
Character Preference Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Ed Boon – who also voiced Scorpion’s original 'Get over here!' taunts – has said that Scorpion is his favorite character, and that the series wouldn’t be the same without him."
"Favorite Fullmetal Alchemist character? Definitely Ling/Greed. I thought they made for such a fun dynamic."
"I enjoy both of these characters; I have a lot of fun with Yula because I am an endgame player."
"Frankly, I have never really been an Imperial supporter, but with this mod, I am tempted, just so I can walk around in the Imperial armor."
"Even in Mario, Princess Peach was always the best character."
"I love it, I have a Street Fighter character that I like now in Smash Brothers."
"I think Law is probably my favorite character in the entire series."
"I don't know what to tell people if you don't like this character you are lame."
"AW fans don't want somebody that kicks a cat, they want somebody that saves the dog."
"That's the kind of Doctor Doom that I want to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"I want to replace JJ with um, Josh, one of the dumbest."
"Your waifu is valid no matter who it is, but if it's Aerith, they easily are better than everyone else." - Trojan Ramses Magnum Chic
"Even though I did start liking Ezra Miller's Flash more as the movie went along."
"I gotta play as you more often like I said you kind of don't really have much of a reason to play the other characters after getting Luigi."
"Until the game Power creeps enough to where he's straight up unusable, I don't think I'll ever stop using him."
"My favorite character was definitely Dr. Schultz."
"Marco, of course. I love Shanks though, but I love Marco more." - RogersBase
"I've got a feeling Penny would want to be a Tau Broadside."
"I would like to be an Ork because they always just seem like they're having so much fun."
"I would prefer the Talia's storyline more now."
"Sadness is one of my favorite Pixar characters."
"Absolutely the best tank... Zarya is the best by far."
"Sasuke is just, like, he fits my perfect character archetype."
"What even is this game trying to be? This is one of the biggest issues I had with it, being that I actually enjoyed Leon and Jake's for what they were, but absolutely despised Chris and Ada's."
"Ruby's thing is speed, and I really like fast characters."
"The best character in the game is going to be Snake."
"I'm excited to get to play him, like he looks more of like look at this type of characters that I would be into just rush down constant pressure you got it."
"Please, for the love of God, turn her back to being heel. She is much more easier to stomach."
"Optimus Prime is probably my favorite fictional character ever."
"I'm really surprised we're not seeing Daisy because Daisy is obviously better for this track."
"I absolutely loved Gro. I've always wanted a character in Soul Calibur that was a double saber type of character and this guy is quite literally a Phantasy Star Online double saber incarnate."
"Eleven is my favorite by far, Millie Bobby Brown is so good."
"The only thing better than a hero is an antihero."
"This is why Saitama is one of my favorite anime characters of all time and why One Punch Man is my third favorite anime of all time, potentially second."
"Witch is one of my favorite spellcasting classes."
"Gishes are my favorite kind of character to play in DND."
"Festus is absolutely going to be the lord for you."
"I'm probably not going to be playing with this character."
"To me, I don't like the base characters, I do, but my favorite character isn't Han Solo or Boba Fett."
"I'm marrying Donatello, okay? I'm gonna kill Raph because I'm scared of him. And I'll sleep with Michelangelo, he's a party dude."
"I might be biased because I love this theme so much, but I would give it a low A without the spell list and an easy S with the spell list."
"I'm not a fan, his name is Baby Yoda forever. I don't care what anybody says."
"When I played Street Fighters a kid Chun Li was my main."
"I have a strong preference for male characters and badass female characters."
"Raptors were my favorite characters in the movie. In fact, they were better, they were more likable than any fucking human character in this movie."
"I love villains so much more than heroes if they're written well."
"This isn't even my favorite character in the game, right? This was my favorite character in the game but there's I think Cloud, like, absolutely was... Jesus, this is the character that'll make me always come back to this game."
"I always use the analogy: it's like chocolate peanut butter horror in action, the perfect mix. I love Leon as a character; I love shooting enemies and then doing the silly suplex or spin kick, it's very satisfying."
"I don't care what anyone says, Mater is the best character."
"Thank you, Sakurai, for finally giving us the girl we wanted."
"That was lucky, getting around that. This thing is crazy, I love Rampardos."
"I want Twin-Telle in the game as a playable character."
"I play Chun-Li because she's cheap, but also because, you know, I'm a fan of very female characters and also characters that move really fast."
"The meta from Red vs. Blue: it's his preferred weapon."
"Dry Bones is the best Mario character and gaming character of all time."
"You just have to have him on Furno, don't you?"
"Light Yagami, he's my favorite anime villain."
"He's hated, but I just like characters in the universe."
"Max Payne, oh I think I like that. I think I like that a lot."
"I'd love to see Little Mac as a playable character."
"This is perfect. Loki got the biggest room in the home. No one is surprised."
"If she has the cat girl aesthetic, I simply like the character."
"I make no secret of this internet but Jaina Proudmoore is my favorite World of Warcraft character of all time."
"I always love playing Nerds... but I love Nerds."
"I personally would love to see Starkiller and Darth Revan."
"Realistically, if boyfriend is your favorite character... you are probably super persistent."
"If skit and pump are your favorite characters... you probably see yourself in them with your friends or with your relationships in general."
"If monster is your favorite character... you're that person in your friend group that is super into all the creepy things."
"If sullivar is your favorite character however, you probably come off as being very abrasive or very mean but deep down you're actually very kind."
"If big brother is your favorite character... you probably have a sibling of your own that you know you would do anything for."
"Mistweaver Monk: I just can't get bored of this thing, it's the best for me."
"Kai might be my favorite ninja of the group."
"That's why I think Pichu is the best character in the game."
"I'm a hardcore Iron Man fan... I don't like Steve Rogers, okay?"
"I think Ariel's my favorite. I think she looks the most like what she is so I can appreciate that."
"Side characters are superior to anyone else in this story."
"Compared to Rengar, of course, a lot of you guys are Rengar players."
"I don't know if I could see him above Carnival Goku or Vegeta in trunks but I have a strong feeling I'm going to like Piccolo more than Gohan."
"Nico has got to be my favorite GTA protagonist ever with how serious Rockstar takes him and how he rejects all of the satire and Ridiculousness..."
"For me it's kind of a toss-up between Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Fred and George Weasley, and Remus Lupin."
"Hydro is my number one pick for the character I would love to see most in Mortal Kombat 1."
"As good as Fontaine is, genuinely if Navia wasn't a character I never would have touched Genshin again."
"I loved loved loved Damon telling Emmy that he would be used instead of Will."
"Who would I marry? The bartender Emily, yeah, I'm going to Emily."
"The books give everyone their own favorite characters."
"Loki becomes even more enshrined as one of my favorite MCU characters."
"Kristoff assures him that she likes him in his usual outfit, you know the one with the leather."
"I love this play style, she might be my favorite new hero."
"Anakin Darth Vader is my favorite character in all of storytelling."
"Who tell is the best character in the game and I don't even think it's close."
"Warlock I love Warlock man and every single month more and more people are see in the hive just cuz this champion is the counter to about 80% of problem fights in the endgame."
"Another Optimus Prime is always welcome as we know there are those who just only collect Optimus Prime."
"Judy is definitely one of my favorites. Love her so much."
"Totodile is the best of the whole series by a large margin."
"Arachniss may end up being my favorite character of all time."
"That's why I love the dark prince in this deck."
"I love playing that side of her. I don't like it when she gets too nice."
"We're gonna play as a dwarf because I like dwarves, they're cool."
"Yaimiko is a character that I really like, especially with the dendro reactions that have greatly buffed her."
"Your best party is going to be the one that you like the characters of."
"I'm really conflicted about this because as a person, Matt Smith was my favorite Doctor."
"I don't care about people, I only care about Digimon."
"King Shark is my favorite, I could watch a whole movie of just him."
"I like Lara Croft as she is. We don't need to change her."
"Taz has a ton of fun and I think as it stands I like playing as him the most right now, his moveset is super creative and he just feels good to play."
"I like Hitmonlee better because he looks weirder."
"I like Butcher because it reminds me of MVG and I like MVG and it just reminds me of you dude like so I like Butcher he's like my favorite."
"Why would they taint the best superhero iron man with the worst superhero spider-man?"
"I actually think my favorite character of the chapter was Kobe."
"I just wish we still had like the original characters... I don't know, I wish it evokes the first one a little more."
"I really enjoyed him, he's just been a really solid Pokemon."
"Kha'Zix, they absolutely love Kha'Zix in this form."
"Play the character that you enjoy and never mind any of this nonsense."
"I like Obadiah more than these guys. He's a lot more memorable."
"I think we're in consensus, we really like Saint-14 and we like the storytelling surrounding him."
"I'm very, very excited for that Pyra and Mythra, my favorite."
"As much as I enjoyed Jane Foster for, I was kind of feeling the lack of Odin's son."
"My favorite still i think i give it to groot i mean venom is really really sweet and that's the one i was most excited for but the group figure is so well done that i can't help but but fall in love with that one."
"My favorite is playing as Vlad and Isabella."
"Battlemaster fighter is so good that it is one of a few subclasses or classes that I will just play as a pure class."
"I would probably pick someone who's just friendly, so if they weren't mean." - Saikuno
"I really want to try out Pit because when you see this attack, it feels like a screen clearing attack."
"I love chance and miles, they're probably my favorite duo."
"Cersei is awesome, I actually like Cersei a lot."
"I've always liked qui-gon jinn and his effect that an older Anakin would really shake up the trilogy."
"People don't like Adora but she is my favorite hero in the game. I think she is absolutely deliciously good."
"Oh my God, that has to be the cutest [] I've ever seen in my life. Oh my God, look at her cute ass. I might have to main Orianna because of this skin alone, holy []."
"I want gohan to be the best card in the game."
"Who's your favorite Office character? I love Dwight, he's freaking hilarious."
"Favorite villain in DC Comics? The Joker is a splendid villain, deliciously evil."
"I always want Mysterio to be like that just beyond God just broken champion because I love his animations man mysterious such a cool character and he's a pretty satisfying special 3 as well."
"I always enjoy the bad guys more than the good in stories. I just find it to be more interesting overall."
"I've chosen Aizen Sosuke, Aizen to me is the superior main villain out of the two of them."
"I love dual protagonists, especially siblings."
"I shouldn't just be like betting on certain characters, but if I see a character that I like here, I'm going for their Banner."
"Arbiter is my favorite character in Halo so far."
"I love the Hokage because... we're really skinny on this class."
"Vegeta? S rank, this is by far my favorite form of Vegeta."
"Guys, if you want to be a ninja... make sure to get Ninja Foxy."
"What are my hopes and wants for 2022 on Dokkan? Fusions, Vegito, Gogeta, that's what I want."
"They chose Diddy because they felt a stronger attachment to the character after all rare did create Diddy Kong for Donkey Kong Country."
"If Don Back Daryl could come back from the dead, that's my pick."
"I think Jade was awesome she's actually one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise love Jade a lot."
"I'm so much more interested in Scarlet Witch than Black Widow, it's insane."
"I'm going with Trunks, dude. You miss me with Android 18."
"Yoshi's not on the screen right now, absolutely thankfully."
"That's fine if you like him, if you like bad guys."
"If you think Vegeta is better than Goku, I literally just have no idea what the hell you're thinking."
"I play as the Marine... I've kind of revised my tier list of characters ever so slightly."
"Bender, easily the most fun character to play in this run."
"My favorite Dragon Ball villain is Frieza, because Frieza is just the most ruthless OG villain."
"Mighty Oco, one of my favorite Champions out there."
"You love Stefan, not me. You know you love Stefan."
"I've been loving Moon Knight in a way that I was just not able to love Falcon and the Winter Soldier."
"Waluigi is my boy and will always be my main."
"What about Neville? I mean, honestly, I would have rathered Neville than Harry."
"I miss the ancillary characters more than I missed Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley."
"Courtney Cox really wanted to play the character of Gale Weathers."
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off: 'I wish the movie was about Cameron, who was much more relatable.'"
"Sabretooth and so many different saber teeth to choose from now but really 90s Jim Lee style, that's going to be my favorite."
"I liked Joffrey Lawnmuth. I feel like Joffrey Lawnmuth had slightly more personality than Lena did honestly."
"Bendy Prime has always been a favorite in the Armada line."
"...they're a lot of options for some faves it's all right Jimmy yeah you know I'm probably just gonna stick with uh with with with Gwen's character..."
"The second one's probably definitely the better movie, but I love Davy Jones. I love Davy Jones, so the second one probably."
"I know people don't like the new Arjun and I accept him. I accept him as our Arjun, the one that we have now and everything. But I do miss the old guy and I do feel like certain arguments would have played out different with the old actor."
"I really like Askeladd, I don't know why, but I really like Askeladd."
"I think my favorite of all these designs is actually Mystique."
"Frog Thor was my favorite Loki variant."
"I much rather take this Batman and Superman fighting than this Batman and Superman fighting any day."
"I actually really like Ian for Zelda."
"I always enjoyed writing any scene that Brenna was in."
"This is my favorite anime character of all time."
"So if I could have like my perfect girlfriend, it would be Belle."
"I can't help it, Luna is just so much more relatable to me than Celestia ever has been."
"I want to see Stu back, Matthew Lillard Stu is probably my favorite character from the whole franchise."
"It's got to be O Sunny, O Sunny is probably the best character, I think."
"I'm not sure I've ever liked a villain as much as I like Darkstalker."
"I love a werewolf, for me they're better than war dancers."
"I'm really impressed with this line and if I had to recommend any, I would say Tiana for sure because she is very different."
"Winter Soldier gripped me more... I love Bucky."
"I'm a Thor guy or Spider-Man through and through."
"Main characters who are commoners are always gonna be more interesting to me than main characters who are royalty."
"I always like the best friend more than the main character, always."
"Honestly, I would like to be Mrs. Nesbitt, just so you know."
"If I like your main character the most, that's a good sign for your anime."
"If your wife likes Vegeta, she's a keeper. She's a keeper."
"That's so cool, Oscar, that's my favorite."
"If it's Boba Fett, I'm usually pretty happy."
"Anya is definitely my favorite character."
"I actually kind of liked Verity the best out of everyone, and she was literally the villain of the story."
"Arya is probably my favorite Stark."
"Villains are always cooler than the good guys."
"I really, really like Night and Mayor, and they are the standout characters for me."
"Who would you rather have a beer with, Jimmy McGill or Saul Goodman?"
"Lalo is horrifying. He is probably one of my favorite villains in anything that we've ever seen."
"I'd be more excited to see Captain Rex in live-action than I would be Boba Fett."
"Welcome back to the land of the living. Now tell me, what do you prefer, Saul Goodman or Gene Takovic?"
"I love the hammer, when I first saw her use the hammer I was like, oh my gosh, she's a hammer girl, that's so cool."
"Mushu is my favorite sidekick ever. I'm sorry, but he is the best."
"When I played Mario Kart, I always picked Yoshi."