
Volume Quotes

There are 679 quotes

"Music that doesn't have a lot of vocalizations... tends to be fairly low volume."
"Get loud. When was the last time you spoke with some volume in your voice?"
"Volume is crucial to what we do here as trend traders."
"Volume and volatility are not the same thing, but they are very closely related."
"It holds the volume, it holds like, helps hold co and it's just amazing."
"They'll take you to an area where there's approaching 50 videos that we've made."
"Oathbringer, coming in at an absolutely gargantuan 454,768 words, was Sanderson's biggest Cosmere book to date."
"Just how many words have been in the Cosmere total? Roughly 3,460,000."
"Oh, yeah, I am quite loud, sorry for everyone's eardrums, that's all right."
"They had a good presentation, they showed 60 games, game after game after game."
"Jalen Tolbert is going to have the volume and be extremely relevant."
"There's this underwater ocean that's believed to be three times as large as our other oceans combined."
"Speakers get crazy loud, definitely louder than my iPhone."
"YouTube creators upload over 500,000 hours of video every day."
"High volume is good, man. High volume is a good, good, good thing."
"Cryptocurrency news: Shiba Inu making new listings. ... Has this thing kind of gone to sleep a little bit with volume overall, right?"
"The approach for strength has to be quality over quantity, make sure you're fresh, make sure you have nice long recoveries, and when you've done that quality work, then you can move on to your quantity, then you can move on to your volume."
"There's just something to be said for uninterrupted periods of just volume."
"High-volume items are an excellent way to learn how to flip."
"I always love the volume and the bounce that diffusing my curls gives to my hair."
"Volume and intensity days are superior for best results."
"I like with my shorter layers to still see a little bit of bend in the hair so that way when you're blow drying them you're going to get that lift and movement."
"Being loud in itself is not like a bad thing inherently, it's just something that we do in our culture."
"The volume of cutscenes and voices for this patch is so far the largest in a single patch release."
"Volume and oomph are what I love in mascara. Big, bold lashes are my favorite."
"Variation by rep range: 'Maya reps' crank up the volume."
"The speakers were just so so loud... super impressed with the speakers."
"The biggest difference now is that we want to stop thinking about flatness all the way across and start thinking about roundness in volume and three-dimensionality."
"For those times that I want really really huge lashes, I think this is amazing."
"It's the best couch guitar 'cause it's just loud enough that you can hear it without having to plug it into an amp."
"The loudest voice is usually the emptiest barrel."
"The loudest voice doesn't always necessarily win the argument."
"They make your lips look wet, juicy, plump, big."
"The volume will negate a lot, and so when you've got those high volume bars, this is going to new highs, that's going to be the biggest sign of conviction for me."
"This is really how I get ultra volume with those special techniques, I hope you try this, I hope you enjoy just having that extra volume."
"Clean fade with volume on top that's nice and textured."
"So, on a busy day, somewhere around 2.4 billion gallons of oil pass through the Strait of Gibraltar."
"They play great at low volumes and they'll go as loud as most people will need them to."
"we don't have to pay attention to the pyramids the pyramids were small elements it's the volume of building an artificial City in an island"
"There's a fatness to it, so you can actually get a massive guitar sound without huge amounts of volume."
"You always want to consider other factors like price action and volume in conjunction with the RSI."
"Retail traders, everyday traders like me and you, we only make up around 5% of trading volume."
"That was very loud, very audible."
"You know sometimes, you know, yeah, big power, play loud, especially for dance. But you know, Sean gets the biggest rooms that shows, and he puts a pair of speakers like this or the Dirty Weekend, and he cranks it up."
"Nobody ever did that, they just put the loudness button on and turned it up to 10."
"Volume 9 took longer than any other volume of Ruby to be made."
"We filled 19 large rubber tubs completely packed full of paperwork."
"I like quiet music just as much as loud music."
"I had so much volume in my hair it just looked absolutely unreal."
"It's easier to make your track quieter than to push it louder, so start with matching the reference track's maximum volume."
"lots of volume the curls went in opposite directions so then the curls don't lay flat against one another they bounce off of one another which means you get more height more width and you also get volume at the root"
"Let me know if I sound loud enough."
"...avoiding volume in my opinion is one of the biggest things that you can do as a short seller."
"...it just helps to just get that extra volume so your curls look even bigger."
"The loudest person in the room has the smallest bite."
"Why are your headphones so loud? Because when a lady sings, you turn it up, especially if she's beautiful."
"It's only going to get a lot louder."
"We'll go through about three of these coils a day, which is 7,500 pounds."
"The speakers sound pretty great, reaching a good volume without distortion."
"The largest held a volume of water equivalent to 20 Olympic swimming pools."
"You cannot hold down the market if you don't have the volumes to compete."
"It's important to understand that in most cases the mass and volume is going to stay the same."
"I just really like the music up here, you know? I hope it's not too loud by the way."
"Saying things louder does not make it more true."
"Boyle's Law explains the inverse relationship between the volume of a container and the pressure inside it."
"Louder audio, they're saying louder audio!"
"But at the same time too, this is a luxury SUV, so it's not something to be crazy loud."
"They're transformed when brought down below about 60% volume."
"You can feel the volume but without the heaviness."
"...you can interpret it as volume being generally better since all studies show a dose-dependent relationship where more work tends to trend with more gains to a point."
"... you're adding 100 and 130 140 or so liters of space..."
"Turn up the volume, it's about damn time."
"...in trading which is measured on the price on the time and uh date scale on the xais and what this does is it's measuring the buying and selling volume activity based on time."
"These hair ties create so much lift and volume in your hair."
"The volume level on these is ridiculous. The sound quality is amazing, crispy highs and mids, deep punchy bass. Did I mention the volume? The volume is super loud, bro."
"I told y'all once and I'll tell you all again, if you want more volume with your hair, just shake it from the top and it gives more volume."
"The order book clearly shows you where there are large volume areas versus low volume areas."
"Human trafficking is a high volume business model which requires a person-to-person transaction."
"Intense volume and curl buildable for added texture."
"When you do that you're changing the volume and bore."
"TV volume so low you could hear a pin drop."
"Everyone speaks very loudly, and yeah, it's a new world."
"Price moves because of volume, and price movement attracts volume."
"Volume confirms our trends, the strength of our trends will be confirmed by rising volume."
"That volume is everything. That's the reason I took the trade."
"Volume comes from the roots and, again, please do not forget hair commandment number one: less is more when it comes to products."
"I think keeping it real and still being loud with your voice is a trick, you know?"
"Small volume at highs or lows indicates lack of interest from traders."
"I'm paraphrasing so if I zoom out what I'm now doing is I'm looking for volume oh my goodness it the same oh heavens the same thing happened October 24th of 2008 the same thing I just talked about"
"I like the volume. It makes it difficult, like a porn star's wedding. I'm sorry."
"Volume is the accelerator of the car, the gas being applied. The price movement is the actual car motion."
"If tick volume is increasing, traded volume will be increasing in a very similar manner."
"Tick volume is a good representation of actual trader volume."
"If you're not looking at this volume, you're missing a huge piece of the puzzle."
"Here's one of my biggest tricks for volume around the crown area."
"It's normally just a proportion of the area, so the volume itself is not material."
"As you can see, pretty voluminous they can be especially later on quite fitting as well."
"When it comes to speakers, as long as you're listening to it at normal volumes, 89 dB sensitivity and up should be okay."
"It feels more confident, is able to play louder, and there's less distortion at higher volumes compared to some of the other low power 2 amps that I recently reviewed."
"Volume is definitely a thing I think about a lot."
"At max volume... Not good. At like mid volume, not bad."
"Somewhere I read that they sold almost a million or more than a million units so far, that is a significant volume."
"The pacing in this volume was just so well done. It had just about a little bit of everything."
"Shadows are the god particle... if you don't know where to put core shadows you don't know what the volume shape is."
"Yeah, absolutely. You know, I use a quote board myself, and one of the columns I have is going to be volume."
"When volume starts to spike, believe me guys, the algos like we just talked about with some of those block prints, they'll come off and they'll be indicated in volume scanners."
"Volumes also kind of do the same solution, but volumes offer you a better life cycle."
"...loud is more good. In the 50s and 60s, they figured this out. Everyone figured it out. Louder is better."
"Increase the volume for a better effect."
"...a little bit goes a long way and honestly even though I prefer to get a little bit more body from my volume products it's not like my hair was flat with them."
"It's kind of a very complicated issue, and I think that yes, volume over time is definitely kind of the underlying idea, just like Dr. Mike said."
"Volume is the one that is the thing that you can impact the most and have the most effect on your training, assuming that frequency and intensity are in these relative ranges."
"Turn it up past two or three and they get loud."
"Achieve instant volume to your hair by applying a volume powder, it binds to your hair follicles and increases the volume and texture of your hair."
"Yo hello you're so quiet talk again hello hi am I still really quiet?"
"You get a beautiful clean tone at a low volume."
"It's probably so loud on the mic."
"I mean I shouldn't be telling people yeah go out and and bloody your ears up by listening to high volume but come on man if you're if you're doing if you're doing a speaker like this you're going to crank it up you're expecting to crank it up right."
"He goes very low so loud that I could feel the air getting moved by the speakers."
"I volume matched everything just to make sure that there were no inconsistencies due to that."
"I wanted to achieve maximum volume with my locks."
"We're just going to pump this entire jug, all five liters, we're gonna pump it all in here."
"Wow, they're really cranking up the sound in here. It's very loud."
"Point of control (POC) indicates the price level with the most trading volume, providing valuable insights for trading decisions."
"You want to reach their ears so you definitely got to use enough volume."
"Break it down into manageable chunks, one of these volumes is roughly 500 pages."
"You do not lose quality at that 126 decibels."
"Man this thing is loud, I'm telling you, and it's great. I think it's awesome to have that room for volume rather than always maxing out the speaker, wishing it was louder."
"Gain staging is about staging the gain, the volume, from one phase of the process to the next."
"The good thing about that though is that it goes in very quickly so that's five liters done."
"Reduce the offering but just do a high high volume."
"Balance is a really cool word. It doesn't mean they're all the same, but it does mean they're all fitting well together from a volume standpoint."
"All of the most successful traders in the world are trading high volumes."
"Volume negates luck in whatever you do."
"...it's important to understand that what drives the market higher or lower is the volume of transactions."
"Keeping the intensity but keeping the volume down."
"it's very loud I just want to hear it"
"Louder does not always equal better."
"So honestly I like the look of these like even just down without this part being back like it kind of gives you like a little volume or whatever."
"For this back part, as long as you get it smooth, trying to get a ton of volume at the root is kind of pointless."
"Excitement and volume are two different things, the same way amplitude and volume, yeah."
"I just wanted to question, oh I'm too loud? Yes, Larry."
"Volume ultimately detects business, it tells us there's trade being facilitated."
"That's it. That's it. When it breaks out, look for volume surges."
"If there's no volume in the stock and no relative volume in the breakout, it's definitely a no trade."
"Wave five often comes with less volume and lack of momentum."
"When you see the break to the upside it's often backed by a decent amount of volume."
"If you're listening and things in your mix are feeling a little quiet, rather than reaching for the faders and turning them up, which is only going to make it a lot more likely that you're going to clip on your main output."
"Turn the speakers up; it turns everything up in the room so you can hear it more clearly without having this thing happen where you've clipped everything."
"So yes you heard right we fill all this up 9,500 gallons of water with a 5 gallon per minute garden hose."
"The limiter is a fairly simple tool that does exactly what it says: it limits the volume of a source to only the level that you indicate and below."
"This speaker can get pretty loud in a small and even a medium-sized room."
"I thought, 'This is brilliant!' as the minute he said they were the loudest band in the world, I thought, 'Yeah, they sound like it.'"
"Turn it down, turn it up, come on, crank it."
"We went from about 150 calls a month to over 4,000."
"The bleach hardly damaged my hair I think it might have been a 10 volume or something because it didn't burn my head or my skin and it didn't burn my hair off so it could have been a low volume which I'm really happy about."
"I think it's just that study goes to show that you might get personally responds to really low volume."
"When you start seeing more volume scattering, that's when it changes."
"Volume equals length times width times height."
"The volume landmarks...maintenance volume is the amount of volume you can do...to maintain the size of your muscles."
"Minimum effective volume is...the minimum amount of volume you have to do to see progress."
"Volume has made them freaking lazy dude yes like Chris Gore said that the other like and that's I mean that's the word going around in Hollywood is volume has made everybody lazy as [ __ ]"
"The Ark's immense volume would be equivalent to carrying 527 railroad boxcars."
"The developing value area shows you where it came from. It's almost like saying, 'I want to see 80 percent of this value area volume. The whole area means a lot to me.'"
"Volume is extremely important to everyone in the market, and it is something that professional traders will look at a lot more than retail traders. So if you use the VWAP and you actually look at volume, you're going to be a step ahead already."
"With the VWAP, we can get a clear picture of not just what the price is now, but actually where the most volume is trading at certain price levels, and that's going to tell us much more about where the price can go next and potentially help us with our own trades."
"In fact, it's extremely loud. I don't know if that will come across but yeah, it's extremely loud but not too distorted. It does sound very good, I must say."
"This exhaust is race car levels of volume in tunnels."
"Volume shows interest and if there is no interest in the market, the chances of continuation are very slim."
"He just wanted the music a little louder."
"Volume and intensity are the two most important things in your training."
"You don't have to do huge volume to see big improvements."
"It's loud enough to play with drummers and play in full bands."
"Look at the size of these tubes, these are true 15 mL tubes."
"Total number of sets per muscle group per week is a simple and accurate measure of volume for hypertrophy training."
"Volume should be allocated based on individual strengths and weaknesses, responsiveness of each muscle group, and personal preference."
"As we now understand, volume should be allocated based on these three factors."
"Ultimately, each individual should adjust their volume based on individual context."
"I think this is like as loud as it should possibly be."
"I both did and did not expect to get to this volume so quickly."
"Volume isn't always what you need to increase, control allows you to get more bang for your buck."
"Just sounds a bit more breathless, driving difficult to drive speakers at high volumes."
"The amount of iron ore exported from Port Hedland each year is enough to fill the Melbourne Cricket Ground at least once a week every week of the year."
"Higher volumes result in more muscle growth."
"Volume is the primary driver of hypertrophy, and more volume results in greater muscle growth."
"It can go loud. It can go very loud in fact. If you want to party with these speakers and stick in the sub, you can."
"For hypertrophy training, volume is best quantified using the number of sets performed per muscle group per week."
"Volume seems to have a dose-response relationship with muscle growth."
"It's impossible to say the exact volume of gases at the bottom of Kivu, but this is definitely the largest value among all the lakes on the planet."
"Loudness is great, loudness will take and make the music sound good at lower volumes."
"I feel like volume four in general was all about healing from the events value of three."
"Intense volume matte with hyaluronic acid."
"I definitely have some good volume, it's giving me that '90s vibe for sure."
"Less is more here so don't dial it up too much if you're too low you can pull the volume up quite easily too high you're gonna clip."
"So when you start trying to get really loud, I mean, you're doubling power for every three DB."
"That is a lot of people coming through."
"The volume of a rectangular prism: length times width times height."
"The volume of a cylinder is pi r squared times height."
"I think you need to try to not be so loud."