
Technical Excellence Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Greg Fraser's cinematography is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Horizon Forbidden West is a feast for the senses; it's stunning on every level technically and extremely well performed."
"The a9 elevates two-channel playback in a way very few pseudo surround systems do."
"The camera angles, the speed, the frame rates - everything in this is absolutely unbelievable."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most impressive achievements in modern game design."
"From a technical standpoint, it's brilliant."
"The resolution is handled extremely well in 9.2, genuinely very, very well."
"Forza Horizon 4... manages to look great but also play at very high frame rates."
"It's a masterfully made film, super well done technically, it's intelligent, it treats you as an audience member with a lot of respect."
"The production values across the board are stellar."
"As incredible as the technical and visual aspects are, you never lose the emotional component."
"It's a staggering achievement in terms of technical innovation, big-budget production... it's amazing."
"The game's graphical prowess and arcade perfect gameplay combined make it the latest standard for excellence."
"God of War is a showpiece title, an impressive achievement that demonstrates what can be accomplished."
"Overall, Horizon Forbidden West from a purely technical perspective is a near masterpiece."
"The film is really handsomely done and I think from a craft technicals perspective, it's the most impressive the franchise has ever done."
"Watching it again, I was impressed with how many elements did hold up in terms of technology, size, scale, and performances. You legit feel the effort with every frame. It, in no way, feels like a lazy movie."
"This game is really well done beyond all the technical aspects that I'm just about to talk into that amplify that design but this is a game that should definitely be on your radar."
"Shinobi Free: Return of the Ninja Master is technically probably the best game in the series."
"Dune swept the technical categories for which it was nominated."
"It's a bittersweet movie done so well in both a technical and performance level."
"The audio design in this is just amazing, I know I'm gushing but this is some Next Level [__]."
"The slo-mo mechanic was incredibly well-tuned."
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day - a perfect mix of practical and computer effects."
"Everything sounded polished, I found the mixing and mastering was great."
"Tesla being good at software updates? Really, really cool."
"Enhance even in ISO 1600 the a1 shows significantly more detail thanks to its 50 megapixels."
"Forza Horizon 4 as a technical showcase is the best Forza Horizon game ever made in my book."
"Microsoft Flight Simulator was also one of the highest rated games on any platform."
"Ace was one of the best design operators we've ever seen in the game."
"The GE75 is giving one of the best results I’ve seen in this game."
"The Model Y 2024 is a true testament to innovation and design excellence."
"Where the iPhone camera sensor really excels is tonal quality skin tones and taking portraits of people and in photos of just peak faces it looks really nice."
"The quality was amazing. The audio, bro. The vocals are like EQ compressed, everyone was leveled."
"It's beautifully acted technically it's near flawless the direction is unbelievable."
"The mp5 is without a doubt the smoothest, the lightest, and the best recoil weapon that you can possibly get your hands on."
"Does its technical achievements in the craft of filmmaking deserve praise? Yes, of course it does."
"Besides the awesome story, DMC 5's presentation is top of the line."
"This film is fantastic from a technical standpoint."
"Attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility."
"This is what happens when you have the perfect combination of a great story meeting the great technical aspect."
"From a technical perspective, Shout Factory has outdone themselves once again."
"The technicals as expected are fantastic. The way Nolan uses sound in this movie blew me away."
"This movie is not just great just because of the themes it tackles but on a technical level it is unbelievable."
"The technical aspects of the show which are just top-notch."
"Technically it was a really, really well-made film."
"Roca is the coolest technical brand in motorcycling."
"They really have nailed the suspension on this bike."
"It should go without saying that purely on a technical level, this Anthology is outstanding."
"If you look at our race car, it's probably one of the most developed and perfected setups that we have."
"I'm broadcasting from the Cotswolds Hills regional center of technical excellence, otherwise known as my home office."
"The sound mixing and editing were on freaking believable, just as good as it gets."
"The camera work on this is phenomenal considering it is 50 years old."
"They wanted a product that was not only compelling as a product but also compelling technically."
"The execution here is almost perfect with primary emphasis on water cooling."
"Technical excellence is about being able to build that kind of adaptive software."