
Evidence Analysis Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"People look at evidence saying, 'Oh, I could see how you could plant evidence...but they put themselves in the shoes of the person confessing and go, 'I would never confess to this if I didn't do this.'"
"Investigate the evidence, tell me what happened."
"Every criminal leaves evidence behind. The key is to know how to find it."
"They're taking each piece of strong evidence and trying to dismantle it."
"Now investigators turned to physical evidence collected nearly 15 years earlier to prove it."
"The lack of evidence presented makes it easy to undercut the story."
"Analyze the evidence and come to your conclusion based on the evidence, not what an authority figure says."
"Evidence should explain the available facts entirely and should not lead to multiple different conclusions."
"Tim's strange voicemail messages raised suspicion."
"But I get it, you know, the grass is always greener on the other side."
"Ghosts don't leave tracks, so with a Sasquatch, even tracks, you're totally right."
"Not every piece of evidence has an innocent explanation."
"Couldn't they have tested that hair for chlorine and that would tell them if she had recently been in a pool?"
"You have to look at all the facts. You have to draw inferences from what you’ve seen, what you’ve heard."
"The close scrutiny of these fragments was turning the cloudy details into a vivid portrait of murder."
"Just as a cold case can be solved using existing evidence even though the crime can't be observed today."
"It's almost as if nothing was ever there to begin with, and yet the paranormal evidence caught on camera proves at one point there was."
"It's just more evidence on a pile that needs to be understood."
"Technically in the CCTV, you don't see Elaine getting into the car by herself."
"How is the Christian God for which you think there is no evidence distinguishable from a Hindu god that you have no evidence for?"
"More so than somebody being dead set on one thing or the other... taking all the evidence and seeing where it led us."
"Only 6 ounces of material from Hella Crafts' remains was ever recovered, but it was enough for the police to make their case."
"Examiners were conclusively able to link these portions of tape by matching the torn ends, the fibers, and the glue."
"The only physical evidence... didn't seem to fit."
"Detectives to interpret body language and verbal responses in conjunction with the actual physical evidence."
"Now let's look at all of the evidence here at this Mount Sinai, which is known again as Jabal Makla."
"Can headlight fragments explain why a car mysteriously tumbled out of control?"
"Sometimes all you have is what you call circumstantial evidence, but if you've got enough circumstantial evidence it does tend to point to something."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"But when viewed in a different light, what appears to be overwhelming circumstantial evidence actually makes John Cardona an unlikely suspect."
"These crimes were so disconnected... except for one thing and that is this particular anesthesiologist having access to the bags of fluid."
"The truth needs no help, the evidence mixed with common sense will give you all you need to know."
"What explanation best fits all that evidence? And I think the answer is obvious to me: it's the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"Just telling you guys where I'm at with the evidence. I'm okay being wrong."
"The problem that a lot of paleontologists have had with this paper so far though is the actual evidence that the species level split has been based on."
"The evidence demands rigorous scrutiny and open-minded investigation."
"As a father who have lost his beloved son I have investigated every aspect of the car crash which killed my son body they are a basis of Wales and the driver Henry poor the evidence is clear."
"Did the killer do this? Why would the killer tear such a personal and heartfelt note in half?"
"I haven't heard any evidence that the devices were specially locked or that they had used, you know, special encryption that was, you know, more difficult to uncover. So yeah, just I'm not seeing any evidence of that quite yet."
"The official narrative doesn't align with the evidence."
"We are confident that someone did something to Jelani... the evidence points to someone else being involved."
"I just really am interested in the logic and the investigations itself and evidence like Phoenix Wright style."
"The hammer from inside the house... tells me that the offender came in through the back."
"The timeline tells you a lot of things... eliminate suspects, timelines help create a criminal profile."
"It's this short audio clip where you hear the suspect talking to the girls."
"Profiling is when you analyze the evidence deductively, develop Avenues of Investigation, not absolutes." - Criminal profiler Pat Brown
"In the end, it's about the evidence and reasonable doubt."
"Fracture match meaning can someone actually say it's the exact same whether they were once joined together? Okay."
"The absence of evidence does not indicate the evidence of absence."
"With DNA samples from three suspects, scientists hoped to determine who killed college student Jennifer Holland."
"Always ask questions and question the evidence."
"They're gonna attack the collection of how they collected this evidence, how they tied the DNA into this, back to Pennsylvania from the garbage that was discarded at the neighbor's house."
"Science is not trying to prove things it's merely examining the evidence to see what's most likely correct."
"If taken in isolation, the evidence does not stack up, but the accumulative evidence paints a picture and a theme that repeats itself across the sands of time."
"They are now going to meticulously comb through the evidence that they have collected."
"You can never pre-judge how a jury will react or how they will analyze that evidence."
"Examine the evidence with the utmost care and caution, act with judgment, reason, and prudence."
"Whenever you are looking at history and you're dealing with the dearth of information and you want to know, did something happen, did someone exist, it's never 0 or 10. You can't be absolutely certain of it."
"It is vital that a crime scene investigator looks at all of the information objectively and tries not to jump to conclusions."
"I appreciate what science has been able to do because if they weren't able to track down Blanchard, I have to wonder where it would have stopped without the forensics."
"Evidence analysis is when you take each individual document or piece of evidence within a document and you analyze it for how accurate it is."
"You don't look at one piece of evidence under a microscope and ignore everything else."
"You're taking all the evidence, breaking it down, trying to make it easy to understand but also trying to show how it points in one clear direction."
"Understand how to connect and analyze evidence in order to develop an argument and support a conclusion."