
Economic Efficiency Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Bitcoin... allows for an equitable world. It allows for prices to fall. You're not wasting your time on this treadmill."
"Capitalism is about abundance. It's about productivity. It's about making more with less."
"Wealth is far more efficiently used when it's held by workers than it is when it's held by the wealthy. The wealthy just hoard their wealth."
"Economic efficiency should be one social good among others and it really ought to be up to democratic communities to determine the relative priority of environmental protection against economic efficiency."
"If you just want to look at economic efficiency, man, you've got to invest in infrastructure."
"The profit motive, the feature that capitalists have told us makes capitalism so efficient, does a terrible job at properly allocating for human needs."
"There's no reason for it to be systematized into a monopoly because monopolies are inherently inefficient."
"Economy is the goal, you want things to be as simple as possible."
"Finance crap the less negative externalities less friction the better the hours the less the middlemen cryptocurrency particularly hex cuts out middlemen."
"Means testing costs as much or sometimes even more than just providing the service universally."
"The cheaper a vehicle is to produce, the cheaper it can be sold (which expands its market) and/or the better its profit margins can be."
"It's far cheaper to deter a war than it is to fight one."
"There are better systems out there that provide better outcomes for patients across the board while costing them far less."
"The twists and turns make this season highly addictive in every sense of the word."
"Crypto not only solves the government stealing all your money, but also middlemen."
"We can't see past an old Paradigm, we just can't do it without the things that need to be invented or changed to create a new one."
"We should pay people to stay out of jail because we spend so much when they're in jail."
"Recognize that probably the greatest waste of food money goes to wasted food."
"Tesla's financial report revealed that compared to the U.S. factory, the production cost of the Model 3 production line in Shanghai is 65 percent lower."
"Once a robot can perform a task currently performed by a human at the same efficiency, reliability, quality, and endurance at or below cost parity with the human wage, then it becomes useful."
"Remember, solar generators are silent and they don't take five-dollar-a-gallon gas."
"Knowing there's not a single thing you have to do to fill those orders. The work's already been done and now you're just accruing revenue. This, my friend, is the beauty of making passive income..."
"I think it's a really cool example of how over time, once we get familiar with the design and the manufacturing concepts, the price, the economy of a technology like this can really drop."
"Once this Corridor is functional the existing 7500 M journey of the oil transportation to China will be reduced to just, 1500 mil this is estimated to save China $2 billion per year."
"Wind and solar are cheaper now because people worked really hard to try and find ways to make them cheaper and more efficient."
"Why should we subsidize their profits and executive salaries when we can pay for it directly more efficiently and cover everybody?"
"Technology lowers costs, freeing up capital and energy."
"It fits the mold of what Liverpool do you look at the signing of Diogo Jota as well very very economic signings."
"Absent the state, it's very, very hard to profit from corruption in the long run."
"Profit means that you're efficiently serving people's needs and preferences. That's all it means."
"Efficiency does lower prices but it also lowers the quality and diversity of the products you can buy."
"Fuel economy has significantly been improved over the gas only version of this car."
"Bitcoin is collapsing into a much more efficient form."
"Globalization made capitalism more Dynamic more efficient... cheerleading for globalization and for the other big term neoliberalism..."
"We all make mistakes but why do we fall Bruce so we can learn to pick ourselves up again."
"Long-term renewable energy will actually be the cheapest form of energy."
"We don't have to pay Western Union 16% to get money across a border we don't have to pay the banks two and a half to four percent every time we swipe a credit card."
"It will cost Tesla approximately half as much money to produce today's model 3"
"Quite possibly the best value in the entire draft."
"Currently in the UK the cheapest way of generating electricity is land-based wind."
"It's the very second they're trying to replace you by younger and cheaper."
"The whole point of right to repair is, you don't want to lose money by having to replace a whole thing instead of just a part."
"Globalization has been incredibly efficient in eliminating poverty."
"It's been really frankly just like democratizing really when it comes to compute power."
"Electric city bus helps the company cut its fuel costs by 68%, maintenance cost by 50%. So let's call that 70% less in fuel, 50% in maintenance costs. That's a pretty good incentive."
"There's a great return on that investment; it's going to save us money in National Security in the long term."
"Cheap things break earlier and you must buy them again."
"Focus on the things that made me more money, which also made me happy."
"Sending money should be no more expensive than sending an email."
"The exponential growth curves of Moore's law... Your smartphone today is a million times cheaper, a million times smaller, and a thousand times more powerful than a 60 million dollar supercomputer that was half a building in size forty years ago."
"Bitcoin is exciting because it shows how cheap it can be. Bitcoin is better than currency."
"I'm here for an ROI and to make the most of my money."
"Renewable energy on the utility scale is booming worldwide, driven by its cost-effectiveness compared to fossil fuel alternatives and government's net zero targets."
"Stop paying full price for three-week services and only getting access to a fraction of their content."
"A battery electric vehicle is 14 times cheaper to run ignore all the fing and"
"For a device to be projected to pay itself off within two years, that is a good thing."
"If you put the same amount of money in the private sector as you do the government sector you get twice as many jobs."
"I mean they put vendors to shame in cost because of like the endless waves carries thousands of battle droids."
"Upgrade your pistols, they pay for themselves."
"You and I don't have to trust each other to do a transaction... the cost of trust is why costs are so high from moving money around."
"Life isn't just about the rate of growth. I mean, since we started worshiping Milton Friedman instead of The Sermon on the Mount, people think it's all about economic efficiency and return."
"Armed with isoquants and isocosts, we can figure out the economically efficient combination of inputs."
"The efficient point is where the marginal product of labor over the wage equals the marginal product of capital over the rental rate."
"... the price of S3 standard has actually dropped over 80 percent since we first launched in 2006."
"For every one pound spent on these services, we save nine pounds on other public health spending."
"On average, you can save about half of what you are earning."
"It's possible to achieve very high levels of human well-being with relatively low levels of GDP."
"It is actually economically efficient for there to be only one provider of water in the town."
"Wherever man finds fuel and water together and in good supply, he has the materials for generating electric power at low cost with steam."
"If the country could leapfrog from paper cash to online Bitcoin payments, it could greatly increase efficiency."
"Economic liberalism really celebrates intense competition because intense competition should lead to actors manoeuvring in a way that's going to make things more efficient."
"The overall objective of plant layout is to design a physical arrangement that most economically meets the required output in terms of quantity and quality."
"The economist sees how rationing by price and using price as a signal makes the economy operate more efficiently."
"It's actually better even for the government that ends up saving money."
"Taxes are really great when they're effective at collecting revenue, as to the least extent possible distortion of the market, they tax the people and things you want them to tax, and that they're not easy to avoid."
"When there is a negative externality, a tax can lead to the efficient level of output."
"Points on the PPF are efficient and attainable."
"The joint can be much stronger even than the base metal; it can be produced anywhere and can be made very economically."
"We would like a society where anything which is worth more to the people who get it than it costs to produce gets produced."