
Economic Shift Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"The introduction of a new player in the form of Mexico's Inter Oceanic Corridor could reshuffle alliances and trade agreements."
"We shifted...from an empire of production to an empire of consumption."
"The phasing out of defined benefit pensions...transferred the burden of retirement funding away from the company and onto the employee."
"Millennials are about to become the richest generation, going from being the poorest to the richest in very short order."
"China's digital yuan is set to challenge the dollar's domination of international trade settlements in the next decade."
"It's the modern largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history that's happening right in front of our eyes."
"Mexico, a nation with abundant natural resources, a young and productive workforce, and a favorable location, overtook China as the biggest supplier of goods to their giant customer next door – the United States."
"Solar went from essentially the most expensive form to one of the cheapest."
"What if your food prices tripled? It would greatly shift everything: spending patterns, the entire economy."
"Free is pretty cool, so natural gas has displaced coal as our largest source of electricity."
"It's a change in consumer behavior, it's a shift in sentiment."
"Cryptocurrency gonna be the next thing. It's a report that just came out that said the entire world is planning to shift to cryptocurrency and get rid of cash in the next 10 years."
"Rural areas are becoming stronger, cities are weakening: 'The internet has decentralized how the economy works.'"
"We are witnessing a transfer of wealth from Wall Street to Main Street."
"There will be a Tipping Point where all the countries in the world say we don't need the dollar and this will be a disaster for the American economy."
"A new global economic order could potentially emerge out of Bricks commitment."
"Is the Chinese digital currency set to dethrone the dollar? I think over the long term the answer may be yes."
"Citing a paradigm shift favoring a pioneer cryptocurrency and replacing gold as the global digital reserve asset."
"If there has been one significant change in the global economy over the last several years, it has been the gradual erosion of belief in the US Dollar's indefinite Supremacy."
"A distinct progression away from the dollar little by little by little than all at once."
"Bitcoin may actually replace government debt and people may hold bitcoin instead of holding government debt."
"China's growing international use of the REMB reflects a shift in the global monetary system."
"Damnation, a classic mono-black board wipe went from 41 dollars down to 30, which is a 27 decrease."
"China is slowly losing its position as the world's manufacturing powerhouse."
"This is the greatest wealth opportunity of our entire lives, probably multiple lives, probably hundreds of years."
"Products that have no marginal cost of replication... this newest form of leverage is where all the new fortunes are made."
"The metaverse is where our economy is moving." - Crypto Stash
"We are entering a phase where the US will not be the biggest economy in the world."
"The greatest wealth transfer in American history is coming."
"America's share of global wealth is shrinking."
"It is a sort of titanic shift in the way that people are thinking about approaching the markets."
"The broader push of history is away from the West and towards forms of economic systems we are talking about."
"California's economic woes: from military decline to the rise of Silicon Valley."
"Crypto is the largest generational transfer in human history."
"We're looking at a major power shift in the next 10 years... I think those would be the areas that are prosperous."
"2008 was a watershed moment... everything changed in 2008."
"Blockchain could be the biggest wealth transfer in a generation or many generations."
"The amount of AD dollars and advertisers who have left in just a short amount of time is staggering."
"So the pandemic hits and all the rental car companies have these lots at airports and on main drags all over the country, just packed with cars."
"The world is shifting away from dollar hegemony. Countries want more options, they do not want to live exclusively underneath the United States."
"The urge for very serious money to get out of fiat and into physical metal has been unprecedented."
"Can you ever think of another car that went from becoming a liability to a performing asset?"
"Bitcoin will suck up a lot of the value of gold."
"Unfortunately, what I think is going to happen is they're going to close these stores and go strictly online because that's really where the money is."
"We're heading into a paradigm shift... It's not about which currency is going to be Supreme."
"Changing from a war economy to a peace economy is as important as changing from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"Globalization is over. We've moved from globalization to deglobalization."
"Over the last 50 years, there's been a massive transfer of wealth."
"Everyone turns to the dollar when there's weakness, imagine one day when everyone turns to Bitcoin."
"This crypto stuff, it's a real real real thing."
"I think we are in a big transition away from an ultra loose indulgent kind of Arena where people are suddenly going to have to be a lot more Discerning with their capital."
"Bitcoin is rapidly coming to be seen as the biggest and most valuable safe haven asset our world has ever experienced."
"This is the greatest wealth transfer happening right now right before our eyes."
"Bitcoin is growing in value because it is swallowing all the fiat money that is out there."
"No bags are being left behind because fiat currencies are going down and cryptocurrencies are on the rise."
"Politics follows the money, and more income is shifting as we speak to clean jobs from dirty ones."
"Within 20 years, the idea of national currencies as the only option will seem absurd."
"Moving oil trade out of dollars into yuan will take right now between 600 billion dollars and 800 billion dollars worth of transactions out of the dollar."
"Cash is now a risk asset, people are moving to money market funds."
"The U.S. dollar is in peril, and the digital yuan will make transactions even easier."
"It's financially irresponsible to not at least have some bitcoin as people are fleeing out of the US dollar."
"The beginning of the end for the dominance of the dollar in the world."
"Decentralized finance... That's going to be the future."
"China is decreasing its dependence on the United States quite rapidly."
"This could be known as the year Bitcoin went from a retail to an institutional phenomenon."
"We're certainly in the process of a secular change from a deflationary to an inflationary environment."
"The vast majority of employment shifted from farming to only needing about 2% of the US workforce."
"Dedollarization is happening, and the fact that BRICS is even talking about a new common currency is a huge development."
"We basically shifted the US to a US economy with Chinese characteristics model."
"What we're seeing in the last two and a half weeks, Mario, is a revolution in the silver market."
"This is a supply shock... This is the inverse of the seventies."
"This is going to be the largest wealth transfer in history and foreign central banks are well along I would say they're not even one quarter done maybe not even 10% done dumping the treasuries and buying gold."
"We're going to see the start of the greatest wealth transfer in human history."
"This one is already in play, different companies have been pulling manufacturing out of China at a faster pace every single year."
"The future lies in the East... the money is moving west-east."
"America will be painfully contracting from its global economic Empire as we attempt to revive a self-sufficient Free Republic."
"People will either move to Bitcoin or watch their wealth lose its value."
"Wealth transfer on top of it is just staggering."
"For all you guys across the world, the greatest transfer of wealth is happening right now."
"Bitcoin really marked the pivot to the protocol economy."
"If the food is so high that it's almost unaffordable but the tools and the seeds are less, then people would flip to that."
"What we're witnessing rolling out right in front of our eyes is the greatest financial paradigm shift that has ever happened in mankind."
"For the first time, workers are actually in a position to have a tiny tiny bit of power in the workplace."
"Bitcoin is slowly replacing gold in investment portfolios."
"Probably the most massive transfer of wealth we've ever seen in this country."
"The power has shifted away from industrial Capital to the financial sector."
"April 8th, 2024 is going to be one of the biggest shifts in the financial system mentally, spiritually, everything we knew and everything we understand."
"The green bag is losing its power as a reserve currency."
"It's clear automakers are strategically shifting their focus away from entry-level models."
"Cryptocurrency: the greatest transfer of wealth in world history."
"All the gains that people think they have will just be shifted into the stackers once the money collapses, once the dollar collapses."
"Eventually, the world will become completely bitcoin denominated."
"Operation Crusader would see the largest concentration of armored vehicles used in the Western Desert so far, and both sides knew that if they could take out the enemy's armor, they would win the battle."
"For every dollar invested in fossil fuels, about 1.7 dollars are now going into clean energy."
"The move from paper assets to hard assets is inevitable."
"Renewables actually overtook process for the primary source."
"The global economic landscape right now is experiencing a significant shift."
"That's why we want to do this, but when gold and silver explode vertical, that will be the beginning of the fall of the Federal Reserve."
"The greatest transfer of wealth in world history is upon us."
"Protect your wealth from the largest shift in economic history."
"If Bitcoin plays out in the way that we think it will, it's a new paradigm."
"Position yourself for the greatest wealth transfer in American history. It can be for you. It's definitely going to be for me."
"We're aiming to lift the entire world into a new era of Financial Freedom."
"Having lost economic supremacy, the U.S. risks turning to increasing military action."
"The next great economic disruption is powered by crypto."
"The U.S. dollar is the world's reserve currency, but the rest of the world is walking away from it."
"The war meant more money in Indian rather than British businessmen's pockets, which in turn increases their influence in the Indian Congress."
"Cities began to be the new economic force, not castles and land, not knights in armor, cities."
"The return to normal where China, India, and other Asian countries are once again becoming the largest economies in the world."
"What happened in Bradford going from the richest city outside of London and it was very rich to one of the most oh one of the poorest cities ever."
"The great rebalancing: a billion new middle class consumers within the next ten years."
"Starting in the 1970s, the image of the good life as an economic good life started losing its traction."
"The gains of productivity in the economy stopped flowing to workers and started flowing to basically owners of capital."
"So what Gramsci is going to do is move from this focus on just the economic question, so the questions of culture, so we're talking about superstructure, we're talking more broadly about culture now."
"...there has been an underlying shift in the economic fundamentals of the market."
"That's why a debt crisis is such an important event because it causes a radical shift in people's spending behaviors."
"We're at this insanely close tipping point where fossil fuels are just about to be economically unfeasible."
"The bioeconomy is real, and it is the future of all chemistry."
"The Evergrande fallout is a pivotal moment for China's economic model."
"Technology overtook agriculture as this wealth generator for the Silicon Valley."
"A world dominated by the church and the rhythm of farming was now opening up to a new force: money."
"The center of gravity of the global economy is seen to be moving east."
"The global investment landscape is shifting with changing protagonists, and China undoubtedly faces significant historical challenges."
"If consumption has increased, then total expenditures would increase, and then the aggregate demand curve shifts outward."
"The service sector became the largest sector of the economy by the 1980s."
"The power has shifted from sellers to buyers."
"This is just the beginning; the tectonic shift towards sustainable investing is still accelerating."
"We need a power shift from a fossil fuel dependent economy run by despots from overseas to an economy which is ours, made here, renewable energy lead economy by Australians for Australians."
"Trade with China down 20%, Mexico went up by almost 5% just between 2022 and 2023."
"What are the blue-collar of America supposed to do?"
"The emergence of the Indo-Pacific as the global center of economic gravity clearly justifies greater policy attention to the region."
"Eventually, the Bitcoin circular economy will bypass the Fiat economy in many parts of the world."
"The Industrial Revolution was not just a revolution in the way goods for sale were made, it also led to massive social changes."
"The economy shifts from industry to consumer goods; no longer are we building steel beams, now we're buying things like Playstations and Xboxes."
"There is a complete reversal of that process of globalization that occurred for the last few decades since World War Two."
"We are going to move away from taxation to production."
"What if we could shift 1% of the budget that companies spend on goods and services to sourcing from social enterprises that give work to low-income people?"
"The combination of real wage growth and improving inflation should become a source for consumer to shift back to goods."
"That is the end of neoliberalism."
"Times have changed, the big companies, logistics, insurance companies, even the BBC have all left London due to the cost for their staff."
"We're seeing a seismic shift in California, and Detroit and Nashville are on the upswing."
"We're moving into a shift in the global order, a change in the evolution the way the global economy is organized."