
Political Tactics Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"The government benefits from inflation by wiping out its debt but also the government benefits from inflation in that politicians get to bribe the voters with government programs like stimulus without asking the same voters to pick up the tab."
"Democrats should operate like the way Republicans do in the sense that Republicans will whip votes no matter what. They will get things done no matter how unpopular it is."
"I am a policy purist, and strategically I'm the opposite. I'll do anything that works strategically in order to win."
"A Witch Hunt is when you relentlessly attack the thing that you are most afraid of."
"The CCP's priority is deception, lies in Saving Face at all costs."
"This is just the start, the tip of the iceberg of the kind of financial Jihad they will act against average Americans who they think don't politically align with them."
"It's a common tactic for authoritarian governments...they need a scapegoat to fall back on."
"False equivalence is a tool of the left. You actually can know things."
"The best offense is to claim you're doing what your enemy is actually doing."
"It's a great move by Cruz, it's been in the works for a little while, and it's great to see."
"Everything they suggest about the right is true of the left."
"Why does Donald Trump continuously attack the judge? Perhaps it just boils down to that he is trying to intimidate them, intimidate the judge, intimidate the court, and the legal system."
"They're hoping that if they keep screaming at you, you'll be too off balance to notice what is happening to the country around you."
"Whatever they're accusing the enemy of is exactly what they are trying to do."
"Just imagine what these Republicans are going to introduce once they don't have to face the voters."
"Voter fraud is a really ineffective and inefficient way to try to win an election."
"People need to wake up and realize the tactics being deployed are in direct defiance of the Constitution."
"Crises are really, really good at distracting people from all the things that you don't want them to see."
"We've all seen false flag attacks, a deliberate misrepresentation of motives and/or identity."
"The formula for winning these is the same formula everywhere right which is turn out your voters and try to get as many people in the middle as you can."
"If someone's going to steal an election, they're going to give themselves a decent margin."
"Voter suppression isn't only about blocking the vote, it's also about creating an atmosphere of fear."
"Against that backdrop, what do I see a lot of other conservatives doing? A lot of them are playing whack-a-mole."
"Hamilton's a ninja right. He comes up with a scheme that makes it in the interest of the most well-off people in America to see higher taxes."
"The president is doing his best to make the election about anything else." - Narrator
"The left lies, they cheat, and they steal, they are ruthless."
"He seems to be uninterested in these showboaty, you know, Marjorie Taylor Green Beaubert, you know, Gazar attempts at getting him as some kind of staffer and that's interesting to me."
"Democrats don't actually have to act sympathetically. All they have to do is act as though they are sympathetic."
"Immigration has historically been one of those big fear-mongering talking points."
"Slow motion fascism, now 100. That's exactly how the Nazis took over, through the courts too. They're using that playbook."
"I actually think it's very politically effective for Trump that because he is so uniquely mentally and emotionally damaged that he doesn't perceive his lies as lies."
"That's how you steal an election in plain sight."
"He's so good at throwing out as much misinformation and disinformation as he can."
"Every time the left is pushing some story like this... it's because they don't want you to be looking at another story." - Michael Knowles
"If something is inconvenient for him or is harmful to him, he just calls it a hoax."
"They hit you with everything... just to make you feel exhausted."
"So if you wanted to increase inflation, if you wanted to make the population weak and dependent upon you, this is what you'd probably do, free bread next time."
"They set about one of the most concerted smear campaigns in history."
"It just shows you how everything they're doing right now is to spread their propaganda."
"I think they just work the system better than the Republicans did."
"So desperate to distract... Now you're trying to shift the focus by baselessly attacking Representative Bowman to score cheap political points." - "Ms. Ocasio-Cortez"
"How petty is that? They literally sat down and calculated how much these school board members get paid."
"Administrative terrorism, their tool in the toolbox."
"You're gonna steal an election, it's got to be much closer... it's very hard to steal a landslide when the landslide is already being broadcast on TV."
"Silence is not an effective political strategy."
"Vote early and leave the opponent without enough votes to cheat on Election Day." - Life of Brian
"Winning means persuade people... or outvote them or outmaneuver them."
"There is strength in unity. We the people are now the news."
"The more chaos that is sown here, it will disincline people to show up. Every time I speak about it, I feel like I'm playing his game. Does it make sense what I'm saying?"
"Accuse others of what you do. It's gotten into politics where they do the hateful thing and they accuse you of being hateful."
"Classic above and below tactics, feeding their own agendas."
"Just play politically to avoid becoming the biggest threat on the board until it's too late."
"As we get closer and closer to the election, the censorship is going to really ramp up."
"I think it's the healthiest thing possible. I think the right has now understood the rules and is exploiting them to their advantage... the more we make this a cultural fight, the more they're going to lose."
"He reveals that he will resign immediately if they don't have a higher position to offer to him."
"Tokenism only works when the left says that it works."
"They themselves are the ones who are actually using fascist tactics of silencing."
"In war, in baseball, and especially politics, timing is everything."
"Divide and conquer is well understood as a core strategy for winning, this is dividing us very finely."
"The left is absolutely terrified of this because they're the only ones allowed to use illiberal tactics to destroy their enemies."
"They're doing that for a political purpose... creating a base of voters who tend to vote in their direction."
"The left's culture wars are the ways that they change how people think. It is the threat they use to cudgel people into silence."
"They generate crises, they caused the problem, and then they pose as the saviors."
"They're just using people's anger for their own ends."
"Mockery is the best weapon of this election and you should use it more."
"They're actually using their other hoaxes to create what I'm going to name the wrap-up hoax."
"All you did was reveal the masterful trolling of the Trump campaign turning anti-trump activists into pro Trump activists."
"It’s 22 days out. All over the country we are seeing a blitz by Republicans to tilt the playing field, to run elections, to administer democracy in a way that is maximally inconvenient or just flat-out suppressive of likely Democratic voters."
"Attempts to suppress the vote or dilute the vote are an effort to undermine democracy."
"Does the left need to be more tactful? What you're kind of implicitly asking is, are we capable of controlling the language of hundreds of thousands or millions of populist protesters?"
"The left pushes anger because when people get really angry they don't think straight."
"Are they scaring us because this is a real concern or for political gain?"
"The fastest way to organize and direct individuals is to give them a rally cry and point them at an enemy."
"Control the narrative if this does not explain to you how the left operates."
"Making it hard to vote for your opponent, making it easy to vote for you."
"So how do we stop this intimidation? First, learn to recognize the left's bully tactics. They're not subtle."
"My Democratic colleagues are saying if you don't support that I will blow up the Senate."
"If worse comes to worst... we've got means in America of removing someone."
"The mode of attacking Trump that actually is most effective is through this lens of a weak loser."
"The left is going to do this every day of the week and twice on Sunday."
"If I was the Dominic Cummings of unionism I'll be working out how I could boost the Labour party of Scotland because I think that's the key for holding the union together."
"All this tinkering with the race and the obsession with representation... all of that is a gimmick."
"Beto is one of those people who manipulates situations to get popularity for his own growth."
"It's an absolute sort of like Alpha power move, and DeSantis basically has decided, and I'm not sure this is even the wrong choice, to effectively take it."
"As soon as we embrace winning strategies and toss the losing strategies to the side we will be unstoppable."
"A standard plan that revolved around a basic concept all of which led to a single crucial goal: fabricate a reason for the Sorcerer Kingdom to get involved."
"Stanley argues that those who employ fascist tactics do so from a place of cynicism they don't really believe the enemies they target are as bad as they say it's simply a means to an end"
"These are really the tactics of pre-war Germany."
"We have to stop reacting based upon what the left is doing."
"If this was happening anywhere else in the world people would go that's quite a dodgy tactic" - Neil Sanders discusses the tactics used by wealthy individuals in politics.
"If your ultimate goal is to condemn and push them out, you've created a right-wing mob."
"This is not a one-off this is now a blueprint this is now a playbook the secret history of the shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election."
"No unilateral disarmament. It's important in foreign policy; it's important in domestic policy too. Gotta keep up the heat."
"The left is always good at making everything seem super urgent, everything always seems like a crisis, and the right doesn't do that."
"Politicians play to stereotypes by saying or tweeting radical things to fire up fringe view supporters."
"This war is a way to circumvent the embargo."
"Let's stop falling for the divide and conquer tactics."
"Every time this kind of culture war tactic from far-right Republicans is used, it works."
"Trump only has a few moves and he repeats the moves over and over and over again."
"The secret that Trump knows is if you're going to lie, go big right? Don't waste your time on niggling little tiny uh prevarications, go big."
"Remember, the left always accuses us of what they themselves are doing."
"We need some sort of cohesive plan if Trump wants leverage against the Chinese."
"The right doesn't believe in their own conspiracy theories. They only believe in them because they're politically useful."
"Silence political opposition the left do it all the time."
"Understanding the propaganda they use and how to counter that, that would be important."
"They want to join our movements to neutralize us."
"This whole cry bully tactic of saying, 'Oh no, I'm not going to show up to the debate,' but also, 'You're too scared to debate me,' I think it's just emblematic."
"You might have to get a little dirty in fighting them and you might have to get a little dirty and sort of do some things like what Ron DeSantis is doing."
"The tactic is that you say that somebody is intrinsically anti-semitic, and it sticks. And then the media parrot it and repeat it the whole time."
"GOP-controlled states are leading voter suppression campaigns nationwide."
"The right pulls people in by accusing the left of demonizing them and by sliding political propaganda into content about things people care about."
"Economic supremacy of this particular class must be defended through any means necessary, either be it liberal, fascist, or whatever else."
"The way they are gaslighting the public means that they're trying to Tamp down any sort of a populist Revolt in reaction to this."
"Could it be that they're going to prompt some sort of a false flag?"
"Jump onto it for fundraising purposes... who has the louder and the stronger voice."
"Trump seemingly will do anything to win in November."
"It's sickening. It sucks that they are employing such an obvious and, you know, time-honored cheat code to political persuasion: just tell people that the people they hate will rape their children."
"Donald Trump is so good at ritualistically humiliating his interlocutors."
"Punish these political enemies because you will galvanize people."
"It's a panic time now, okay, just a full wrap-up smear time."
"All you have to do is limit the debate to just naming their lies."
"It is one thing to pursue good policy that happens to trigger people on the left, it is another thing simply to trigger them and then assume that you have done something good."
"It's an absolutely frivolous political strategy and maybe if we could overcome our fear of being called racists and this system that is and stand up against that kind of stuff because it is a vicious strategy it's anti-American but it's working."
"I'd rather they actually would have worked, strategized, worked together and voted as a block and got something for their vote."
"What can happen when a political party comes out too early with its kind of it's policy operates Manifesto is that you're a political opponent if they're clever steal some of your clothes."
"Her refusal to succumb to the devious tactics of political maneuvering not only reinforces her strength but also highlights what true leadership looks like in the face of adversity."
"He waited until Sunday the 21st I was off by 4 days...and he did it in such a ways to inflict maximum damage on Nikki Haley."
"Always ask yourself that when you think Trump has made a mistake because it's usually strategic... he's got the whole nation looking at AOC."
"It's chaos caused by how many concessions they've made and how they have basically whipped their fan base into thinking that all matter of obstructionism is actually good."
"Democrats and Republicans are playing a board game: Republicans say 'Screw this' and light the house on fire."
"Different tactics work on the left than work on the right... a tactic that works on right-wing people might not work on left-wing brains."
"Keeping a list of your political enemies, that's chilling."
"Why does the left succeed in making Destiny so emotionally compromised?"
"Transparency has been corrupted and turned into a weapon for intimidation."
"You cannot become the evil you seek to eliminate, but there's a middle ground where you don't have to become the evil that you're seeking to get rid of, but at the same time, playing the game at the speed of the game."
"One lesson of the French Revolution is that rudeness can be extremely politically useful." - Amber Frost
"Wouldn't that be kind of a door for her to kind of convince those people to fund a structure like that?"
"This is machiavellianism at its highest level."
"They want to own the opposition rather than change the opposition or talk to the opposition."
"The left is experienced and expert at what it does in destroying people."
"From the moment that Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he stoked fear and resentment and hatred, basically creating scapegoats in order to gain supporters."
"Do you truly think for one minute if the roles were reversed... the Democratic Party would be keeping these primaries going? I don't think so."
"They stopped trying to persuade the majority and just changed the rules."
"These are communist tactics, and they're not going to stop with vaccine mandates." - Marjorie Taylor Green
"Jumped all over this because of course they're not they're doing the same exact thing. This is a mutually assured destruction so that's why nobody wants to bring it up."
"So yeah so when I traced this stuff when I started first looking into it um really like digging into it um I found that Democrats started it in 2018 I actually think I know who it started with."
"You don't have a coup by attacking the capital. You do it by taking over the media, by censoring people, and by controlling the Justice Department. That's the Democrat deep state with Republican allies. We're in a coup."
"Democrats are funding more right-leaning candidates in some states."
"As long as they take votes away from fascists all right in no other circumstances am I okay with it."
"It's not that the mask has slipped, it's that the cabal has torn the mask off and gone, 'Actually, this was for your own good.'"
"Control bitcoin and it really pisses them off."
"Thank you guys for joining my channel and coming along with me for the journey."
"Turning off the internet is kind of a shot in Iran's foot."
"The problem is in practice we know it's just a bad faith way to purge people from voter rolls and prevent people from voting."
"Nothing can stop that, but the question is the only delay of trash they can throw in is not suspending the elections."
"They've been re-cycling that playbook in Georgia and other places."
"If Republicans actually start giving Democrats a taste of their own medicine, this would stop."
"I think we're all being told each one is a threat because it's a way of using fear to force us into a binary choice."
"Putin's nuclear sabre rattling worked- everyone in the west has the Hershey squirts at the thought of quote- escalation."
"It feels like they're doing this just to deliver a [ __ ] you to Democrats."
"Why do you need false flags when you have fake news?"
"It's never about a one-off. It's a political strategy that exposes the gap between what elected officials are willing to do and fight for and what the people that elected them want."
"If they can solidify their gains legislatively in their anti-trans agenda, they can then use this ladder rung as a foothold to start repairing the rung that allowed them to oppress gay people."
"This smacks of media bias and the misuse of racism as a term of art in order to slander political opposition."
"Fascists try to control language and change the meaning of words."
"He knows what he's doing when it comes to propaganda and it scares me."
"Politicians seizing at it, throwing gasoline in that flame."
"We need to remain focused all right so do not get distracted by the Donald Trump and the right-wing media will throw."
"They are going after private American citizens with phony evidence that is dangerous."
"The first thing authoritarian governments do is they shut down speech—it's like the first thing they do every time."
"We're allowing ourselves to lose on purpose."
"Trump knows what could be a problem for him to deal with where he is vulnerable, so he goes on the offense ahead of time."
"They have fallen short in pretty much every policy you can imagine. They have focused primarily on weaponizing identity politics and focusing on the optics of resistance."
"You have to be able to differentiate yourself. How about we focus on the 70 instead of the 30?"
"His strategy really is to be so upsetting, so reprehensible, so disruptive and insulting to the norms of what we agree to as Americans in public life that he draws everybody in to the response to what he has done."
"How Donald Trump wins this election is not through proven fraud, but through procedural grounds."
"They want to make it harder to vote and they want to specifically target certain voters and make it really hard for them."
"The ruling class the far right they will go after uh one person because it's easier for them to go after one person tear them down and then hence weaken the movement."
"They're trying to stigmatize calls for diplomacy... so disgusting."
"You have to have a communications apparatus absolutely that speaks to the people."
"They try to take their opponents off the field so that they can win because that's how they like to play."
"Democrats are always trying to play nice, always trying to stay above the fray. Republicans get down in the dirt with this stuff."
"He's going to basically undermine the legislature and he's going to push for passages of certain bills by speaking directly to the people."