
Power Use Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"When he had all the power, when it mattered the most, what did he do? He pulled the trigger."
"Lila receives the power of the fox miraculous for real and uses its illusions to manipulate the people throughout Paris."
"Many of the criticisms of the CIA are leveled at those who hate to admit that power must sometimes be used."
"You just do everything, it's eight mana so it would deal eight."
"You have a responsibility to utilize your gifts and powers with caution and love."
"The only question is whether we use power well or badly, justly or unjustly."
"With great power comes great responsibility, facts determined, I guess."
"With great power must come great responsibility."
"Instead of embracing the amazing capabilities of these beings they seek to capture them secretly and try to understand and use the power possessed."
"The measure of a man is what he did with power."
"Host clubs make us recognize how powerful effective labor is and how it can be used and abused."
"You possess great power, Broly. If used to its fullest at all times, you could be the strongest force for good in the universe."
"The greatest abuse of power is not using the power that you have. That's totally true." - Jimmy Dore
"Power isn't inherently evil, it's not inherently good either, it's how you use it."
"The abuse of power is the biggest issue spiritually. How you're going to use that power? Righteously or abusively. That is how we're being judged by the universe."
"Being strong and being powerful is using restraint. It's not doing things just because you can."
"Because what's scary about Hoka isn't the raw strength of his powers, it's the skill and cunning with which he uses them."
"Yuji's about to break the one rule of black flash by performing it at will with all of his remaining cursed energy behind it."
"This nation is in need of a regime change, and what we need to do is make sure we employ our power to make sure that we can turn this direction, this nation in the direction of healing."
"I think it's a lesson in using the power you have and not worrying about what the politico playbooks of the world tell you is going to somehow be a gift to republicans."
"Fortunately, Revan was wise enough to avoid overusing the Star Forge or obsessing over its potential."
"Regulators should always apply their power thoughtfully and proportionally and it should be predictable."
"Efforts by those with power to use their power."
"If you have the power to fix things, you have the responsibility to fix things."
"Why not use [powers] to create a utopia? Why not use that to find ways to make the world a better place?"
"Power is a tool, miss burnwood, it's the thing that gets you to the thing."
"It doesn't have to be a personal attack if somebody has power and you're encouraging them to use it responsibly."
"Ninetales can serve as a powerful weapon, capable of burning out a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean."
"It's important to use your power and privilege to create space for other people."
"You can't be asking for money over and over again when you have the power and you are unwilling to actually use that power to help people."
"There's only one way to win this and that's with my powers."
"The use of capital as a weapon to foist your views on society... might actually even be the more frightening of the two."
"We can use our monopoly power in service of the objectives that the new Left cares about, to censor or take down hate speech or misinformation as that new progressive movement defines it."
"He genuinely saw power as a means to an end."
"To hell with everything, I will use this power to survive."
"Magic is no different than any power. What really matters is the one who wields it."
"Remember folks, just because you're in a position of power doesn't mean you need to use it. Sometimes it's good to just be chill."
"When you are elected to office of either party but in this case of Democrats, you've got to wield the power you have on things you believe in and that you promised to deliver."
"You've got to wield the power you have on things you believe in and that you promised to deliver."
"Let's just say that I'm willing to unleash the power of a quantum singularity white hole on them if need be."
"There's no sense in having power if you're not going to use it to fight. If you're too scared to fight for your lives, fine, let me do it. You're all cowards."
"Ending the boss fight with you using all the wisp powers combined for one final attack."
"It's not the power, it's what you do with it."
"Possessing someone for a mere five seconds, he eventually discovered the perfect use for his abilities."
"Morality really is the only bullet against the outsider here. His gift influences people to use their power over others."
"He used this power to craft his own reality."
"Playing Rumble helps you develop an understanding of how to use power advantages to create leads."
"There are no rules you have to use the power while you have it."
"Eventually, the boy becomes really powerful and one day motivated by what Yuya had shown him, he uses his maximum power and defeats Duran."
"I knew Alice wasn't evil feeling stronger than ever I turned to face the Beast and unleash my new powers."
"Is it really wise to use power without wisdom and good intentions?"
"Yoichi believed that heroic individuals with quirks should use their power to restore order and justice."
"The increased willingness from the modern American right wing to use government power concerns me."
"It's not just stealing military hardware and secret plans, but using tanks and plans and men to promote our policies around the world."
"Incumbency matters; you're able to use power to your advantage."
"A few days later, he goes to the D-Rank gate, Remembering what Han Seol had told him, he uses his power of silence."
"No matter how much power he has in his hand and how much he shows that power to achieve a certain objective, it's never done for his own ego."
"He leaned into this power as a way to displace opponents before he even jumped."
"We get to show what it means to govern, what it means to wield power on behalf and alongside working-class people."
"Aaron doesn't and takes command bringing out the founding Titan and beginning the rumbling."
"Power is not meant to be used to bring others under your rule, but to give life the chance to flourish."
"If you have the power to control Titans and you're not using it to let everyone live their freest, best lives, then you suck."
"The gifts of long life and power can be used for evil and selfish purposes, rather than for good as the men of the West tried to use them."
"We must make a vow to use our powers to keep the universe safe."
"It's a very devastating ability if used correctly."
"I'm working with him instead of killing; my power is helping, that's the way I want it to be."
"Bonaparte used the anti-French uprising in Verona as an excuse to dictate terms to the Venetians with a very heavy hand."
"To use his power to annihilate his opponents would actually kind of be sinking to their level."
"This is a time for you to evaluate: Are you misusing your power in a healthy way or unhealthy way?"
"Imagine that, you expected to like use your power to help others."
"You have done well and have used your power wisely."
"The ability to command men and women to greatness is the ability to use power wisely."
"Use your power wisely. Think about what you're doing before you act."
"She uses her powers in ways that I don't think many other people who have the ability to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum typically use them."
"For meaningful and sustainable growth and prosperity, our use of power has to be about the interests of all."
"Power is in the service of discovering more truth and advancing their rights and advancing genuine good in the world."
"He owes it to Earth to use his power like this, not just for himself by training, but by helping allies."
"Menou, who is to execute Akari because of her power, will now use it to save lives."
"Abra finally wakes up and uses all of its stored power to teleport Ash and Misty away."
"He uses his power to protect himself and those around him."
"What you do with power will determine whether you have a place in eternity or a place in history."