
Passion Pursuit Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"The journey to finding and pursuing your passion involves exploring your curiosities and allowing yourself the freedom to explore different paths."
"Start small and follow the invisible trail of the things you love before you know it you will land smack bang in the middle of your calling."
"Don't waste it, go for it. You know, whatever it is, whatever gives you a passion in life, chase it."
"One of those is you should always focus on a young person should find something that they're passionate about to do."
"Try to find something that you love and work hard for it... because at the end when you get what you want you will feel immensely proud of how far you've gone."
"Chase what makes you curious and find your passion."
"But yeah, if they're super like into video editing, like that's their like passion right now, yeah, um, I don't think they should like give it up, but you know, just in case like you said."
"It's really about finding what you're excited about."
"Always choose what you're passionate about because when you are doing what you are meant to do in this world, you can never fail."
"I wanted to create a life that I loved doing something that I loved."
"Success, happiness, and fulfillment... when we're following that true soul passion."
"Embrace what you love relentlessly and don't worry about that."
"Just keep going with it, be passionate about it, and some people will feel drawn to you."
"Find something you enjoy doing and pursue it to the fullest."
"If nothing else counted and you only had to do what you really love, what is that?"
"I do see good stuff coming to you especially in your money and what you're doing, what you're, if you have a certain passion you want to pursue please pursue it because you're going to [__] be great at it."
"Focus on practicality first, then pursue your passion; find a balance between stability and creativity."
"Your life will be the patterns that you set... every day that you waste doing something you're not passionate about is another day that gets added to the lifetime of time you spent not being passionate."
"Nothing should stop someone from doing what they love."
"I think my parents have given me the most amount of support because they allow me to really live under their house and stream go for this career passion and let me live there rent free you know you know give me food"
"Always be curious, always seek out things you love, and always work hard once you find it."
"Get involved and find your clique... 'Find your passion and stick with it, make lifelong friends.'"
"I just want to do it for me... to entertain the passion that I've had."
"You gotta work hard at something... find that passion no matter what it is."
"Follow your passion, be compensated for your creative talents."
"You need to pursue that passion, and abundance will follow."
"Find the thing that you love and that's probably going to be the thing that you should try to excel at."
"Become passionate about finding out what that is."
"Follow yourself, follow your passion, you won't be led astray."
"Please follow your passion and work on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."
"No backup careers. You put all your passion into your dream and making that come true."
"I don't let risky things stop me from pursuing my passions."
"Go out and find something you’re really passionate about, whether it is playing sports, dancing, or building rockets."
"If you could turn it into a career I think everyone could add five days you know to their week if they can love what they do and also do what they love."
"Do what you're passionate about, do what you actually want to do."
"I would say go for the thing you're passionate about no matter what."
"But if this is all you want to do and you really, really need it in your life then you'll find a way."
"Meaning I'll cover six of these films, and the guests will cover the rest."
"Trust your heart, your passion can move you forward."
"Choose the thing that sets your heart on fire, that brings out your passion the most."
"Find something you love and fight fearlessly for it until it makes money. Period."
"Cash in on your passion...not being afraid to fail."
"Find the scent of what it is you love and then just follow it ruthlessly and follow it until you until you fall over exhausted joyfully exhausted."
"Move forward towards your passion, don't let logical mind get in the way."
"If you love it, just do what you love and things will work out."
"Find what you're passionate about and double down on it."
"Once you find the thing that you'll do for free, then that's the thing that you're gonna end up doing for a lifetime."
"Follow your passion to the best you can, no assumption, no insistence on the outcome."
"Do what you love and from there things just happen."
"You enjoy something no matter what it is just go all in."
"Follow your passion follow your dreams what's the point in life if you don't do that [stuff] just do everything you want."
"I will build you a solid foundation for you to pursue your passion."
"Just being able to work from home and pursue my passion... has just been the biggest blessing in my life."
"I'm not gonna stop doing what I'm doing because I enjoy filming."
"Finding true happiness by pursuing what you love doing."
"Your soul is calling you right now to follow some kind of passion or interest that maybe you haven't had a chance to spend much time on."
"Focus on what you love doing, pursuing something that is really near and dear to your heart."
"Just find out what your passion is and become like the expert at it."
"Do what you want, do what you love, don't make any decisions out of fear."
"You're following your passion, but even if you've got to do something else in between, you whistle while you work."
"Find a passion and just run with it, and I think things will work out in the end."
"We're living in a day and age where people are constantly pressuring others to quit your job and pursue the thing that you love to do."
"Try to follow your passion if what you do is what you like then everything else will probably fall in place because when you love something and that is what you spend most of your time doing then that's a pretty good life."
"Looking at what you love, considering long-term goals."
"I just always wanted to be successful and I always live by 'do what you love and the money will come.'"
"You have to teach yourself. Find what you love and build something around that."
"Don't chase the money, if you begin to chase the money it's going to become a job."
"Most people are focused on things that aren't their real goal, their focus on things that have nothing to do with their passion."
"Continue to move forward with your passions."
"Find what you're passionate about and move in that direction."
"You absolutely 100 can do your passion as a way to make money."
"Do what you love, regardless of what someone else is telling you to do."
"I did sacrifices, but it's worth it because I know that my passion is martial arts."
"Make the thing you love doing the most your whole life."
"I think it's important for you to follow your passions and just be understanding that the game may not be won if you don't play the game right."
"Do what you love and tell everybody you love them."
"First of all, you need to find something that you love."
"The habit of following your passion is the most powerful thing because it will raise your vibration."
"If you love it, do it. It's as simple as that."
"Your soul just wants to find the thing you love the most and do that."
"Do something that you absolutely love, that's it."
"There is nothing wrong with finding what you love and hustling and working your ass off for it."
"You find the one you love doing what you love."
"You're gonna be making money doing something that you really love."
"Take action on your passions, stay the course, you're moving forward."
"Find something that you are passionate about and stick with it gain the value-add and the experiences."
"I'd rather someone not like me because I am doing the things I'm passionate about."
"Ultimately ask yourself what makes you happy, pursuing your passions to the end of the earth."
"Release all of that and just do what you love."
"Follow your childhood passion, do what you love."
"Never lose sight of your passions, but not at the expense of other aspects of your life."
"From an early age, she was exposed to the ideals of dreaming, being passionate, and pursuing what you love."
"Find your passion, work hard at it with all your heart... people notice."
"You need to focus on what you love to do and add value."
"Find something that you really enjoy doing, something that you're good at right and work hard for a long time don't quit."
"Decide to do what you love. Passion creates abundance."
"Think about what would you be so passionate about doing that you'd be happy doing it for 10 years even if you never made a dime from it."
"Isn't it really the secret to life, find what you love and do it a lot? I think so, absolutely."
"I think that you are more successful by pursuing what you're passionate about."
"Keep doing what you love doing and don't worry about the fruit."
"Do it on something you love. Don't just start it on cars because you see us doing cars."
"Do what you love and have confidence in your talents."
"Passion is the thing that you would do if you could do anything."
"Specific knowledge is found much more by pursuing your innate talents, your genuine curiosity, and your passion."
"Find something you genuinely love doing, stick to it, and make it a business."
"What is life all about? Pursuing your passion, doing what you're passionate about and doing what makes you happy."
"Just grind and work. Just find your passion and work on it. That's my ultimate message."
"Find the passion and it can't be for the wrong reasons."
"Get out there and allow yourself to be embraced by your own passion and see what happens for you next."
"Whatever you have a passion for, there’s a way to make a living doing it."
"If you have something you're passionate about, don't let anyone slow you down."
"A fresh start and success await if you take the risk. Don't give up on what you love."
"Do what you love to do and make what you love to make."
"All I've wanted this to be was a place where everybody could grow, communicate, and learn together."
"Do what you love to do, make that your main thing in life."
"There's something undeniably powerful about giving up what you've known all over your life... to do something that you truly love."
"It's never too late, never too early to do the things you [expletive] love."
"Start where you are skillful. If you do what you love, the money will follow."
"Follow your bliss... it's not at the actual thing you do as much as the way you do it that's important."
"Don't follow your passion if you don't like it."
"Pursue your passions right? That's the important part."
"Optimize your body, distrust your emotions, and pursue something you care about."
"Find what you're genuinely passionate about and focus on that."
"Go for what you really love... money will always come."
"You get to do what you love and grow and learn and expand."
"Something that you can pursue with all your focus, a Pursuit that you wouldn't mind consuming your life because you adore it so much."
"Our mental health is definitely going to improve when we are out there learning new skills, embracing new passions, and interests."
"If you have a passion for it, then do that thing. Don't let nothing stop you from that."
"If you're not passionate about your job, you can't be afraid to build something that you're passionate about on the side."
"Find your burger. Find something that you love to do and figure out what it is that you already know, all the resources you've already taken in, the experience you got, the people and the relationships you've built, and see how that can help you."
"Take inspired action towards what lights you up, towards your heart space."
"Whatever you're passionate about, follow that thread."
"Find out what you're interested in and then go for it."
"Life will every day get in the way of us spending our time on our special interests on our passions."
"I was above the poverty line, got a contract to do what I love, to interview rappers."
"My age has no correlation with my skills or passion."
"If you do put the work in, you do logically look at things, and find a way to pursue a passion, you will be able to figure it out."
"We do it for the love of it, God has blessed me and Tisha now, literally we're survivors."
"When you find the thing that you love, you start to want to do that more than you actually want to play video games or read a book."
"Independence. I feel like both in a way because you can build to invest in something else that can make more income, or you can do what you love and just continue on like making the money that you make."
"Now I feel so blessed to have you guys support me and allow me to live my life filled with plants and make it into my job."
"Be true to yourself, accept things that come, and from that place you can move through it and live and die in your passion."
"If you love to do it, do whatever you can to be around or near what you love."
"Find what you know how to do better than anybody because you love to do it and it feels like play."
"Find what you love about it and build on it."
"Afraid of making the wrong choice... some of you are afraid of pursuing your passion, your dream, your goal."
"Don't waste time, do something you love."
"It's about collecting your passions and getting inspired."
"Please yourself, do what you love."
"Find your hobby and passion and, you know, try to make it work with your life."
"With your support on Patreon, I would be able to follow this passion and create more educational content for you guys."
"I just wanted to pursue this passion that I have toward plants."
"You got to feed your family, you got a job it ain't paying out yet, but when you go home and close that door, you better put 10 minutes to the side every day to just jot in your like find the time for yourself or your passion even if you're not earning from it."
"Find what you love to do, focus on that, don't look left, don't look right."
"Our generation is super different... for the first time ever we are able to pursue our passions at any location, at any time, with any identity, but most importantly, to any uncapped level."
"I'm finally living out my true passion."
"If you're so intrigued you can't think about anything else, then do it."
"Hopefully this inspires you guys to really go after what you love, do what you love, be who you are."
"Don't focus too much on the monetization part of finding your passion."
"Be what you want to be, as long as you're sufficient and it's something you love to do."
"Follow something that you love because it becomes way easier."
"This year was acceptance, and next year I want it to be passion."
"I'm chasing passion, and I get most of us don't get to do that, I'm super fortunate in that."
"If you are doing something that you don't love, you should change it."
"We live in the best time ever, there are more opportunities out there to pursue your passion."
"Just do what you love. If you love English, you're going to improve."
"I'm glad she gave her the advice to follow her dream and her passion."
"Just keep pushing, keep believing in yourself, but like make the changes that you need to make and go after your passions."
"If you just put yourself out there and do what you love, then you'll be successful."
"Find what makes you lit and run with it."
"Find the thing that excites you and go for it in a wholehearted fashion."
"You're never too old or never too late or never too deep into another industry to step away from it and really do what you love."
"Go an inch wide and a mile deep into your passion and if you do that you will just blow the doors off."
"Do what you love and if you don't love it then switch it up."
"Do it cause you enjoy doing it and keep enjoying it."
"Follow your heart, follow your passion, and remember it's only paper."
"Find things you're passionate about and imitate them, and you'll do well."
"Chasing whatever you are passionate about and turning that into a business will create something so much more."
"If you love something, then you just need to go for that."
"Find what truly sets your heart on fire because at the end of the day if you're not happy with it, you're not going to stick with it."
"Life is too short not to pursue your passions."
"Try to find something that you are interested in in the first hand, stick to it and hone your skills, try to develop some kind of craftsman mindset and build up your career capital over time."
"It includes each and every one of us committing to following our passions."
"Life is too short to not follow your passion."
"The secret to life is just figuring out what you like to do and then figuring out a way to make money doing it."
"Blazing forward with your passions, nothing can stop you now."
"Starting an online business might mean more time and freedom to spend it with your loved ones or to basically just do what you love doing."
"You're finally starting to go after some of your own passions."
"Do what you love, and you're going to meet this person doing something you love."