
Cinematic Achievement Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"You have made one of the greatest cinematic achievements in the history of movies."
"It was utterly Herculean the way that it was able to bring all of this entire Marvel Universe together in one movie and land it like this."
"It's a perfect ending to a 22 movie franchise. Can you say that about any other movie in history?"
"The Matrix is certainly their greatest achievement and one of the best films of the 90s."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is a cinematic triumph."
"They pulled off pulling together all of the Spider-Man franchises together into a multiverse movie."
"I don't know what any movie could do to top what they pulled off in the final hour of this film."
"Back to the Future, is a perfect film and though the actual action of creating a perfect film is incredibly rare and difficult, it's substantially less so."
"Godzilla's last three cinematic forays have each seen the Titan hit his tallest height yet."
"Winter Soldier is my top number one because payoffs on what they paid off and how they paid it off was brilliant."
"This movie definitely achieved what it was set out to do."
"I think the way these films have brought Wakanda to life is absolutely one of those moments."
"Toy Story 4 proved that there is more to tell after Toy Story 3, achieving what many think to be impossible."
"The result is something to be treasured, and each of the three films has earned its status as one of the greatest films ever made."
"It's there's never been anything like it, I mean the movie is clearly a triumph, everything that they have done since the first iron man to the end of this film is a triumph, there's never been anything like it."
"Logan was the best movie of the year it came out."
"This isn't just a celebration of one film and its achievement to bring together so many of the properties with weight behind them. This is a celebration of what has been accomplished with ten years of character writing."
"These movies are going right at the top... warner brothers and peter jackson and his team knocked these out of the park."
"In 1992, Terminator 2 Judgment Day was nominated for an incredible six Academy Awards, making it the only film in the Terminator series to be nominated for an Oscar."
"The best director still working today. This is easily one of his best movies."
"Avengers endgame is a masterful epic, a true culmination of 22 films that not only concludes the story but expands upon it."
"A box office smash, 'Return of the King' put a perfect bow on the 'Lord of the Rings' film saga."
"Rise of the Planet of the Apes is an absolute triumph."
"This movie isn't perfect, but it is an achievement that's never been even attempted on this scale."
"The film won an Oscar in the nomination 'Best makeup and hair Styling'."
"It's impressive for a movie to achieve such a range of emotion so flawlessly."
"Lady Bird took out some extremely heavy hitters."
"This movie was actually nominated for Best Picture."
"A movie this smart, it's almost a miracle that it got made because it is so smart."
"Scream, a film that reinvigorated the horror genre, not only broke box office records, it even won best film at the 1997 MTV Movie Awards."
"Beauty and the Beast was the first animated feature to win a Golden Globe for Best Picture - Musical or Comedy."
"This picture is one of the greatest things ever done because it makes us, the small people, feel great."
"I adore 'Reservoir Dogs,' and not just because of what, I'm just saying what. It's the film you wanted, frame by frame by frame by frame. Proud of that movie."
"James Cameron has now directed three of the four highest-grossing films of all time globally."
"The perfect movie trilogy... It's almost implausible."
"Spielberg's remake is a cinematic achievement and one of the best in the genre the last few years..."
"This is a cinematic achievement an MCU achievement y'all [] did [] that was root that down that was that that was dreamed about we dreamed about this [] y'all [] made it a reality."
"Lord of the Rings is by far the greatest movie of all time."
"What Matt Reeves has created here is an iconic and what I want to say definitive Batman story."
"Ghostbusters is a master class on what's achievable in cinema when you bring on talented people and don't second-guess your decision."
"This movie is considered by both fans and critics to be Harryhausen's masterpiece."
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - wrapped up with a huge bang."
"The final hour of Avengers endgame could quite possibly be the greatest hour in the history of the genre."
"It's brilliant and I do think it'll get nominated for best picture."
"Faust is perhaps the one time the director successfully married the clarity of his visual style to a complex narrative."
"If you can pull that kind of a movie off, you're truly a master filmmaker."
"The Lord of the Rings is quite simply one of the greatest movie trilogies ever committed to film."
"It's a towering achievement in fantasy filmmaking."
"One of the most critically acclaimed and successful movies ever made."
"MCU has to be the greatest achievement in movie history."
"Avengers: Endgame... a culmination event... a masterclass in making comic book cinema."
"How did it become one of the greatest films of all time?"
"Bong Joon-ho's Oscar win for 'Parasite' felt like something of a shared victory for fans of genre cinema."
"James Cameron's Avatar: The Way of Water swept the 21st annual VES Awards Wednesday night in an unprecedented wave of dominance in every category."
"It was great to see a movie like that come out and get recognized by the Academy for the achievement."
"A little piece of cinematic mastery escaped heavy censorship and managed to set the bar for thrillers in the decades that followed."
"Top Gun Maverick is an astonishing achievement like no other in recent times."
"Black Panther won three Oscars. That's awesome."
"For years, Spider-Man 2 was the webslinger's definitive cinematic outing. Into the Spider-Verse didn't just surpass that film, it entered a league of its own."
"Wakanda Forever accomplishes the difficult task of reckoning with real tragedy."
"This is one of the greatest horror films ever made."
"Warcraft, the movie is the second best movie licensed video game."
"If that thing does not win an Oscar, there's something wrong because that thing was amazing."
"Top Gun Maverick doing things that not a whole lot of other movies have done before it."
"Wonder Woman's hard work and achievements got the attention it deserved. Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman is probably one of the DCU's biggest accomplishments over Marvel Studios."
"The Avengers movies are works of art and they are achievements in film."
"The Incredibles 2 does the incredible and actually manages to live up to its massive expectations."
"The highs that we reached in this movie were so epic."
"The Batman is now the gold standard of what the comic book genre can be, like what Logan showed us."
"I think the Lord of the Rings trilogy from Peter Jackson is the best trilogy ever made."
"Remarkable production with an outstanding story."
"Yes, yes best picture baby. It's honestly not hard to see why this is the first of Nolan's films to be a major Awards darling."
"The first Matrix belongs in that hall of fame."
"Robert Downey Jr's entry into the Hollywood Hall of Fame was already secure."
"This is one of only five films to ever hold the number one spot on IMDB."
"This is an achievement. It's a cinematic achievement what they've pulled off."
"This movie has got to be one of the biggest cinematic achievements ever."
"The achievement alone in at least the Lord of the Rings trilogy is nothing short of just amazing to me."
"That film has been in just about every Film Festival and it has won five awards already."
"Cloud Atlas is one of the most insane feats and accomplishments in the industry."
"These are truly like achievements in cinema."
"I am filled with admiration for both Jonathan Glazer and James Wilson for making the film that they did, which is a brilliant film."
"We've heard so many fantastic things; it won an Oscar, and that is a huge deal."
"It's amazing what they were able to do with an 80 million budget."
"James Cameron won 11 Oscars for a film everyone already knew the ending to and convinced people to pay $15 to see dancers with blue aliens."
"The likes of Avatar and Avengers Infinity War and Endgame have shown what is truly possible when it comes to the world of CGI."
"They did it. They made a pure Spider-Man movie."
"Avengers Endgame is a worthy conclusion to one of the most ambitious continuities in cinema history."
"They've really outdid themselves with this whole trilogy montage."
"The Lord of the Rings trilogy is objectively a masterpiece."
"That's the most amazing movie Tom Cruise has ever made."
"What Peter Jackson did with The Lord of the Rings films, culminating in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, which I contend is the greatest cinematic achievement in movie history."
"Dawn of the Dead '04 is close to a cinematic miracle."
"It's one of the great cinematic achievements of the year."
"Congratulations to the Shape of Water for Best Picture and Guillermo del Toro for Best Director."
"It's hard to look at Red Cliff 1 and 2 as anything less than John Woo's best films."
"Return of the King deserved all of its Oscars."
"Blade Runner 2049 arguably the most visually spectacular movie of the year."
"The Avengers is the greatest comic book movie ever made."