
Apostasy Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"For it is impossible to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened, who have experienced the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come, and who then turn away from God."
"Will you join the apostasy or will you come out from among them and be separate?"
"This is an article to document the fact that we're living in a world of apostasy."
"The spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons."
"In the last days, we need to run from the apostasy, grab hold of Christ, never budge from this book, and finish the race."
"They will leave the religion like an arrow goes through the prey." - Prophet Muhammad
"The fact that you have to use and I've used that expression many times that I had to give myself permission meant that I was previously restricted from reading a book looking at a website whatever that would be considered apostate."
"Apostasy is at the doorstep, ladies and gentlemen."
"This end goal is always apostasy but yeah there's many different... deceivers."
"This pontificate is a sign of the great apostasy. If this is not the great apostasy, then I'd like to know what would be."
"We're not angry atheists or angry apostates."
"There's no rapture here in Jude 23 because it's believers who are to snatch those who have apostasized from the fire."
"They treat me like I left their religion, like they're actually treating me like I committed apostasy."
"To publicly defect from the Catholic faith does not mean merely to say heretical things publicly."
"one of the major reasons why there has been and still is a grand apostasy from Christianity is because of the historical implausibility of the biblical narratives"
"Apostasy is not about false Christians who walk away from the church, but Christians who depart from a living God."
"I'm interested in the kind of psychology behind how someone would apost."
"It's a capital crime to leave Islam, to become something else."
"Apostasy, the complete abandonment of the Catholic faith."
"God is the one who really knows what He's doing, but He's allowing the power to these people to punish the sanctions and centuries of degeneracy of apostasy, less and less gentle apostasy, now it's bitter apostasy."
"It's referring to the period of the apostate church, the majority of the churches have abandoned the historic Christian faith."
"It's not about just whatever anyone calls apostasy; it would be specifically about the true God."
"While some lose all faith in God in Christ and truly turn apostate, others cling to Jesus and experience freedom and joy."
"I have been called apostate, but I have never apostatized nor forsaken the faith I at first accepted."
"I don't stand for that but I don't want them to be abolished as a religion entirely I want them to stop being extremists and I'm probably the biggest apostate out there in their own mind in their own words anyway."
"We are consequently under the severe chastisements of our God for our apostasy." - Unknown
"The abomination of desolation has always really been the same: a rejection of God to set up apostasy or pagan practices in the place of God and His word."
"Even though there's not a coherent Theology of apostasy in Protestantism the way there is in something like Mormonism or Islam, nevertheless the idea of a Reformation presupposes something like an apostasy."
"What he's saying is anytime you put anything in front of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are committing apostasy."
"It's all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's apostasy."
"I believe that there has been a practical apostasy from the faith with regard to all the questions involving human sexuality."
"The evil one brings about this apostasy by offering temptations."
"Denial is apostasy. Doubt is just struggling and we all do that, I'm sure."
"We believe in the great apostasy, so this kind of ushered in an apostasy that predates when Christ comes because Christ comes during an apostasy."
"Was there really a great apostasy?"
"Now I want us to return to the Old Testament for the next several minutes to study about the sad apostasy of Israel before the first destruction of Jerusalem."
"One of the reasons I think there's a great apostasy or falling away today is because largely the church, we've got caught up on the wrong message."
"Apostasy is the rejection of Christianity by someone who formerly was a Christian."
"The problem of evil is the principal reason for apostasy from the Christian faith."
"There is a creeping in of apostasy. It didn't barge in the front door, it just crept its way in through compromise into the church."
"Prophets cannot lead the church astray... if that's true then that would mean the prophet loses any kind of agency as soon as they're called as prophets and that can't be so... the prophet not being able to make mistakes is a... apostate idea."
"If you are an apostate, you're shameful. You stink when you do filthy things."
"The great apostasy in the church begins at the top."
"We are faced with apostasy, not merely by scholars but in the people."
"Evil is going to be prevailing even among those who profess faith in Christ. There is going to be a turning away, an apostasy, a falling from the truth."
"Welcome to Myth Vision Apostate Profit."
"If they keep going in apostasy, you can't with Integrity say to a 25-year-old, 'This is a great platform to minister Christ Jesus.'"
"The greatest risk of delay is apostasy, falling away from the ways of the spirit."
"The second coming will not happen until two things happen: the global falling away from the faith, and the man of sin is revealed."
"Praying as an apostate, I finally felt safe."
"The Pharisees messed up, deliberately created an apostasy, and here is the true doctrine."
"Hello everyone, it's your favorite apostates again."
"I am astonished you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel."
"Apostasy... means a Defiance of an establishment, system, or authority; a rebellion, an abandonment, or breach of Faith."
"I would condemn capital punishment for apostasy. I absolutely condemn the killing of apostates."
"Look instead for people who are asking questions, being given non-answers, and are being discouraged from asking future questions. That seems to lead to apostasy far more frequently than an acceptance of science."
"Cruelty is its own form of apostasy; cruelty is disobedience."