
Audience Respect Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"It wasn't the production quality that was doing it; it was the content and the willingness to talk about important ideas and to do it in a way that respects the audience."
"It creates a lot of responsibility for the actual creator but also creates a responsibility to the audience to respect the creator's boundaries."
"It was a kid's movie after all, but it took its audience seriously, which is why both child and adult could watch and enjoy this film."
"Do not treat your audience like they are stupid. They made you a millionaire."
"Shows like these mostly just deliver quality entertainment without talking down to the audience."
"Brain Dump never talks down to you as a viewer; it respects your intelligence and tailors itself so people of any persuasion can be entertained."
"YouTube stars don't think their audience is stupid."
"The least you can do is respect the audience that gave you this privilege."
"It's really disrespectful to your audience to just push anything to them without really being educated about what you're pushing to them."
"I hate laugh tracks. They're annoying, unnecessary, and honestly, I find them to be kind of an insult to the viewer's intelligence."
"Our standard for videos is that it needs to have some sort of value for you guys. We're not gonna waste your time."
"Stop insulting the male audience. You're not going to insult your way to box-office success."
"You treat your audience with respect. Assume the intelligence." - Filmmaker
"Marvel treats its audience like smart people, not dum-dums."
"It treats its audience with such incredible intelligence."
"It's a masterfully made film, super well done technically, it's intelligent, it treats you as an audience member with a lot of respect."
"These people have given you their time, their focus, their lives. You have to respect that."
"Assuming the audience's intelligence is something that she does throughout her discography."
"Sex Education is a show that mostly appreciates treating the audience with intelligence and respect."
"You treat your audience with respect, they will respect you."
"To this day Fox News has not said. That's how much it respects its audience."
"Don't be political, respect your audience, respect the character."
"House of the Dragon isn't stupid, it isn't dumb, and it doesn't think we are."
"If my heart isn't in a video a hundred percent then I don't want to make videos just to make videos you guys don't deserve that."
"I realized like I would never want to put the audience through that... why would I add myself to the list of reasons?"
"You have to create value for the viewer or nothing else happens."
"What happened to having respect for these people that are performing?"
"They're treating the audience with intelligence."
"Don't disrespect [people's time] by uploading lazy videos. Find what you're good at."
"Regular Show doesn't talk down to its audience."
"I'm glad we had a superhero show that wasn't treating us like idiots."
"We intentionally pick the important content knowing that they're not necessarily going to make as much revenue or get as much viewership because we really respect our audience." - Ana Kasparian
"We really respect our audience. We want to make sure we get you guys accurate important information on a daily basis." - Anak Casparian
"A blueprint for respecting the audience and the show that came before it."
"If you don't insult your audience and you show a little gratitude, people will freaking love you."
"It shows kind of a lack of respect to their audience."
"If you don't tell it truthfully, then you're disrespecting the audience."
"I would rather sacrifice a quick click for respect."
"The story itself is interesting, but the ham-fisted Orwellian references insult the audience's intelligence."
"More is not always better; respect the audience with efficient storytelling."
"Respecting your audience is always the most important part to create success."
"It is never the audience's fault. The people at the matinee show paid the same money that the people for the evening show paid to see the same show. You are the performer. It is always your job to give every audience the same show."
"...your time is precious and we respect the time of the audience."
"This show respects its audience so little, respects its source material so little."
"When people are paying to see you, you show up to work."
"The most important thing about Comics is to respect your audience."
"When you look down to your audience, you've lost immediately when you're talking down to them."
"The first rule of any business that requires an audience is do not insult your audience."
"I respect my audience too much to try and pander to them with opinions that aren't actually my own."
"We never underestimated the intelligence of our audience."
"Alien is the kind of film you get when you don't treat your audience like children."
"What can be done when you actually treat your viewers with intelligence."
"One should always have respect for the viewers."
"My music is really connected with the people who find it, respect it, and for me that's enough."
"Gravity Falls respects its audience and it knows when to give you what you've been asking for, right, it knows when to answer the questions and it does."
"If you have respect for your audience's intelligence, you will at least want to make a good product out of it."
"So long as it doesn't insult the intelligence of its audience, there is nothing wrong with that."
"His raw honesty, uniqueness, and rebelliousness earned him the respect of both black and white audiences."
"We respect our audience but we don't fear our audience."
"Arrival really was very good, very unique, and it takes the audience seriously."