
Earth Connection Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Crystals are the essence of life manifesting within the earth."
"The Earth really is alive and there is so much loving energy that the Earth just wants to give you all the time."
"Grounding down today with strong intentions to connect to the Earth, to connect to the big picture."
"Our bodies are being used as nodes and physical vessels to get galactic energy and anchor it into the Gaia grid."
"The hum is so important, connecting us with the Earth, raising our frequency."
"The Earth is a great revealer of spiritual truth—a profound leader and guide for us in awakening to the higher consciousness of love that is part of our collective destiny."
"Our story is destined for something amazing, incredible, but it's also interwoven with the Earth."
"It's the heartbeat of Mother Earth, when you hear that drum, you know right away."
"Connection with the element of Earth is required to bring substance in your spell work. Spend time outside barefooted and getting your hands dirty. Take up gardening, hug or sit beneath a favorite tree."
"Sink your roots deep, connect them to the heart of Earth."
"Every time you compost, you're not just feeding your plants; you're nourishing your independence, your resilience, and your connection with the Earth."
"But now, this simple life connected to the Earth is the dream that I am living."
"Indigenous peoples understand and value that relationship directly to the earth."
"So valuable, she's the soul of the Earth, all a part of God's genius plan, powerful as she can be."
"Get back to earth, get back to grounding."
"Crystals are millions of years old and they are a way to help us connect with the power of the earth."
"If we want to hear Earth speak, she would be speaking in the very dance that she is doing through the cosmos."
"Being in touch with the earth can complete the health process altogether."
"The more you're in touch with it, the better."
"Eighty percent of your chronic ailments can just vanish simply because you kind of found a little rapport with earth."
"You're very tied to the earth, very in tune with natural rhythms."
"It immediately gives you a sense of being back on Earth, the sense of home."
"If you connect yourself to the earth, you're connecting yourself to an almost infinite supply of negative charge."
"Some consider them to be actual Elementals, true spirits of the Earth."
"Stand barefoot on the earth for 30 minutes; you can't be mad when you're grounded."
"You're creating a connection between you and the earth, and the electrons are pouring into your body."
"We are beings of the earth; we are earthlings."
"The worshippers of the Vanir were very conscious of the earth and therefore remembered and venerated the dead ancestors who rested within the earth."
"Feel your connection with the Earth."
"The connection with the earth herself as well as this connection with the cosmos and the acceleration of evolution are what these two stones bring to the party."
"Chakra is the source of these men's power. It is the manifestation of physical energy mixed with spiritual power, and it is originated from the earth itself."
"We are part of the earth, and we can live on this earth in ways that we don't destroy the planet, we don't destroy the future."
"Feel your tailbone gently lengthening towards the Earth, see if you can also get a sense of your weight being supported by the Earth."
"One of the big focuses of shamanic practice is to bring balance, is to bring wholeness, is to connect people with the power of the earth."
"Feel it drain out of your feet as the Earth absorbs it and transmutes it and releases it from you."
"If you connect yourself to the earth, you're actually connecting yourself to an infinite supply of negative charge."
"Touching the solid, stable nature of the Earth, I think we're bringing that nature into our own body, mind, and emotions."
"You are the planet Earth, you are the essence of this planet."
"The owners of Mana are the Earth and her elements; we don't even have a business plan."
"Feel yourself supported by the mother earth, feel air against your skin."
"This drum represents that heartbeat of our mother earth, the heartbeat of our nation."
"This is a very nourishing and healing position, use this time to connect with the earth."
"Feel supported by the Earth beneath you and let go even of breath control."
"How can I stand on the ground every day and not feel its power? How can I live my life stepping on this stuff and not wonder at it?"
"With new technologies expanding our ability to explore the Red Planet, Mars has never felt closer to Earth."
"Take off your shoes; your feet are the part of you that touch the earth."
"The Earth is a conscious Divine source of love that is doing its part on your behalf."
"Connect with Gaia, this earth is nothing without Gaia."