
Ghostbusters Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The original Ghostbusters, if you think about it, they took that seriously. And we don't have that anymore."
"Ghostbusters HQ was a set, I mean the interior is amazing."
"Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered... You're going to have an absolute blast with this game."
"If you do it respectfully and actually try to make it feel like Ghostbusters, people will like it."
"The attitude in the movie [Ghostbusters] depicts an acceptance of this as fact, as just rational fact that these things exist." - Dan Aykroyd
"You should go back and watch... Ghostbusters 2016."
"Ghostbusters: Afterlife is the latest installment in the gallery of ghoulish films and this one isn't a reboot but a spiritual sequel to the original."
"Ivan Reitman is the producer on this thing so you know we're getting someone from the original Ghostbusters behind it."
"Who you gonna call?" - a clear reference to the Ghostbusters.
"The Animated Series purported itself to be the story of the true Ghostbusters, and the 1984 movie was just that, a movie adapting some of their real adventures."
"No I mean they were official ghostbusters with like a commercial and an outfit and a song pretty quick into the movie yeah."
"I do not think Ghostbusters 2016 is the worst film ever. It doesn't make me angry, it's not awful, it's just dull. So where does that leave us?"
"With all of the Ghostbusters talk recently, I'd submit to you that Evolution is the true successor to the 1984 film."
"This trailer is very ambiguous but it's missing a tone, yeah, which I think for a Ghostbusters movie is what is expected."
"Hey, look, mister, two more than all the others. Best." (referring to Ghostbusters 2)
"Unless you've been living your entire life on a desert island with absolutely no media, you'll likely have some kind of idea about what Ghostbusters is."
"When there's something weird in your neighborhood, there's only one thing to do: Ghostbusters! For most of us movie buffs, there are few vehicles as beloved as the Ecto-1, the car of choice for New York City's most famous extraterrestrial exterminators."
"Time for the final storytelling, the weathering that ties this all together and helps tell the story of the film in which this pack continues to get used and modded and damaged and rusted and messed up for 30 years after the original Ghostbusters film."
"I've never met a single person in my entire life that does not love Ghostbusters."
"So, what do you guys think of Ghostbusters? Are you a fan of this? Are you gonna be the one person in the comment section that says hey, I'm that guy that hates Ghostbusters?"
"Starting off with the positives for Ghostbusters 2016... I will say that I like the updated effects here."
"You need the Ghostbusters, not a psychiatrist."
"We've got the containment unit, we've got proton packs, and of course, we've got Terror dogs and Ghostbusters."
"If you love The Ghostbusters films, they are truly the best way to view them."
"Tada, we have a winner! The naked dog goes home with the Ghostbusters."
"They live in New York now and they're Ghostbusters out there busting ghosts including a sewer dragon and other random ghost things."
"Ghostbusters Frozen Empire is about a teenage ghost girl who died in a fire with her family and her family has moved on to the other side but she has not."
"if you make haunted mansion another step up you get what this ghostbusters"
"If you are so attached to Ghostbusters that you cannot see it be touched or tainted by anything, don't go see this."
"As much as I love Ghostbusters, that film's got many problematic moments."
"The movie with the superior villains is the original Ghostbusters."
"The movie with the far superior characters is the original Ghostbusters."
"I just want to say we are so privileged to be part of this, Ghostbusters. There is no one else I would trust that all of you guys out there, sweeping clean supernatural threats, whatever shape they may take."
"It's about a family moving to Oklahoma because a family member died and at the same time it's very true to the original Ghostbusters."
"Ghostbusters is one of, if not my favorite movies ever since I was little kid."
"It cost $20,000 to create the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man suit for Ghostbusters."
"We're the beautiful, we're the only, Ghostbusters USA."
"Ghostbusters are scientists, Ghostbusters are makers, Ghostbusters are believers."
"I have decided to build a Ghostbusters uniform, jumpsuit, equipment, and proton pack."
"Playmobil has provided Ghostbusters fans with the firehouse, the ecto-1, Slimer's hotdog cart, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Zuul, Egon versus a ghost, and a special four-pack of the hero figures."
"I'm a huge Ghostbusters fan; that's the most fun toy I've ever had."
"Who's she going to call? Ghostbusters."
"When there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!"
"What happens if one of the Ghostbusters dies and becomes a ghost? Do the other Ghostbusters suck him up like they do with other ghosts?"
"It's never addressed in any of the Ghostbusters extended universe that there are ghosts that are not malicious except for Slimer, who's like the one chill guy."
"Say there's an invisible man sleeping in your bed, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Why? It's an invisible man, not a ghost."
"If there's something strange in the neighborhood, you know who to call."
"Dr. Peter Venkman with Fire House, this is a huge part of Ghostbusters."
"I think any die-hard Ghostbuster fan at the very least is gonna find something they really, really enjoy with it."
"That's Ghostbusters; that's the little details you're not really supposed to question and you just go along with the fun."
"It's amazing, I love these; you and the Buffalo Ghostbusters, just amazing, just I love, love you guys, thank you."
"I can't wait to join Winston in that group and finally Egon, and I'm gonna show you guys just how awesome all four of these Hasbro Real Ghostbusters classics look together."
"They're the brains of the Ghostbusters, Dr. Egon Spengler here, and I know for many, this was like their favorite Real Ghostbusters action figure growing up."
"I love having a set of real Ghostbuster figures once again, mint like this, out of the box, they look fantastic."
"The red cyclotron light that is lit up does alternate between each member of the Ghostbusters team."
"Each one of the Ghostbusters, they do come with their very own glow in the dark proton stream."
"This is the largest set in the brand new Playmobil Ghostbusters lineup."
"They did an amazing job of capturing the look of the actual Ghostbusters Firehouse."
"I like the Ghostbusters one the best actually."
"I don't have a Power Ranger physique; I'm not Spider-Man, we all know this, but a Ghostbuster kind of works."
"I like Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters is one of my favorite franchise films ever."
"And here's our exceptional Ghostbusters headquarters, the firehouse. The outside looks fantastic with all of these different brickwork details."
"And here's our tremendous Ghostbusters Ecto-1 car, it is so super cool."
"And here's our fantastic Stay Puft Marshmallow Man set, it has a total of nine cool pieces."
"And here's all six of our awesome Playmobil Ghostbusters playsets."
"Because a Ghostbuster doesn't hate, a Ghostbuster doesn't discriminate. Ghostbusters stands for peace and freedom."
"Who you gonna collect? Ghostbusters!"
"I actually really like Ghostbusters 2 as well."
"There is no Dana, there's only Zuul."
"If you grew up in the eighties like me, who doesn't remember Ecto Cooler?"
"I'm excited for the Ghostbusters reboot too."
"I would kill to have the Ghostbusters at my party."
"By far my favorite thing with this figure is the extreme Ghostbusters themed proton pack."
"There's no denying this looks like the proton pack from extreme Ghostbusters."
"Kudos to the extreme Ghostbusters guys."
"All right, suck in the guts, guys, we're the Ghostbusters."
"I wish I still had my proton pack and my trap because I feel like five years, I was a Ghostbuster."
"Something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call?"
"If you're a fan of original Ghostbusters, you will like this one."
"This movie is the true third Ghostbusters."
"The humor was dead on with Ghostbusters."
"It's very special because it's the only Ghostbusters loadout with a working airsoft proton pack in the world."
"Working on a Ghostbusters film as a big Ghostbusters fan is kind of unusual and crazy."