
Global Finance Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"The UK has an almost unique role in global finance."
"We are in a relative... liquidity crunch or crisis globally, where there's not a lot of cash to support... these sort of bank financing or company financing activities."
"Bitcoin's going to be the next global reserve currency, and every single person in the industry is completely underestimating this thing."
"It's estimated up to a tenth of the world's wealth is parked in offshore financial centres, costing governments hundreds of billions of dollars in lost tax revenue each year."
"Removing Russia's largest banks from SWIFT cuts them off from global institutions and makes it much more difficult to process transactions for them."
"The Petro-Yuan trade marks the beginning of the end of the assumption that the US dollar is the global reserve."
"Every financial institution in the world can settle every fiat asset with every other financial institution in the world in seconds."
"So there's a couple ways to monitor the health of the petrodollar system."
"I look for a gradual decentralization of how global payment networks work."
"There are maybe a hundred million people... sending $560 billion dollars home every year."
"Cryptocurrency is literally for everybody around the world."
"BlackRock has built a Global Financial web of control in data analysis that extends Beyond borders, regulators, and in most cases, even governments."
"One of the reasons we are looking at inflation is because... third world countries are beginning to develop."
"We are at a moment right now that is a totally unique moment in history."
"Bitcoin's a global reserve asset and so really you need to look at the total amount of global dollars."
"You don't want to expose yourself to having your currencies or your assets scattered around the world when the transfer mechanisms are slowly being frozen out."
"How long until the yuan takes over as the reserve currency? Maybe not overnight, but it looks like we may be moving that direction."
"We need to find a new anchor for world's financial system so we need a successor for the dollar."
"The U.S. dollar may lose Global Currency status... according to Forbes."
"When sanctions lose effectiveness, it gives rise to reserve currencies and creates a multi-polar world where new alliances are formed."
"Corporate losses would be in the vicinity of in the US about four trillion dollars globally probably about 12 trillion... yes trillion with the tea."
"Crypto investments are a global phenomenon, governed by regulators and policymakers. You really want to keep going to these regions and finding out what direction the policy is going to go."
"Is the Chinese digital currency set to dethrone the dollar? I think over the long term the answer may be yes."
"If it were to happen, it could have significant implications for the Global Financial system."
"In this new world order, there will be one digital currency. No more US dollar or any other world fiat currencies."
"The tide is turning... US dollar will not go on as the world's reserve currency for very much longer."
"If there has been one significant change in the global economy over the last several years, it has been the gradual erosion of belief in the US Dollar's indefinite Supremacy."
"The emergence of new Reserve currencies from em economies will broaden the options for diversifying Reserve Holdings and reducing the vulnerabilities associated with Reliance on a small number of currencies."
"We should be happy to shed the burden of the reserve currency status."
"Chinese real estate may be the world's most important single sector that is bigger than U.S treasuries."
"The dollar kind of wins the Reserve currency meaning really Securities uh crowned because by default there's nothing else they can compete with it."
"So for example uh I think that Bitcoin is the winner for uh the global store of value right like you become a money maximalist I always use the example if you grew up in the United States you're a dollar maximalist."
"The Global Financial system is fundamentally incentivized to support the wealthy minority over the lower income majority."
"This is one of the greatest opportunities in investing globally."
"My single greatest nightmare is the loss of the U.S. as the reserve currency."
"We are witnessing the birth of Bretton Woods 3, a new world monetary order centered around commodity-based currencies in the East."
"The world can't afford more expensive dollars."
"Places like Karachi in Pakistan and Dubai in the Middle East will become key new hubs for RMB moving forward."
"The world will move to a new international standard for exchanging electronic messages between financial institutions by 2025 called ISO 20022."
"The world wants dollars a hundred times more than it wants any of these other currencies."
"Powerful new technologies built on blockchain and empowered with digital assets are catalyzing a sea change in how money is moved around the world."
"Bitcoin: frictionless, open, transparent, global."
"As China moves to ease monetary conditions, positive fundamental and macro developments are starting to emerge."
"The hegemony of the US dollar system is facing a series of crises."
"Yo, American money is not, by definition, any more like legitimate than any other country's currency."
"Bitcoin is a global monetary system, the first of its kind."
"Credit Suisse estimates global household wealth to be 360 trillion USD."
"The investor class has made more money globally than the rest of the world times 10."
"If you have a One World Currency, you take away each country's autonomy."
"China is looking to become the global reserve currency."
"Do you think the petrodollar is gradually being replaced? Do you think it will collapse?"
"The world changed in 2009 that existential risk of the collapse of the global banking system in developed countries does not exist."
"Bitcoin does have a very good shot at becoming the world currency."
"This is yes about multi-polar politics but also about multi-polar Finance about creating new avenues of trade."
"China has become the biggest lender in the world."
"We're right there - exactly average for when the world reserve currency should change."
"New York emerged as London's equal if not her superior as the world's financial center."
"However long term the U.S stock market has some of the best and most innovative companies in the world that are disrupting huge markets with massive liquidity around the world chasing a limited number of quality assets."
"Everything I discussed before is now boiling to... a new Global Financial system is emerging."
"Bitcoin represents the perfect collateral to build a global credit system."
"Women run finance ministries in 16 countries and 14 of the world's central banks."
"The dollar's days are numbered as the reserve currency."
"I believe we have a shot at becoming the world financial operating system."
"Historically, contracts for oil have been agreed in US dollars."
"There's almost 14 trillion dollars with a dollar denominated debt."
"40 million XRP transactions, ramping up worldwide." - Brad Kinds
"Perhaps one day [RMB] would even rival the US dollar."
"Ripple is on a mission to help bring financial inclusion, bank the unbanked, and help us move into this new global financial system."
"Moving oil trade out of dollars into yuan will take right now between 600 billion dollars and 800 billion dollars worth of transactions out of the dollar."
"The US dollar is the widely accepted and really the only serious candidate for the world's principal Reserve currency."
"China is dependent on capital from the rest of the world."
"We're going to see a reset in the global monetary system sometime soon."
"Cryptocurrency is going to play a very important role in decoupling from the petrodollar."
"The United States must retain its leadership role in the global financial system by nurturing the development of future technologies."
"Cryptocurrency could actually become the reserve currency of the world as more and more people lose confidence in government."
"What they were engaging in is basically putting the world into the debt of basically a in a nutshell a spirit."
"I do believe Bitcoin has a good chance of being kind of a top three Reserve currency of the world you know that could be the dollar and then the digital one and then Bitcoin."
"It remains to be seen whether this will have very serious effects on the hegemony of the U.S. dollar."
"The beginning of the end for the dominance of the dollar in the world."
"The IMF will use its full toolbox and one-trillion firepower of lending"
"Bitcoin happens to be competing against the dollar."
"When they make this official, the dollar is not going to be top dog anymore."
"Governments really care are they going to stop it can they ban it at that point no but they care because it becomes a global asset class that matters."
"It's always been about the Petro dollar... it's about the Petro dollar supply and demand."
"The American dollar is in severe crisis... at risk of no longer being the reserve currency of choice."
"Folks, the Global Financial system is on the brink and banks are getting very very nervous."
"We're building the most inclusive monetary infrastructure."
"Countries are trying to circumvent bitcoin instead of adopting it."
"Bitcoin is a rules-based monetary system, the first global one ever."
"Billions pouring out of China as global investors lose confidence. A whopping 3.1 billion dollars gone within five days."
"Ripple's on-demand liquidity and digital asset XRP could help solve the world's current liquidity problem."
"The world's got trillions and trillions of dollars tied up in liquidity just to get around how clunky the movement of value is around the world."
"This is the end of the U.S. dollar, I do believe. It's still going to be there just like the British pound is still there but it's not going to be the global reserve currency."
"The global dollar standard is on its last legs."
"The big money around the world is accumulating huge amounts of gold and silver."
"President Trump is now not just the most powerful man on the face of the, but President Trump controls the financial destiny of nations."
"Cryptocurrency is invisible. It's instant. It goes around the world."
"They created something called the NDB or new development bank."
"We are way beyond that point... the moment all the Swiss banks got into it."
"Currency around the world is starting to normalize in value."
"Imagine a world where Bitcoin becomes a reserve currency."
"Bitcoin has a chance to become the global reserve currency."
"It's the first time in recorded history that we have the Japanese, the British, Europeans and Americans all printing money at the same time."
"The strongest possible driver for global adoption of a global reserve cryptocurrency would be a global institution that can force their will on most cross-border trade."
"We're seeing a global rebellion against the dollar."
"The world has no idea what is going to happen when we have both a big global economic crisis and a shift in world monetary system."
"In the end, it's really hard to move away from a reserve currency, and the dollar doesn't seem to be moving away from that status. If anything, it's strengthened over the last year."
"Global foreign currency reserves are falling at the fastest pace on record."
"Bitcoin will transcend any one currency and currency valuation."
"A dollar bear market is not the same thing as losing dollar reserve status."
"Except for U.S treasuries what can you hold gold you don't hold Japanese government bonds or UK bonds U.S treasuries are the safe haven for everyone including China it is the only option we hate you guys."
"Tranglo and Ripple have a large stake in key corridors including Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, India, and Bangladesh."
"The Petro dollar is usually reinvested by many of the oil exporting countries. Many oil exporters now invest their Petro dollars in stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments through Sovereign wealth funds."
"Foreign central banks are incentivized to find alternatives to the dollar."
"The US dollar has really grown across the globe through stable coins."
"Everything's connected, the global financial systems are all connected."
"Bitcoin's going to absorb all monetary premium of assets and eventually become the global means of storing value for the human race."
"If you owe a bank enough, you own it, and the United States owes the world enough that it controls the currency."
"The need for a global reserve asset that moves at the speed of the internet is desperately needed."
"In a multipolar world, you need a multipolar currency."
"The pandemic and the response from the U.S Federal Reserve injected trillions of dollars in liquidity into the global economy."
"I think that at the end of the day, the SDR is going to end up being the world reserve currency."
"That's more than half the people on the planet who are actually in the world's financial system."
"Bitcoin is going to be the digital world money."
"The US Dollar's deteriorating status as the world's Reserve currency."
"Bitcoin is so important, especially as a way to get around the US dollar. Countries have already been accumulating bitcoin."
"The U.S. dollar: A wrecking ball in the global economy."
"Crypto is a matter of national security. The Kremlin and China reveal a new financial system to obfuscate SWIFT."
"There's at least 80 central banks around the world that are looking at digital currencies."
"Plot twist: United States institutions like Blackrock are now dumping money into China. What a crazy world we live in."
"I've started to question now whether or not cryptocurrency could actually become the reserve currency of the world."
"There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is unapologetically herself."
"The U.S. dollar is the world's reserve currency, but the rest of the world is walking away from it."
"When we have dollar strength, what that's saying more than anything else is the printing presses are running more hours and printing more money in other countries that the dollar index is trading against."
"Why can't we have a crypto Venmo that's global? Everyone sending each other real currencies, euros, dollars, and it works?"
"There's more money in the world outside the US than there is money in the US."
"Iraq joining the Global Financial system will enhance the world's confidence in the Iraqi financial and banking system."
"The new world order is a new arrangement of global finances and control of the flow of capital and goods."
"Our approach to regulation based on physical perimeter is fundamentally incompatible with a global financial system."
"The United States dollar has long been the global leader and reserve currency worldwide."
"You need that framework, that architecture of finance, to power a global economy."
"We're going to be a midwife of the world's dirty money, we're going to help launder it, we're going to help whitewash it."
"Financial technology and cryptocurrency are the future of the global financial system."
"Central Bank digital currencies are launching globally, and while the US is dragging their feet through the legal process, the rest of the planet is on standby, ready to use XRP."
"U.S leadership consistently has helped improve Global Tax rules."
"The world is one big financial supermarket and everybody's competing in every market."
"Business enterprises on a global level are trending towards DeFi, decentralized finance."
"It really takes crypto from being an alternative asset class to being a legitimate asset class on the world stage."
"Bitcoin is going to become the global settlement layer for all assets in the world."
"We live in a dollar world on the real side... and we live in a dollar world on the financial side."
"Individuals from different backgrounds across the world are about to trade in one of the most difficult bear market conditions in years."
"The United States dollar is going to disintegrate along with it, and we will be headed towards a whole new global currency."
"Everyone focuses on the dollar at the center of this, but actually the biggest decision that's happened in the 30 years that's responsible for all of this was the decision by many countries, most importantly China, to link their currency to the dollar."
"We now have a global open monetary network that can achieve everything faster, cheaper, more inclusive."
"Sanctions are effective because we are the reserve currency of the world."
"The US dollar is known widely as the world’s reserve currency."
"Bitcoin is literally a ledger, an international ledger, bigger than any government."
"The Bretton Woods agreement became the backbone of the global financial system."
"If you have to pick a paradigm, this would be a massive paradigm which is the dominance of the dollar."
"XLM will be basically banking the world, offering instant borderless payments."
"We're doing this to understand how organized criminals are moving their wealth around the world."
"Let's have a compromise where there's a shared World Reserve currencies, and XRP is a bridge between all of them."
"Bitcoin is the Apex property of the world."
"The world has wanted to move away from the dollar since 1971."
"Global macroeconomic stability has never been more important."
"If you have this technology where we can actually communicate across globally and we can have global payment rails, why finance is so difficult today?"
"The real opportunity is in how a transaction can work across these Financial Centers."
"Bitcoin is neutral money for the world."
"Having a world reserve currency that is owned by the people and developed in the way that Bitcoin has developed would be ideal for everyone on the planet."
"The dollar wrecking ball is going to continue to wreak havoc across global asset classes."
"The bifurcation of the global monetary system... will ultimately lead to a massive decline in the Dollar's dominance as a global Reserve currency."