
Directionality Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Unless we change directions, we're likely to end up where we're going."
"No free lunches in the antenna business; if you want a lot of gain, you have to sacrifice something, and what you usually sacrifice is directionality."
"It might have gone off a little bit, maybe it goes down some roads that aren't necessarily correct, but it always is moving in the correct direction."
"There's just this anticipation that we're all moving in a direction."
"What run is going the majority of it is going in the direction of yap."
"Forward is one way, backward is another way."
"This is a turning point in history... but are we headed in the right direction?"
"Everything you do either moves you in one direction or moves you in the other."
"Follow my instructions carefully, left or right side?"
"The attacks seem to constantly point circumstantially at least to the north."
"Using arrows can help signify direction, trends, and guide viewers on where to look."
"Your intelligence allows you to move quickly, but if you're headed in the wrong direction, you're the dumbest person in the room."
"All stop, or slightly to left, base left, port."
"Understand this: everything is moving in the direction that the Bible says it's moving in."
"When you're plotting the points, you want to go right and then up."
"This whole thing is a one-way street... it's like a one-way road that goes in one direction only."
"Acceleration can be positive or negative, depending on the direction of velocity."
"This is the causal connection graph and this causal connection graph is saying you can go from 1 to 8 but you can't get back from 8 to 1."
"The key is that the laser medium provides this light amplification with a directional component."
"If you point it in any other direction it won't work. So, very very simple thing to do for your plants."
"...the sound sounds much more just rich in full and directional and you just hear my voice a lot more clear."
"Just remember that when you're working on a 3D grid or even a 2D grid, the sign in front of the number will inform the directionality of the mesh or the operation."
"This microphone's really like directional."
"Starting with the composition, I'm using the layering in the rocks that have a strong directionality to them to guide the viewer to the focal point."
"What's so amazing about supercardioid and why I love it so much for an on-camera shotgun mic like this is it's super focused."
"Yagi's are traveling wave antennas, they have that guided structure to direct the wave."
"There's always going to be a direction to that light."
"In live streaming, media data flows in one direction from the creators to the viewers."
"Vector quantities have both a size and a direction, for example, weight, displacement, velocity, acceleration, and forces."
"Perfect dependence means that all sort of components go in the same direction."
"Parabolas are either going to be ones that go towards the top or ones that go towards the bottom."
"Reversible reactions are where reactions go forwards and backwards."
"The nerve impulse in your body is unidirectional; it always goes in the direction from the soma towards the axon terminalis."
"Extrudes, pads, and pockets allow the profile to be extruded in a set direction."
"A diode is an electrical component that only allows current to travel in one direction through it."
"Fractional anisotropy is the amount of directionality something has."
"Nine signifies the eight directions with the center as the ninth point, known as the hall of light."
"Time has a direction, which we call the arrow of time."
"The heart only pumps blood in one direction, and that's thanks to the valves."
"In RDF graphs, property relationships point in only one direction in triples."
"It's a great pattern to work with directional prints because you're always going to have it pointing in the direction that the person at the table would be sitting at."
"It's cool that this is kind of more of a directional ski."
"With these passive directional antennas, we're taking the energy and focusing it in one direction."
"If you're delivering energy to the shaft, it means that the torque you're putting on the shaft is the same direction as the speed of the shaft."
"When we're talking about transmitting energy or power, it kind of matters what direction the torque is being applied and what direction the rotation is happening."
"The vector displacement tells us it knows how it can push points in the different directions."
"The nerve impulse is unidirectional inside your body; we call this orthodromic."
"It's really important to acknowledge that these leaves and petals have a clear sense of directionality to them."
"Cursive really emphasizes the directionality of reading and writing and helps to prevent reversals."
"The electric field lines always go from positive to negative and enter and leave surfaces at 90 degrees to that surface."
"Area vectors are always directed outward for closed surfaces."
"Self-collimation is a phenomenon that occurs in a photonic crystal where no matter what direction a wave tries to go, it's forced to go straight."
"Directional microphones can help maximize gain before feedback."
"Sound is very directional at higher frequencies; the lower frequencies are going to be more omni-directional."
"One interesting fact about the Millennium Falcon is on the top, the streaks run from the inside out; when you do the bottom, you streak it the other way, the streaks on the bottom go from the outside in."
"Power flows in a direction normal to the tangential of the surface."
"We can describe directions using unit vectors."
"The magnitude of a times the unit vector is the magnitude times the direction."
"Temperature is only varying in the R direction, going out radially from the center."
"This is actually a velvet, so it does have a direction as well; the smooth ways going down."
"Reactants always go down, products always go up."
"An antenna that concentrates signals in one direction is called a beam antenna."
"A beam antenna is a directional antenna."
"What polarization is, is the direction the electric field points as a function of space and time."
"Momentum is a vector; it can be negative or positive."
"Electricity flows only in one direction through an LED, it's a diode."
"When we are talking about wind, we have to consider at least two directions."
"Quantities that require both magnitude as well as direction are called vectors."
"From the syllable, light emanating blue light shines to all directions."
"Always trade the direction of Kijun-sen, never go opposite of Kijun-sen."