
British Empire Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"The British Empire, the largest empire the world has ever known."
"The city of London was the beating financial heart of the British Empire."
"The sanctity of the individual, the sanctity of individual life, and the autonomy of every individual were at the absolute base of the desire first of all to ban slavery in the British Empire."
"Britain 'had by 1815 gained the most complete victory of any power in the entire history of the world, having emerged from twenty years of war against France as the only industrialized economy, the only naval power, [...] and virtually the only colonial power in the world.'"
"Children will be taught about the ills of the British Empire as part of a national curriculum."
"The British Empire contained goods and evils, a complicated and nuanced history."
"The Legacy of the British Empire is marked by a dark history of exploitation, violence, and oppression."
"The Sun never sets on the British Empire... literally the Sun would be shining on some part of it."
"The film does a lot to play off this idea that Canada in the age of the late British Empire was just a fundamentally strange society."
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say this was their finest hour." - Winston Churchill
"Nowhere is affection for his Britannic Majesty stronger than in the fabled lands of India."
"The most important and profitable colony of all was not in the Americas, it was India."
"Company forces there the British won a decisive victory against the Indians at the Battle of Plassey."
"The only thing the British were successful in selling was opium aka drugs."
"The capture of Singapore marked the end of British power in the Far East."
"Britain at that point... said Empire is over and they did."
"In the first Opium War, the Qing Empire ruling over a quarter of the world's population was brought to its knees by a small British war fleet."
"It's instructive to know that the British had about a hundred million Muslims living within their domains at the time, the Ottomans had 20 million."
"Newfoundland had an equal status as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand... became an independent Dominion inside of the British Empire."
"What would Britain be without this lady one and a half centuries ago Queen Victoria founded an Empire on which the Sun never set never before had Britain been so mighty."
"The empire's focus on trade additionally contributed vastly to its triumphant transcontinental growth."
"The power of the British Empire now extended around the globe."
"The British Empire would be powered by two components that went hand in hand with one another: firstly, Mastery of the high seas through Naval Supremacy and secondly, indomitable Mercantile trade."
"Interestingly, the capture of Gibraltar was originally not a primary war aim from the British."
"No army in the world can stand toe-to-toe with the British but alone a ragtag militia."
"Victoria became the logo of the British Empire."
"There's not enough talk about the positives, about the very fact that if Britain hadn't created the West Africa Squadron, who's to say where slavery would be today?"
"The entire British Empire was built on cups of tea, have you forgot those guns?"
"Above all, it is her connection with the British Empire that is maybe her most lasting legacy."
"The British Empire was such a big thing. It's a big part of your history and your culture over there. It's really interesting hearing songs about it."
"British law was of course more than an economic asset; its separation of powers and rights of citizens against the government were the foundation of the freedom of the British themselves."
"Not until the British began to actively regulate the colonies in the mid-eighteenth century did it really become apparent that colonial and British ideas about the role of the colonies and the rights of colonists had really begun to drift apart."
"In 1833, the Emancipation act abolished slavery throughout the British Empire."
"The British East India Company had made the Empire wealthier and had assisted in the extending reach of its power further than any other power in human history."
"The ideology of the British Empire was spreading Christianity and thereby civilization around the planet and thereby saving people even at sword point."
"The architecture of Newport speaks volumes about its colonial era and its role as a stable part of the British Empire."
"I don't have a script prepared for this, rather this is a mental exercise, a thought process where which I can try and understand and present a coherent view on the British Empire."
"One is talking about the history of the domains in Africa, one is talking about the history of the domains in India, but also fundamentally what was the legacy of the British Empire, what it represented."
"you're gonna attack that place the British Empire when I say it you think oh yeah they were amazing"
"Suez was a turning point in British post-war history."
"1876: Queen Victoria became the Empress of India."
"After the second world war the British Empire... faced the unstoppable flame of independence in its many colonies."
"He believed that the British owed a profound responsibility to the native peoples of the Empire."
"Slavery is absolutely central to the British Empire from the 17th century all the way through the 18th century."
"The British Empire has been probably the most benign and most inclusive."
"Much of British multiculturalism today is derived from our experience of empire, which was a very multicultural, multi-ethnic affair."
"The British Empire gave to almost all of the Asian and African countries it ruled some of the foundations of modern nationhood."
"The British Empire also abolished slavery across the empire by the 1830s."
"The idea that women had rights came very much from the British rule of law."
"You could not have had a non-violent transition in any empire other than the British because the British, as he said, they played cricket."
"The British Empire was the first empire that instead of just going on to contiguous land masses... started cherry-picking all over the globe."
"Britain's second Empire, a hidden financial empire spanning large parts of the globe."
"Britain dominated the global Telegraph Network, and we were able to maintain a dominance because we had dominant sea power."
"The English basically call themselves British as they've now started expanding their empire, they've incorporated Scotland, parts of Ireland, some overseas colonies in Africa and India as well."
"The British are expecting to be able to resupply all over the world because they have colonies all over the world."
"If at Waterloo Wellington set the seal on Britain as the preeminent world power of the time, then the foundation of that greatness was laid by John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough at Blenheim."
"The Cape to Cairo Railway was designed very much with the idea of cementing British rule."
"Britain's Empire is still entirely intact and indeed grows in size because Britain's able to acquire German colonies and Turkish possessions with the breakup of the Ottoman Empire."
"The fact that we became a Dominion means that we became a self-governing nation under the British Empire."
"She was recommended for the Commander of the British Empire, a very prestigious honour in Britain."
"All these devices offer Torchwood benefit, not the general public's, to make Britain an empire again."
"The foothold this company had established through its administrative controls, taxation system, military might, and property provided the British government with the necessary elements to enact British colonial rule over India."
"From these foundations grew the structure that would eventually, for a time at least, support and indeed enable the spread of the British Empire."
"It's often stated that the sun never set on the empire presided over by Queen Victoria."
"The British Empire had gained a foothold in South Africa; however, to unify the whole of South Africa and absorb it into the British Empire, the independent Kingdom of Zululand, which bordered on Natal, had to be suppressed."
"Britain dominated naval power throughout the nineteenth century, and the Empire was, of course, a maritime-based one."
"The Suez Canal was, is, and always would be, as long as there was a British Empire, the lifeline of the British Empire and the fastest route to India."
"Britain acquired possession of most of the territories of Southern Africa in the nineteenth century in what one historian referred to as a fit of absentmindedness."
"Two decades of brinkmanship between the British Empire and the United States has exploded into open war."
"I received an MBE by the queen, so I'm a member of the British Empire."
"Dominica was now a British colony."
"In 1807, the slave trade was abolished across the British Empire."
"In 1834, slavery was finally ended across the British Empire, and 14,175 Dominican slaves became free overnight."
"People who reached British vessels or military posts were treated as free, not as slaves."
"This was by no means a small act of defiance; this was a deadly blow to the financial security of the East India Company and, in turn, the British Empire as a whole."
"The best way to take out the British was not to try to go and occupy London but rather to try to go and occupy Egypt."
"If the British would have just imposed less taxes on the colonies and given them a little more expansion freedom... the colonies would have likely remained loyal to the British Empire for many, many years to come."
"He believed very strongly in the British Empire and in promoting the power and influence of the British Empire."
"One of the things that people often overlook in their perceptions and understanding of the British Empire is that so much of it was actually built not by direct State intervention in overseas territories but through chartered trading companies that acted semi-independently."
"The birth of the British North Borneo company came about because of three phenomena: firstly, the British Empire had gradually begun showing greater interest in the affairs of East and Southeast Asia."
"British India is really the prized possession of the British throughout the world."
"The Royal Aquarium of Great Britain is founded at Westminster and this was to be the spectacle of spectacles, the amazing, the Sun never sets on the British Empire."
"He's known as being the most famous journalist in the whole British Empire of his day."
"Britain... becomes the empire on which the Sun never sets, replacing all other European competitors."
"The British were ecstatic about the battle's outcome. They had achieved a seemingly impossible feat."
"Colonialism was part of the British Empire."
"And while everyone was fighting against everyone, the British man swooped in and managed to subdue them all."
"Slavery was very common in the British Empire."
"What I learned about the British Empire in this was devastating and also fascinating."
"According to legend, if the black ravens who live here leave the tower, it means the fall of the British Empire."
"The British because they were fighting the Ottomans and the Ottomans were claiming to be the real representatives of Islam, they wanted a counterforce."