
Indie Gaming Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"To be able to enjoy someone else's success with the game, I feel that way when I see reviews of other indie games."
"A major cash infusion from Epic can go a long way in allowing such indie developers to worry less about surviving and more about making and bolstering their game."
"We are entering the Golden Age of Indie Games."
"These Double A and indie games, they really do capture the entrepreneurial spirit of video games."
"If Dunkey's indie label results in as little as one single indie game getting out the door that otherwise wouldn't have, then it's a success."
"Indie games are so great, I really feel like we're in this golden age."
"Thank you for stopping on by. It was a blast to have an audience with me here experiencing the fun indie games that I get to take a little bit of time with every single day."
"Among Us is noteworthy for being an indie passion project - something that didn't catch on and reach its full potential until two years after its release."
"The metroidvania formula is thriving in indie gaming seen almost every year independent developers released game after game greatly influenced by the likes of Super Metroid and symphony of the night."
"Small devs getting exposure makes me feel warm inside."
"Indie developers can still stand to invest little and gain much in exposure and success."
"Undertale guaranteed that indie games were a force to be reckoned with."
"Slender: The Eight Pages changed indie horror and games forever."
"I personally believe that an outgrowth from all of these current acquisitions is going to be another huge wave of really strong indie developers."
"There's never been a better time to be an indie. If you make a really high-quality indie game, you can actually make money doing it."
"This is my favorite indie adventure game released on Apple Arcade or just in the gaming market in 2020."
"This journey began with a bunch of teenagers putting themselves into debt to make a funny little point-and-click game about Doctor Who."
"I think that's a better experience especially on PC where indies have that advantage on PC of just being easier to develop for easier to publish on that's going to be going to be the future of diminished."
"Flash games were more than just distractions; they were the foundation of the modern indie game scene."
"Everything that we've talked about today is leading to this being your big break if you're an indie dev now is your chance."
"OFF has pioneered many tropes and ideas that would go on to inspire so many other indie developers."
"OFF is a very important piece of Indie gaming history."
"Dwarf Fortress is an indie game with incredibly complex systems."
"So yea, Hades is easily our game of the year and as we said earlier, our indie game of all time."
"Disco Elysium: An indie game that came out of the blue and won numerous awards."
"This device is going to shine with indie games."
"Anodyne 2 has probably been one of my most highly anticipated indie games like ever."
"The indie developer ultimately managed to keep his original promise and released Papers, Please on August 8th, 2013."
"It was nice when I was just releasing games and nobody knew about them. Nobody cares, and you can do what you want."
"Dreams is an end-to-end game creation platform that isn't aiming to create the next God of War, it's aiming to create the next indie darling."
"Independent devs... they can make whatever they feel like even if it's something that has like zero audience."
"Despite its overwhelming success, there were multiple moments during its development..."
"Cyber Shadow didn't come from nowhere... yacht club games is a success story that would make anyone proud."
"Vita games that still are coming out today, they are indeed labors of love."
"Indie titles represent everything good about the old days, they focus on fun gameplay and innovative things however they don't have the same marketing or development budgets that the big titles do."
"Sorry to disappoint the cynics, but Axiom Verge is one of the best indie games of the year so far."
"Indie games are where it's at if you're feeling a little exhausted with mainstream games."
"It's so indie it was a Kickstarter game... people wanted this style of game, and I think this game definitely deserves your attention."
"There's probably a lot of lazy Indie developers who accidentally made masterpieces and I love that for them."
"Indie games have risen to a new level of prominence offering a more intimate creator-driven approach."
"Fez still manages to feel like an essential entry in the indie game pantheon."
"It's such fertile ground for creative ideas from small teams."
"Let’s do the passion project and to hell with the consequences."
"For an early access game by three people, it's a feat to have overturned the modern shooter market."
"It is an absolute crime that Going Under hasn't received more attention because it deserves the worlds and then some."
"Whether you think it looks good or not is a sheer miracle that despite Riot's efforts small teams of passionate players can still make contact like this for nothing other than the sheer love of seeing people enjoy their work."
"If anything I've talked about in this video seems at all interesting to you you should consider checking out Tower unite on Steam if nothing else just to support an indie Dev team trying to hustle their way out of the proverbial Source engine Hood."
"You guys are the best. Thank you so much for watching."
"Celeste is an indie masterpiece, and just about as close to a perfect game as you're likely to find."
"How many of you have even heard of Hellblade, or Absolver, or Ruiner, or Echo? These games that, just being indie games, look and feel like triple-A experiences, innovating in their genres as well as paying homage to games of the past."
"Indie games have been absolutely dominating the 3D platforming genre."
"If you really want to find the games with the most unique ideas, look for the indie games."
"The success of Bendy was actually a complete accident and entirely unintentional."
"There were a lot of indie games that were very underrated, but that might be because they were very different than what you see typically."
"Indie games now have much better chances at finding a passionate fan base of their own."
"It's the imagination and huge effort by every corner of every world of this game for an indie team to pull off that makes it so special."
"It's kind of like lo-fi beats the video game and if you get what I mean by that, this game might be for you."
"With just one developer, graphics from the last century and little pre-release hype, Stardew Valley defied the odds and became indie gaming’s surprise hit of 2016."
"Ultimately, Hyper Light Drifter is a flat-out doozy, and both it and Inside are very deserving of being called 2016’s best indie game."
"Beautiful indie games that are subtle, that are poetic almost, you know, it's limitless—it's only limited by the bastards with the money."
"Tom Fulp is the creator of Newgrounds, and Newgrounds has been a huge proponent of supporting and hyping up Friday Night Funkin’."
"I think the Indie space is as thriving as it's ever been and it's only growing every year."
"It's been a lot of great indie games that have come out this year as well."
"FNAF is a cultural sensation; it redefined what independent horror games could be."
"Cave Story paved the way for indie games as we know them."
"Stable diffusion is a literal Game Changer, especially for smaller Indie Studios."
"If you've ever wanted to brawl it out with characters from Darkest Dungeon, Dead Cells, or Axiom Verge, then Bounty Battle is the Olan one indie fighter for you."
"Ender Lilies Quietus of the Night, incredible metroidvania well worth picking up."
"During the event: 'Make sure the game runs on its own, even if it catches on fire.'"
"Hooded horse are an indie publisher that are focusing heavily on finding Niche games and getting them directly to the audience that wants to play those games."
"Banished is one of my all-time favorite indie games, a truly iconic survival city builder."
"I love these indie games that are so creative with their visuals."
"Valheim: An incredible success with a lot of heart and soul."
"It’s important to support smaller studios like this."
"Lunacid is absolutely a Hidden Gem and a fantastic Indie successor to Kingsfield."
"I think the best thing about indie games is that they could go, 'Yeah, we were inspired by this game, but we love this kind of game so much that we want to see more of it and push it forward.'"
"I sift through the pile to find what's worth why in the world the indie games every single day so you don't have to."
"Indie games like Dwarf Fortress prove that graphics aren't everything. It's about the depth and richness of the gameplay experience."
"If you just get started on something that you could be worrying too much about, it could actually be a big gift."
"Dwarf Fortress is one of the most interesting games ever made."
"Indie games are amazing okay that's what I'm trying to say say someone's opinions are less valued simply because what they're working on has a smaller budget means nothing."
"Please support independent game developers—they're the ones making games that actually matter these days."
"Indie game development is so prominent because you own all your [ __ ]."
"Deep Rock Galactic is yet another of those really well-made indie games that make me question the future of AAA titles."
"Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a successful Kickstarter game."
"Indie horror games never fail to impress me with their unique approaches to horror."
"I made my very first commercial game, Couch Combat."
"Wish listing the game is incredibly helpful as having more wish lists on release makes Steam push my game in the algorithm, which is incredibly helpful for an indie dev like me with no marketing budget."
"Sometimes this polish can save your entire indie game."
"I've spent 200 days working on my Indie RPG project Seaborn."
"Fasten your seatbelts and prepare to come along with me on a journey into the scrappy, unprofessional, chaotic, and sometimes quite desperate adventure of solely solo indie game development."
"72,000 - that's how much my indie game made on Steam so far."
"Some of the most ingenious concepts to ever grace gaming are coming from just a few people working on their own."
"If you've been on the internet recently, you might have heard of a little indie game making rounds on Twitter, Discord, and other social medias."
"...the Indie gaming scene is crushing it right now it doesn't get highlighted enough..."
"That's why Indie and double-A gaming is thriving right now because they can take risks."
"Indie gaming has risen where AAA has fallen."
"That's why Indie titles are thriving."
"Indie Studios typically have better working conditions with flexible hours."
"That's why Indie and double-A gaming is thriving right now."
"For every minimalistic top-down shooter, there's another 'Papers, Please' - a game made by a solo developer which is one of the most politically rich examples of the art form yet made."
"How did I get started with Unity? How did I become a full-time indie developer?"
"Every indie developer working with Unity should be aware of these features and should utilize them to enhance their game."
"I've gotten more playtime out of some indie games than I have a full Triple-A game."
"An independent studio making their first game has managed to make something more realistic than EA or Ubisoft."
"Indie game developers should never use installers; it should always just be a single runtime executable."
"Itch.io has been amazing; Among Us actually found a lot of success in the beginning stages because they were on itch.io."
"Cave Story is so important to the history of video games; it started what would soon become a tidal wave of even more great indie titles that would change the lives of many and be loved by many many more."
"Amidst all of this darkness, there is a beacon of light, and that light is Indie Games."
"Join our journey, back our Kickstarter campaign, and help us."
"We really want to support video games that are independent."