
Cinematic Appreciation Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"That's the most impactful film I went to... There Will Be Blood was a big one for me."
"The nightmare visuals, I was hypnotized by the visuals in this movie. It was so gorgeous, a work of art hands down."
"The moments that I'm actually able to take seriously in this movie are the Zion fight scenes."
"He has some really truthful moments in his eyes, and his stillness is beautiful and painful to watch."
"Every single time that I see a Warcraft or Starcraft or whatever the Overwatch cinematic from Blizzard, I'm like holy crap this is gold."
"But I've only seen it a couple times and I do recall the entire opening sequence being my favorite of the entire movie."
"The action was just top-notch, you know, it's incredible."
"The attention to detail and the overall composition of these films is something that can't be overstated."
"The technical achievements here, the story achievements, the way they developed the characters—especially some characters from the original film that they bring to another level here—that needs to be honored and rewarded."
"It's okay, I watched it. It was really good, it was Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson collaborating which was brilliant."
"This scene might be my favorite instance of film scoring ever."
"I love how this man can be in a film like Jiu Jitsu and then turn around and be in something more serious and dramatic."
"Early cinema is a realm we must learn to look at before we dismiss it as nothing more than a bygone era."
"I had my doubts and then I saw it and I was like, this is a masterpiece."
"Every shot I love, all the scene transitions, just to describe one quick, and when they're on the battlefield and in transition to the scene with the first dragon fight, beautiful shot."
"God, when I saw this in the theater I was like, 'oh I see what you've done here.'"
"Hot Jesus, that slow motion lightning is just the coolest freaking touch."
"The best in history nobody could shoot a movie better than Stanley Kubrick."
"We've already got it, like the Peter Jackson films were really good."
"It is absolutely criminal that Willem Dafoe wasn't nominated just like the Scimitar afee a light the way the light house looks in like the establishing shots is insane I want my poster on my wall."
"It's a movie where the story shines through the execution of it."
"Schindler's List is the best film I've ever made, I'm watching a maestro, a master Storyteller at the height of his craft."
"Watching it again, I was impressed with how many elements did hold up in terms of technology, size, scale, and performances. You legit feel the effort with every frame. It, in no way, feels like a lazy movie."
"The reason that movie is so good is because the story is so good."
"There is something to be said for a great romantic comedy director."
"The thing I love about movies is I'm discovering is that they really bring the man, the character, the story, history to life."
"Owen McGregor is as good as ever as Obi-Wan."
"That dream sequence was 49 seconds of glory. I loved it."
"Appreciating a film like this is a rewarding experience like no other."
"This is a film that lends itself to being rewatched, it rewards you for re-watching it."
"Groot was certainly an amazing character and my second-favorite in the Guardians film..."
"I think it's better than the first one and I love X-Men Days of Future Past, and that movie has one of the greatest scenes in cinema history, the slow motion scene with Quicksilver."
"It's not one of the greatest comic book films of all time, but damn it, it's great."
"Stay away from Roger Rabbit it's a pretty perfect movie movies not get enough credit by the way for being one of the most technically impressive yet ever made."
"But I really, really enjoyed that movie and it is a heartwarming movie."
"One of the best movies I've seen in a lifetime... I love you very much... I'll speak with you again."
"Everybody in that movie was just terrific. I mean it."
"I want to see a great anything movie. I just like great movies whether they're great movies about snails. If it's a great movie, it's a great movie."
"Blade Runner 2049... that movie is just... everything I like."
"I love this fight. I love everything that this movie does."
"But now, I have to say, I was immediately tickled by the fact that we're finally getting a flashback sequence."
"No power or force in any known megaverse could ever erase Zack Snyder's mighty works."
"I'm blown away by how well this just complements the Rocky series."
"Name a movie with better setup and payoff than 'Hot Fuzz.' It's perfect."
"That's creepy. Um, yeah, uh, I'm gonna go, um, find the nearest church and stay there for the night. I'll see you guys later, uh, have a great day."
"Ravenous is a richly told tale of savagery and survival that deserves all the love and attention it failed to receive in its time."
"If you're a fan of The Sopranos or just a fan of good filmmaking, you gotta see this movie."
"All in all, really well-written movie, really well-directed movie, really well-acted movie."
"Creed movies are really solid, some of the best Rocky movies."
"If you have a movie that wins Best Picture, it's so unfair to say it's the worst movie ever. There's enough value in it for a lot of people to still enjoy it."
"Oppenheimer would be the critics favorite by average rating at an 8.7."
"Love the throne room scene. Everything about it is movie perfection for me."
"What happens from there is a bit of pure movie-making magic."
"What's nice about the scene is the sense of wonder, the awe at the majesty of the reality of the rest of the universe."
"I loved it as a movie and I have said this over and over, it's like a 10 out of 10 movie for me."
"Nothing screams cinematic justice like an actor slipping into a skin of a character."
"Midnight in Paris is one of the last great movies that Woody Allen directed."
"The Witch is my favorite movie of the year. I love it. I think it's a masterpiece."
"Oh, my God, I love this hero shot, I would be like this is like Avengers kind of thing."
"One of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen."
"I always think like, you know, you look at great films or even great television shows, great moments."
"Deliverance seems to have gotten unjustly pigeonholed, but it is a true classic of the thriller genre and American 70s cinema."
"I absolutely loved this title sequence, it's so mysterious."
"I think one of the coolest things was the opening credits."
"Now, Tangled is arguably one of my favorite animated films of all time."
"It's a very strong movie, honestly very beautiful."
"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a contemporary cinematic masterpiece."
"It's an enjoyable film, and I love the serious tone."
"Spider-verse, like a world-changing masterpiece."
"It hurts me to say this because Back to the Future is not just my favorite Robert Zemeckis movie, I think it's one of the greatest movies of all time."
"It's so funny ten years later or almost ten years later, this movie's just wonderful."