No, he got away with murder, savagely murdering two people."
"We the jury find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty."
"We are heartbroken and angry that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted."
"Some type of justice occurred is paramount. At least they were caught."
"I feel justice was served—it's a good step towards closure."
"The wisdom of the people has prevailed. I am deeply appreciative of the jury's unanimous finding of innocence in the Tesla 420 take private case."
"The truth always outs and it will reveal itself here as well."
"Render a verdict for Mr. Depp. Set the record straight that he is not the abuser she described and that she is not the heroic survivor she betrayed."
"Ultimately, she said that the fair use went in favor overall of h3h3 because they were offering critique and commentary and not usurping the original market for the work."
"So this is a positive thing for everyone except Matt Haas."
"Amber is appealing, but for now, it's Depp who's raking in the opportunities."
"Rooney succeeded on truth but failed on the public interest."
"I'm 5,000 percent happy that justice was served."
"The verdict was guilty on all charges. I was convicted for felony murder and for intentional murder and robbery and kidnapping."
"Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty not on one not on two but on all charges in relation to his case and the shooting that he was involved in in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It really was a beautiful moment."
"He's not guilty, that's essentially what it comes down to."
"It wasn't an accident. And it wasn't self-defense. It was a heat of passion killing."
"$148 million - let me repeat - $148 million, that's the verdict, that's the verdict sheet right there against Rudy Giuliani for his lies."
"He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 12 years in prison."
"The crowd here is pleased with the verdict, it's what they've always wanted."
"Being inappropriate with the families of the deceased and people that were injured will only hurt him with the jury."
"The special counsel did not find that any US person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly conspired, coordinated with the IRA in its efforts." - William Barr
"Justice has been done, and we're very, very happy and proud of this result."
"Our diet and our gut microbiome may actually hold the key."
"Jesse Smollett found guilty on all four charges."
"In the end, a jury was convinced that Thomas Luthor killed Cher Elder."
"It's tinged with knowing that the conviction does not stand and that he will be a free man now." - Kate Snow
"Not guilty. Oh man, what a powerful moment. That is amazing stuff."
"Johnny Depp is going to get a verdict, yeah."
"At the end of the day, we should feel pleased that justice was served."
"If there isn't a conviction, then it would be one of the worst miscarriages of justice in the history of America." - Benjamin Crump
"He was sentenced to 15 years to life on each of the two charges."
"I feel justice was done and that always makes me feel good."
"Stephen Griffiths sentenced: Justice for the victims of a depraved killer."
"Just remember the judgment is as a result of fraud that's been found by the judge."
"The jury convicts Densio and the other four defendants. They received sentences ranging from 15 to 20 years."
"She ultimately pleaded guilty to the murder and was sentenced to 21 years in a state prison."
"Carrie's killer had finally been brought to justice."
"The jury gave Saldivar the maximum sentence: life in prison."
"Smash the patriarchy and Josh Duggar is going to hopefully go to jail for 25 to 40 years. Goodnight everyone."
"To the victims in this case, your voices were heard, and justice was finally served."
"President Trump's acquittal by the Senate bars prosecution for the conduct that's been alleged in this indictment."
"R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in prison."
"The accused is found not guilty instead he is found guilty of culpable homicide."
"All of The Proud Boy leaders charged have been found guilty."
"He deserves to be in bars behind bars immediately."
"At the end of seven weeks of trial, the jury came back guilty on all counts."
"Most likely he is going to be dead before he makes it to his parole hearing."
"If ripple's successful... it gives them certainty."
"If this case does end, it would bring life back into altcoins for a period of time."
"On October 3rd, 1995, the jury returned to announce they found Simpson not guilty of either murder."
"The judge said something to the effect of, 'It's rare that you find a defendant that convicts himself by his own testimony, but that is what happened here.'"
"We the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant Orenthal James Simpson not guilty."
"Ali Qazimaj was found guilty of the double murder of Peter and Sylvia Stuart."
"He pleaded guilty to felony murder and kidnapping and agreed to two consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole."
"A Darwin jury found Bradley John Murdoch is the outback killer."
"Natavia was found guilty for the second-degree murder of Linda Stein and sentenced to 27 years in prison."
"Putin must be brought to a court of law and end his days in prison."
"A successful outcome or a settlement does give you the clarity that you want."
"We arrested Marrowtooth, now everyone gets money."
"He was found not guilty and Michael Jackson moonwalked out of the courthouse, a free man."
"For that reason, Mr. Otto, you can stand up on the count of murders into the custody of the commissioner of corrections for a period of 60 years."
"What we saw today was justice, justice for all Americans."
"And we feel that if you apply your reason and Common Sense I'm confident that you will return a verdict of guilty in this case."
"Guilty. Scottino was found guilty of multiple manslaughter causing a shipwreck abandoning ship and lying to authorities."
"Louise Woodward guilty of second-degree murder."
"Cleared of all charges Dumbledore walking out there like I did that job done."
"We, the jury, find the defendant, Jerry Lynn Burns, guilty of the charge of murder in the first degree."
"She won't have served a single day in prison."
"Eventually, he's either going to be indicted by this Department of Justice for one of the things we've already talked about or he's not."
"Believe your eyes and I'm hopeful, although I have some of the same reservations that Dr. Davis has, relative to a conviction."
"I'm hopeful that a reasonable jury receiving that evidence is going to send Dirk to prison for the rest of his life, absolutely."
"After deliberating for under four hours, the jury finds O.J. Simpson not guilty on the count of two murders."
"Not guilty, walked into the court, walked out, flew home and gave a very, very good speech."
"With this verdict, it is my sincere hope that it will also begin the healing process for these brave survivors."
"I mean the all count says it all I mean it wasn't on a few counts but he was found guilty on all counts so this is um this is historic it really is."
"Liam was found guilty on all counts on June 21st, 2019."
"Detectives are hoping Theon gets something else permanent: a jail sentence."
"We have been waiting for the day that Justice would finally be served."
"I believe that R Kelly should be punished for what he did and I'm not changing my mind... with him being found guilty I believe Justice was served."
"As the verdict of this case makes clear, the department will work tirelessly to hold accountable those responsible for crimes related to the attack on our democracy on January 6, 2021."
"Donald Trump was liable for sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll, liable for defaming E. Jean Carroll, awarding five million dollars in Damages."
"The High Court acquitted the Talwars of all charges."
"In January 2017, the judge sentenced him to life in prison."
"Life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"They came very close to getting away with this."
"And the jury agreed on August 10, 2012, after a four-week trial, all three men were convicted of the murder of William Sanderson Smith and jailed for life to serve a minimum of 30 years."
"A federal jury convicts three former police officers for violating the civil rights of George Floyd."
"Separate state and federal juries found Fred Tokars guilty of multiple charges."
"We the jury find Mark Hauck count one not guilty."
"Eventually he pleaded guilty and I think that was the right decision to do."
"Thanks, Michael. Everybody at home, everybody at work is talking about this verdict..."
"I would have been disappointed if we left there without a trespass. This is a badge of honor."
"After they were matched with those from the crime scene, Robinson was convicted of murder."
"I love Romania. I love this country, and if I am found not guilty, I will stay in Romania."
"Maybe the justice system will work... and we'll actually get some justice a little bit."
"They're trying to make an example out of her."
"Could Amber Heard win her appeal? Yes, she could."
"I will win this lawsuit, I will not lose on one count of this lawsuit."
"Dalia's first encounter with retribution was a big one... she beat the case, dude."
"A bitter copyright dispute broke out between the Gaye estate and Bridgeport Music which ultimately ended with the writers being found guilty of copyright infringement."
"The verdict was overwhelmingly positive for Johnny and it was unanimous."
"Either way Sarah is going to be convicted. Will it be a first degree murder or a second degree murder or manslaughter?"
"Victory Is Ours so congrats to John Deaton there on that and of course this will be a big win I think also for the class action as it starts to move forward."
"Ultimately glad to see Nate finally Behind Bars."
"The jury in the British Columbia Supreme Court finds Robert Frisbee guilty of first-degree murder in the bludgeoning death of 80-year-old San Francisco socialite, Muriel Collins Barnett."
"I think Johnny Depp won in the court of public opinion."
"The jury deliberated for only four hours and they came back with a verdict of not guilty."
"Armed with phone records, journal entries, a henchman's confession, and the cut chain link, they were able to tell their story of murder for hire."
"The evidence was enough to convince the jury."
"Nicholas Fergus was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder."
"This is all about credibility. So if the jury believes this witness, Mellie wasn't there when the crime happened and game over."
"We came to a good deal for the province. If a judge is saying that it's not a good deal, that's fine, no deal but no charges, Pastor goes free."
"The man gets 200 years in prison... but yet no one feels any justice."
"A jury convicted 56-year-old Stow of first-degree murder, which carries an automatic sentence of life without parole in the State of Florida."
"The charges are dropped already self-defense he hit her bro."
"Seriously, wow. Interestingly, he was found guilty of murder and felony murder, armed robbery, unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and receiving stolen property."
"Unfortunately just being manipulated by somebody doesn't get you off the hook so I I do believe honestly that all three of them would be found guilty."
"The wheels have been greased. Both defendants are guilty on all charges."
"I cannot believe Michael was acquitted, it's just gross to me."
"After 6 hours of anticipation the jury returned to declare the defendant Mr. John Courtney best guilty of the murder of Mr. George Bailey."
"Scientologist con man, a fraudster Grant Cardone, loses this decision in this civil matter and that's a Merry Christmas to me."
"His entire reputation is on the line here. And the truth is that even if he wins this defamation lawsuit, the 'I stand with Amber Heard' herd of sheeps here are still going to believe that he's guilty. That's the truth."
"The main headline is that Donald Trump is going to win this case."
"Justin Ross Harris was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"Engaged with women was dangerous. This is something that's not just speculation, it's not just allegations, it is a jury of his peers deciding that he did this."
"XRP will win their lawsuit and that'll skyrocket."
"Ben Lacombe was found guilty of the murder of Sarah Wellgreen."
"Pressure exists in sports, and only the really great players shine at that stage."
"It's like you watched one trial on TV, you get a different outcome... Trump now is triumphant, Trump basically goes, listen, I've been vindicated by the highest court in the country."
"Jeannie Gray was also found guilty and sentenced to three years."
"Justice will be served, whatever you're fighting for, it will be in your favor."
"They were worried bobbitt and jones were each sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"Justice will be served... Maxwell will be spending a considerable amount of time behind bars."
"The jury recommended life without the possibility of parole for Stanley Ford."
"Jerry would end up confessing to everything, I mean starting back to day one he held nothing back."
"We hope this verdict will give us some kind of closure so that we can try and move on with our lives."
"After 10 hours of deliberations the jury finds smullett guilty of five of six counts for filing a false police report."
"When the verdict came in, Maduni just hung his head."
"Finally, in May 2019, the little boy who witnessed his father kill his mother got justice."
"Small taste of justice though came Friday which reminded me of just how completely insane the last five years were."
"Let's hope that we have a speedy capture of Brian and let the chips fall where they may."
"I want to see Justice being done I want to see him either walk away free because he's innocent or I want to see him rot in prison because he's guilty."
"What do you think of the verdict? Was it the right one? Did he deserve more or less?"
"Count one, malice murder, we the jury find the defendant Travis McMichael guilty."
"Felony murder, we the jury find the defendant William R. Bryan guilty."
"The guilty verdicts in the rape trial of celebrity Scientologist Danny Masterson are a relief."
"He was acquitted because there was no evidence that he had actually made a medical diagnosis of his patients."
"We've suffered a lot in the last almost 10 years. We are really grateful to the high court for having acquitted Rajesh and brought an end to the injustice which was matted out to them."
"We finally got the justice that the kids deserve."
"I found this whole thing kind of hysterical, and I think justice has been served."
"I think justice was definitely served for Johnny."
"Tonight, justice was served along with a piece of humble pie."
"I'm not going to predict the end game here. I am going to say that there aren't enough stupid jury jurors in Norfolk County to acquit her."
"The federal court jury rendered a substantial verdict in favor of Carol, amounting to a staggering $83.3 million in damages."
"The true win is in the UK. What happened here in the U.S. was a travesty of justice."
"She only loses because Amber Heard is basically Amber Heard."
"I'm probably even happier just knowing that justice was served."
"The jury believed them, and that's in our legal system."
"The verdict of the Kyle Rittenhouse case has been nothing more than a disgusting reminder of what it's really like to be black in America."
"Alec was found guilty of murdering his wife and son."
"Not guilty, the words repeated five times in the Kenosha, Wisconsin courtroom today as Kyle Rittenhouse walked free."
"Breaking news. Kyle Rittenhouse is found not guilty on all counts. Crazy, crazy."
"Kyle Rittenhouse is found not guilty on all charges."
"He was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for the murder of Katie Collman."
"Depp said that Heard's op-ed changed his whole life in the blink of an eye, but the jury had given his life back."
"Despite this verdict johnny has secured the love and support of millions of people worldwide because let's not forget that the judgment of one judge should not be enough to completely undermine the truth."
"This wasn't necessarily a loss for Johnny, he had to pay them anyway."
"The most likely scenario in my opinion is a settlement; the marketing, there's a fine for the marketing, and then the whole thing's over."
"Rioters ain't going to come out when it's cold in Wisconsin, and if the jurors feel fine, Kyle Rittenhouse is gonna walk."
"Deep breaths, everybody. Deep breaths. So, we now have a guilty verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin."
"In the face of all of that propaganda, a group of jurors in Kenosha, Wisconsin, were brave enough to reach the right and obvious conclusion."
"The most probable resolution is a settlement... a win for Ripple would promote the widespread adoption of XRP."
"After all this time, they finally got your boy R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years."
"The jury found him guilty of murder in the second degree."
"XRP could probably end up being number three market cap coin if they win their case."