
Spiritual Conviction Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Repentance isn't just being sorry; repentance means being sorrowful under the conviction of the Holy Spirit to the point that I make a change."
"Faith is really the things that you believe in that you have not seen."
"I believe that Jesus is the Divine Incarnate son of God Almighty Jehovah Elohim."
"Faith is just acting like the Word of God is true."
"For me to live is Christ, amen, and to die is gain."
"You fast, you pray, you get to a place where what you believe is more real than what people tell you."
"For it is in my, man it is my chosen David says the Lord, foreign that goes with everything I'm hearing."
"If there is sin, he's not here to condemn you, he's here to convict you."
"I know in my heart, I know in my spirit, he has never lied about anything."
"The meaning of life is fellowship with God through Jesus Christ, not expanding our perspectives or being in contact with the spirit world."
"Only through judgment of this kind can man be subdued and thoroughly convinced into submission to God."
"I believe in a God of Justice and righteousness. Today, I believe that same God has provided us with Justice for Abby and Libby."
"You can never doubt in the darkness what God said in the light."
"Make no concessions for anyone or any cause; you are the almighty God's child."
"You may cloud it up with sin, but one thing for certain: you sin against God after you're saved, the Holy Spirit living inside of you to convict us of sin, show us the truth, make us miserable in order to get us back, God."
"If you believe in what he did, the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"The only fear I carry in my heart for life, because I'm doing a life sentence for Jesus Christ and I want no parole. So the only life, the only one I fear is God, is Yeshua the Messiah."
"True faith transcends mere belief; it is a symphony of profound conviction and unwavering trust."
"Any Christian who actually believes that people are going to hell hasn't completely devoted almost every aspect of their life to telling people about Jesus."
"I felt like it was true, like I felt the truth behind Jesus."
"It's done, it's done, it's done, it's gone, hallelujah!"
"Artificial standards for belief can indicate a rebellious heart."
"Faith is not moved by what we feel or see; it is moved by what we believe."
"Our God, He's our King, He had a plan for all of us. This is on purpose, you are on purpose."
"I believe Christ when he said he was the way, the truth, and the life."
"Your roots are intertwined, the only thing that will untangle your roots is your conviction of faith in God."
"Jesus was perfect theology. He modeled perfect knowledge of God, the burning conviction of what to do, and the actions that followed."
"God is angry and sending all these things... this is not a time for spiritual punks."
"John, you live your life telling people God has a plan. Now is when you gotta live it out."
"Never forget the truth, and the truth is Jesus Christ is Lord."
"Full of faith, full of the Holy Ghost, full of power."
"I've found the everlasting life, I'm totally convinced of that and I just want to share it with other people."
"We believe God, there is nothing impossible."
"Only now I have an assurance that this Jesus has already paid the price, and so I say to those of you that are watching, just like me, I believed everything you believed."
"God, we ask You that You would convict us, that You would bring Your power and Your spirit."
"The time has come for the sheep to be sheared, as those who touted the title 'elect' will surely be outed, along with their entire sect."
"Not a hope in something that might happen but a faith in what God has said he will do."
"I hope I can say whom have I in heaven but you whom am I in heaven oh my god."
"I undoubtedly, right and with unreservedly believe in the power of prayer."
"You need to have a personal encounter with God to truly have faith in him."
"This is the condemnation: that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
"When you have God, you know it's gonna be okay in the end."
"When the Holy Spirit talks to you, you just know it. It won't come and go like a mere thought. Deep within you, you'll just know."
"God bless America, God bless Donald Trump, God bless all you watching this and thank God Jesus Christ is still the only way."
"There's no denying that, no one can deny God's goodness, no one can deny God's compassion, His mercy, and His grace."
"Stand on the foundation of unshakable truth."
"Faith calls those things which be not as though they were."
"I preach with love, but I come to hit you and cut you with the Word of God."
"The secret is reckless obedience, that's how this is here."
"I believe that when I die, I'm going to live forever in God's kingdom."
"That prayer says 'it is done.' That is the prayer. There is no extra words, there's no other asking and begging and pleading and wishing and hoping."
"Walking by faith is the only way to please the Lord."
"The problem with the church isn't about scopes of influence, it's about yielding to the conviction of the Holy Spirit."
"Whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter with regards to what the Lord is saying prophetically."
"The true gospel of Jesus Christ, it calls us to repentance. It challenges us, convicts us, and leads us to change."
"None can say he is lord except the holy spirit draws them. It's our prayers that gets them saved."
"Evangelicals filled with the Spirit are hated, but it's not going to happen."
"Nothing can stop me, nothing can separate me from the love of God."
"You can't threaten a child of God with death."
"My friend, I know Christianity is true because God's Spirit lives in me and assures me that it is true."
"I believed that God had revealed Himself to me."
"You will know it's God by how inconvenienced you are by it."
"Blessed are those who do not see and yet have believed."
"There is no favor if you don't draw a line in the sand."
"We need to get back to the fear of God, a healthy fear of the Father, of the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Christ Jesus Himself."
"Blessed are those that do not see, Thomas, but yet still believe. Ain't that powerful?"
"Conviction and condemnation feel the exact same way, but confession brings freedom."
"You can say anything you want, my faith is unbreakable." - Flex
"The only thing that mattered was that Jesus Christ was Lord."
"Whether you like it or whether you don't like it, Bible prophecy is fulfilling and the Word of God is standing the test of time."
"The believer's path to heaven is straightforward: as soon as we are dead, we will be with the Lord."
"A real church should convict you of your sin. You should feel the conviction of the Holy Ghost."
"My faith comes from the fact that your word is true and everlasting."
"I don't just believe in God, I know God. I've gotten to that level where I believe... I know for a fact God exists."
"You must warn people, so God's convicted you of something to not do no more with the whole world is doing."
"Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"The more you try, the greater my testimony becomes."
"When you've met his love, when you become convinced of his unstoppable and unconditional love, we realize you've been claimed."
"Even if it costs my life, I will speak what you want me to speak."
"We're going to die on the hill of righteousness in Jesus' name."
"I believe and I know the truth. This isn't my opinion, this is God's opinion, this is God's truth."
"I believe in God for the same reason I believe in gravity."
"I am persuaded that neither death nor life can separate me from destiny."
"Conviction of sin must come before conversion."
"God promised that as long as I keep to His path, there won't be a man that will be able to stand before me."
"I've always had oil in my lamps, call me crazy I don't care because all I care is what God's opinion is of me."
"I never met with any person of any color who had more confidence in the voice of God as spoke direct to her soul."
"There was faith in me, it was perfect faith, I knew that I knew that I knew that I knew that I knew that God was going to heal that woman."
"I feel like I'm exactly where God wants me to be... there have only been a few times in my life that I've actually been able to say that with that much conviction and it feels really really good."
"If we trust God, then when we sense that conviction of the Holy Spirit... it's because there's freedom and victory that He's trying to lead us to."
"You can't make me down 'cause I know too much about Him."
"Two little lines I heard one day. Traveling along life's busy way. Bringing conviction to my heart. And from my mind would not depart. Only one life, 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last."
"With so much evidence supporting the historical foundation of the Christian faith, we pray that you will consider following Christ as the only way for salvation."
"Faith confines itself to the promises."
"The Holy Spirit convicts. And the way he convicts is that's not right, there's a better way to do it."
"You can't make me doubt God. I've seen him do too much."
"We are demolishing arguments. We demolish every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God."
"I know not how the Spirit moves, Convincing men of sin, Revealing Jesus through the Word, Creating faith in him."
"The voice of God brings conviction and transformation."
"Nobody is separating my faith from me."
"Faith is a living, deliberate reliance on God's grace, so sure that it would die for it a thousand times."
"Condemnation says you lied, you're a liar. Conviction says you're way too awesome to be acting like that."
"Everything I'm believing for, everything I'm praying for, it's already so."
"But I pray that you leave this sermon convinced and convicted that my help, my strength, the source of my life, is in God alone."
"I am persuaded that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me."
"The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me."
"Do you believe that? Let's declare this."
"Let every man be a liar, but my God be true."
"The Lord brought you to this day because He has a word to speak to you, and that word is not just a word of conviction; that word is a word of hope."
"Holy Spirit will convict us of sin to draw us to God, where we find life."
"It isn't up to our opinion, it isn't up to our conscience, it isn't up to our feelings, it is the word of God."
"With genuine faith, even a tiny amount like a mustard seed, you can move mountains."
"Don't ever hate conviction; conviction is a real gift from God."
"In the pure intellect, unoccupied with objects, arises the conviction 'I am Brahman'."
"The Holy Spirit, when He comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment."
"There's an inner witness of the spirit that causes us to hear the truth and in our hearts we say amen."
"God is not a man that He shall lie, and God is not the author of confusion."
"Once you are completely convinced and clear that 'I am limitless awareness and only limitless awareness', then it's done, that is self-realization."
"The conviction felt by the soul is the main point."
"Earlier experience shines into present experiences and how through careful soul development we really can create for ourselves the conviction that our soul reincarnates."
"Faith is not passive, faith lays hold."
"Refuse to allow doubt and fear to enter your consciousness when standing on God's Word."
"I would rather offend you and please Him, than please you and offend the one that called me."
"The Holy Spirit of God is the only one who can bring conviction to anyone's life."
"Super faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing He will."
"We must have the faith that takes God at His word."
"I knew that God was the only way."
"We are not moved by what we see, we're not moved by what we hear, we are moved by the word of God."