
Beginner Quotes

There are 790 quotes

"I really strive to try to remember what it's like to be a beginner."
"I am very new to bullet journaling, and it has me neck-deep in it."
"Let's get started here building our first app."
"Let's write our first Python code: print('Hello, world!')"
"Open your spell books, apprentices, it's time to learn how to cast your very first spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition."
"Get yourself a sweet little pencil and a pad of paper."
"Grab yourself a sheet of paper, super cheap pencil, rubber if you make mistakes."
"As long as you're not a complete beginner, if you have trained less than a year, you're still a beginner."
"Congratulations to the runner-up and winner of the beginner category."
"The Rottweiler: a breed to stay away from if you have never owned a dog before."
"Your first 10 years of investing are kind of going to be trash no matter what."
"You can start with something simple, just translate some basic words."
"So now we've got the very first step of a flag animation."
"This is not bad for a one-day first-ever gaming project with no programming knowledge whatsoever."
"This is one of my first streams I've ever done, please don't tease me."
"I've been doing a lot more skincare because I've never really actually done any skincare before."
"It's another starter pack that I'm gonna recommend for a new player to buy as well, those starter packs are actually a really great idea."
"5.90 one more pip over here one more pit started demo trade last week had 85 percent win ratio so I thought to start my live"
"I wanted to announce that I'm actually going to start using my Twitch channel. I don't know much about it. I made this back in November 2019, 2018, never used it. I have one follower."
"KTM Duke 390, the 2017 plus Edition, is an A-tier starter bike."
"The SV650 is an absolute perfect starter motorcycle."
"Your first bike should be lightly used, smaller cc, something that you won't feel bad about while you learn."
"I am a brand new YouTuber, I just started out, alright? I'm not supposed to know everything."
"Open to being the beginner again. It also changes your relationship with time."
"It's most people's Gateway into turning their first wrench on their car."
"Mode 2 is just the easiest way of learning to fly a drone."
"For the novice gardener, move one rock at a time, plant one tree, shrub, or flower, and before you know it, you'll have a backyard paradise all your own."
"It's your first time crafting, calm down."
"This is the DJI Mini 3 Fly More Combo, which would be my pick if it's your first drone."
"If you're a beginner, you don't have these expensive equipment, so in this episode specifically, I'll be diving deep on how I first started screen printing and the most simplistic and cost-effective way."
"Entry-level bikes are often people's gateway into the sport that we love."
"It's a good option for someone who just wants to try the sport."
"These are often people's first fish they ever catch because they're quite obliging."
"New to cardio? No problem, today we've created a 15-minute beginner cardio workout just for you. Let's go!"
"This tutorial is designed to gradually take you from a complete beginner through to being able to create your own 3D art."
"Now, if you're very new to Illustrator and you're ready to solve this source stuff in general, then I'd recommend that you watch my intro to Illustrator series."
"Start with the basics, start having fun, enjoy the process."
"This is going to be like one of those beginner type, you know, how to do ribs."
"This was a lot of hard work, but definitely doable for a beginner."
"It's okay to be a beginner at something."
"A good beginner bike should strike a balance between approachability and affordability."
"Perfect for anyone starting out in makeup."
"If you haven't knitted before and this jumper appeals to you, it certainly is within your abilities."
"You can definitely do it even if you're a complete beginner to DIY solar"
"I wanted to create this video for beginner occultists and even if you aren't a beginner, I hope you find it helpful."
"It's going to be a makeup tutorial. I'm going to be talking you through this everyday makeup look. I will be doing another Full Beat full Glam tutorial, but let's ease our way into it. Well, let's not do too much. Let's walk before we can run."
"If you're trying to get into cooking, I think this cookbook is a perfect place to start."
"It'll be interesting to see how many people in this beginner to medium range of editing are just gonna use this because it's so easy and intuitive."
"That's not so bad for first-time cooking the oven especially."
"Honestly I really do think the best way to get started with vlogging is just get out there and start filming yourself on your phone."
"If you're starting out, this is an amazing starting point."
"...it's okay to be a beginner and it's okay to not be a beginner and have an off day where things are just not working out."
"Regardless of whether you're following the beginner version you see here, or the advanced version I'm going to show you in a couple seconds, the fact of the matter is, you have to understand there is no such thing as 'perfect'."
"For your first flight, I would highly recommend going to a nice open field, a place where there's not a lot of obstacles or people around."
"That's it guys, that is my System IO tutorial for beginners, hopefully it's provided some value."
"Perfect if you're just getting started."
"Acrylic paints are fantastic paints for beginners to use because they dry quickly."
"I think a blanket like this, a giant granny square blanket, is really perfect for a first blanket."
"It is bright, it is happy, it is fun, and it is easy. If you're looking for a beginner project, this is the way to go."
"...if you are also on this fountain pen journey, beginner journey with me, I would recommend trying this one out for your next Fountain pen purchase."
"As a beginner there are some strategies that you can work with that can help you get used to the forex market."
"If you're interested in reading the tarot but you don't know what deck to start with, this is definitely the video for you."
"This is probably the best beginner bike for a lot of people."
"Just get on a bike, have some fun. You can upgrade later if you want, just go have some fun."
"...any soft wood is going to mean good for a beginner because it's going to be really easy on your bits..."
"If you're just getting started and you want to get into printing, this is definitely a good printer to start."
"It's a great starting point for anyone."
"It's totally natural if you're starting out and you don't have a design background the designs are going to be bad at first."
"So by now, hopefully I've convinced you why you probably shouldn't be using Manjaro Linux as a beginner."
"All of us started at zero and the book is designed for people starting at zero who want to get into cyber security, so I try to show multiple ways of doing the same thing."
"Social media management is still a great service to offer for beginners."
"...as a first bike I think this is a really really good option and it gives you that technology that you're not going to have to just sell to move on."
"I promise this is practical advice especially if you're a beginner who's having trouble getting started."
"...marketing is really great for anyone who's just starting out because as long as you have a knack or interest in marketing you can probably just get started..."
"Moving on to Hobby Boss... I think they are good beginner options."
"I think it's super convenient, especially in a beginner art supply."
"Massive noob, now what sounds like an insult actually feels good."
"I'm gonna become a reader. If you guys have beginner friendly book recs, Kenzie's given me some."
"This set is perfect for a new golfer or someone who's never played golf who wants to get into it, or even a golfer that's returning back to golf. I do recommend this, actually."
"Simply speaking, the Quick AdSense plugin is a great tool for beginners to manage ads on their site."
"I would love to know what you guys think in terms of is actually 400 cc too much for a motorcycle that's marketed as beginner."
"This pro level camcorder is ideal for beginners who want to improve their skills in recording and learn more."
"Everybody starts as a beginner. My intention is not to put you down but to lift you up."
"Start off with a kit lens. Don't just go all in and just spend a bunch of money to have like the best of the best that you can."
"Remember every expert was once a beginner."
"All three of these cameras shoot 4K video..."
"These cameras are great for beginners..."
"As a beginner, I would recommend using yarn specifically made and dyed for sock knitting."
"So I started off with just buying one palette."
"You don't really want to commit to a super long project in the beginning."
"I think pajama shorts are the perfect beginners project."
"I just read a book that says when you're a beginner, anything's possible because you don't know what's impossible."
"What a great gift for somebody getting into makeup that needs the basics."
"For beginners I recommend sticking with the ball pen because of the even stroke."
"...a complete beginner with no prior experience and no prior knowledge can actually learn the basics of plastering in a day."
"...as a beginner you should not be doing something that's too big. It's too much, you've never done it before, it's suicide."
"Candle magic is something which I think beginners can easily practice and get the hang of quite quickly, and this book, I think, will definitely give you a good starting approach to candle magic."
"For the people who are new and who don't know about these softwares, just go to internet search for putty or search like just say putty download you'll get this software called Putty you can use this."
"The best thing is that I'm going to show you a strategy that I used as a complete beginner."
"Your first videos don't have to be great and probably won't be just start building a channel."
"It's okay not to know everything it's okay to be a beginner it's not just okay it's awesome."
"You are a beginner and that's amazing because everybody starts as a beginner."
"If you are a beginner and you followed all the way here, you are now a creative coder with a knowledge of HTML canvas. Congratulations!"
"If there was ever a leader bike I'd recommend a beginner start on, it would be the R1."
"Affiliate marketing is a great income stream, particularly for beginner creators to start building up from the start."
"By far the number one the king of the Supermoto class is the drz400sm and by the transitive property of goodness that is also my pick for the greatest beginner bike of all time."
"The A tier: very good bikes for beginners that you should consider."
"So if you're a beginner and you're working with a simpler palette and a reasonably small size canvas like this one, then you will most likely be sort of shielded by the fact that you'll be pushed into doing line art like this."
"If you're a beginner and want the best bang for your buck for skiing and snowboarding then get the hell out of Park City and go to Brighton Resort in the town of Brighton."
"It's great for beginners, it was my very first camera, and I can't really recommend it highly enough."
"Canon's lineup starts with a few very basic cameras that are mainly aimed at vloggers and content creators."
"Turo is a great side hustle to start for a beginner. It's pretty fun, it teaches you a lot of great things, and Turo backs you."
"This is very much a take it as you will, and if you're a new gardener, understand that often times it looks worse before it looks better."
"A cheap vise, a little suction vise for a few dollars, can go a super long way and it's one of those pieces of equipment that I recommend any new picker to get as soon as they can."
"...they are rear-wheel drive, low power so you won't die and they handle like a dream. It's a perfect way to get started in anything, yes, even if it's not drifting."
"I definitely recommend that you guys do that if you're starting out."
"Holy mollies are great tropical fish for both novice and seasoned fish owners."
"If you're looking to get your first plant, you're probably worried and afraid you might kill it because you have never had to take care of plants before."
"Teaching beginners is a completely different animal than any other level out there."
"The best camera for a beginner photographer is the one that you have right now."
"It's youthful, it's safe, it's a great first fragrance. I know a lot of people when they're getting into fragrances go for the designer, and Versace is most times one of them."
"It's always good to be a beginner."
"If you're first starting out, don't be shy, don't let people discourage you."
"This video is the ultimate Tick Tock tutorial for beginners."
"If you're just starting out, it doesn't matter if you can't afford a certain piece of Kit. Just use what you've got and get out there. That's my advice."
"Trade small and trade often, especially when starting out."
"A beginner's mindset is all you need."
"Nobody's expecting you to do a masterpiece the first time out."
"This is like a beginner's bundle."
"This is that perfect beginner offering."
"I classified the DRZ 400 recently as my top apex predator beginner bike."
"A ready-to-fly kit like this is absolutely tailored for someone who is just getting started."
"This bike could legitimately be an entry-level motorcycle."
"So those are like kind of the places to do for a beginner."
"Welcome everyone to part four of my complete Blender beginner tutorial series."
"I'm starting from scratch. I definitely seen a few videos before but I haven't really paid full attention so here's my time to actually understand and appreciate the art of box braids."
"Understanding them and knowing what to focus on and what not to worry about as a beginner really goes a long way toward making what you love with your Cricket."
"Don't think that you need one of these to start out."
"I think a great set of riding pants is a great investment to make as a beginner Rider if you have the means."
"It's my hope that by providing this somewhat basic tutorial on these important but also kind of basic topics that I either help fill in the gaps or maybe help improve the understanding of some of the less experienced who may be watching this."
"The goal as a beginner Trader is not to make money right away. It's to stop losing money."
"Is Medium still worth it even as a total beginner? The answer is 100% yes."
"The whole purpose of this series is to answer your questions about ham radio, especially those of interest to those new to the hobby."
"Start out with your phone, use free editing software, and then see how it goes."
"This is a great bridge for people that don't know how to fly but sort of want to get there."
"I think I prefer the wild turkey over the four roses dude. I think for a beginner bourbon it's very, I would highly recommend it for anybody."
"This is the apex predator beginner bike."
"...it's a really great and affordable beginner camera..."
"Ingredients that will work with your skin, especially if you are a beginner, you do not want to jump in the deep end."
"Your first few videos are not going to be very good you'll know this looking back and that is okay."
"You may not know everything that goes along with quilting your quilt or anything like that. I know I didn't when I got started. Just jump in."
"Everyone has to start somewhere, and it is okay to use these."
"I am taking it back to the Bare Basics for the beginner and I'm going to give you five easy steps to your first Furniture makeover."
"Don't be afraid to be a beginner."
"You being someone who is just starting out, that can be your competitive edge in that particular industry."
"Even if you're just a beginner, so you can stand out."
"If you guys are a newbie to make your own clothes, let me know down below what you guys are working on."
"If you have ever wanted to learn to knit garments but find sweaters too intimidating, here we go, here we go. Great for a sweater. It sounds like the simple construction and short sleeves make this a perfect first garment."
"So if you're a beginner to embroidery and you're just starting your embroidery journey, I hope you found that helpful."
"Armed with a few resources and a little bit of know-how, I believe that you can have some really successful projects as a total beginner."
"Hopefully this was a nice basic foundational video for anyone who is new to anthuriums"
"So I'm not familiar with watercolor either. So I'm trying these today as a total newbie to this medium completely."
"I created the sunrise coaster pattern to be a perfect beginner project if you've mastered the basic stitches and you're finally ready to apply them to your very first project then this is the one."
"This is a great beginner project and you can just have a lot of fun with the colors of it and really make the design your own."
"Try some tools of the trade. A lot of adult colors when we get started, and I know I was the same way, I went to Walmart, I bought a package of Crayola color pencils and two coloring books and I brought them home. I was happy with that for the longest time."
"So you're going to start by just one single crochet."
"These are the beginner stitches that I like to use the most and I use in most of my projects."
"If you're looking for your first bike, I definitely still stand by my point that this is a very good first bike to start out with if you have no experience on owning a cruiser and just love the look and feel of the old school classic bike."
"Using up what you already have and then replacing it as you need to is how you should tackle this when you're a beginner."
"She's doing good things with making little witchcraft kits for beginner witches like me."
"The irony of this conversation is that the beginner who I think benefits the most from starting in the free weight world tends to gravitate towards the machines, and the advanced lifter who I think benefits the most from machines is the ones that may be neglected."
"I'm titling this 'beginner knitter' because I did knit that like other thing so I understand the very basic concept of it."
"An excellent pattern for a beginner."
"This first stage when you're just getting all of the initial blocks together, it's really simple to maneuver within your sewing machine."
"Your first quilt, it's gonna be super fun."
"People go, 'You've never done open mics?'"
"Harbor Freight tools are great for a beginner."
"There's so much freedom in being a beginner."
"...it's a great way to start especially if you love stars and especially if you're a beginner."
"This is pretty much everything you need to know to start building beautiful animations yourself."
"I would consider them to be one of the best beginner fish, yes, 100 way better than anything actually I would say honestly better than like live bearers."
"This is a big deal because it seems like the manufacturers of this gear are making it harder for entry-level DJs to choose right at the very beginning."
"The best dual-sport motorcycle for beginners is the Kawasaki KLX 250. It's the least intimidating in the class with the lowest seat height and soft power delivery."
"Would I recommend the bike to a beginner? Absolutely."
"Being a beginner is harder than it sounds because you gotta kind of gate out a bunch of existing frameworks or knowledge points that have been useful in the past."
"These bikes are so fun and they make for great beginner bikes."
"he had a bunch of videos for beginner woodworkers and one of the projects was a small table you could make from pallet wood"
"It's really important to get the right strategy and maybe even set up in the right market time, especially when you're a beginner."
"You do not need all this equipment to get started in electronics."
"If you're brand new to CNC, that I think is the best resource that we have right now."
"I would wholeheartedly be recommending this printer as one of the best for beginners that I own."
"This Tableau basic training course is designed as an introduction to Tableau for beginners."
"It's a great one and done easy step and a great starter retinol."
"This microphone is really geared towards people who are just diving into the world of audio production."
"If you're a new investor and you're not really familiar with ETFs, you will learn something in this video."
"Everyone started as a complete beginner."
"You deserve the money, okay? Because it's work, even if you are a beginner."
"...we all start from scratch and we all suck at the beginning..."
"You don't need to be an expert or anything. If you watch some tutorials on Java on YouTube, you should be able to understand most of the basic loops, statements, variables, and such."
"But just a few months ago someone following one of my courses tweeted to say that they're learning swiftness of UI and they're finding chat GPT invaluable for so-called stupid beginner questions where I'm not even sure what I'm asking makes sense"