
Informed Decision Making Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"With that knowledge comes power, and with that power comes choices to make informed decisions that's going to suit you and your loved one best of all."
"Consent has to be well documented, but it also has to be informed, and informed means you have to understand what you're consenting to."
"My job is to provide you information and education so you can make informed decisions."
"Informed medical decision-making... It is imperative for consumers to learn how do we evaluate information."
"Understanding how we're wired, how we're being played, the framing, the systems, the resources, these dots when you connect them, this becomes the knowledge that helps you make informed decisions."
"In order to have a functioning democracy, or democratic system, you know, a Republic, a free society, we need a free press to inform people about what's going on."
"A truly free press empowers people to make decisions for themselves."
"So yeah that's awesome yeah it's just more like to make a educate educated opinion when you have like something and I think like when you know how things work I think that the feedback you can give it could be like way more fruitful yeah."
"There's nothing good about voting if you don't know anything it's actually bad to vote if you don't know anything" - A blunt assertion about the responsibility of voting and the need for informed decision-making.
"This is about giving people all the information they need to make up their own mind about whether this is worth their while."
"The American people have demonstrated over the last eight months that when given the facts, they're willing to put the health of their families and neighbors first."
"Arm yourself with the knowledge and make your best decision rather than just blindly going with what some random tech reviewers said."
"I just want to make sure that you guys have as much information as possible and know the full scoop before you make any informed decisions as a consumer."
"Listen to science, listen to facts, and make tough decisions."
"How can you make an informed decision if you haven't even tried it?"
"Knowing saves half the battle. Got it? It's not hard. Analyze, think independently, be informed, find the data and you'll know a lot that no one else does."
"Nobody's asking for anything more than that, and then let the family make an informed decision about their defense and how to use those funds."
"Knowledge is power when people are more aware and we can make better decisions, better choices."
"But when is it ever wise to believe what you're told without question, without reservation, and certainly not without reason?"
"That's just my style is that I kind of want to be as informed as possible."
"If you test them under some sort of bottleneck scenario or you don't look at those edge cases that Tim talked about then you don't have all the information you can't make an informed decision."
"Read the warning labels, talk to your doctor, and do some research before you commit to a pill, any pill," she said.
"It's not about trying to frighten people into supporting us, you know, I'm trying to give you all the information to make you know educated decisions on whether you want to or not."
"Get the best deal by understanding your lease terms."
"Become informed voters, don't just look at the highlights."
"We have to produce news that can be used by people to make good decisions about their own lives."
"I am a proponent of the Swiss model of direct democracy which means that alternatives are very well grounded on what are the consequences of each of the options."
"Pump with knowledge... understand what you're getting yourself into."
"Understanding what's going on helps you make informed investment decisions."
"We're allowing you to decide as an adult with sovereignty over your own mind and body that you can take information and do something crazy which is form your own decision."
"Do your research. Just look at different RVs and the options, check out customer service, check out the customer reviews, check out the Facebook rooms."
"I'm trying to help you make an informed choice."
"Pick the instrument you're most excited to play."
"Active recall and spaced repetition are the gospel truth."
"Ignorance is a choice in 2022. It really is."
"So the exhaust world has got a lot of technical components to it, understanding how those components interact will hopefully let you make a better choice..."
"Instead of looking at the media's interpretations, you can look at the data with me and then you can make up your own mind."
"The power is in the know. Pause, think, act."
"Don't just take my word for it, make sure that you are checking several different sources."
"My goal is to help you be educated that way you can make smarter decisions for you, your community, and your family."
"I think education always comes first. If you educate people, they can then make better decisions in the crypto space and if they make better decisions in the crypto space, everyone wins."
"If you have the right strategy and the right information, it's like there's never been a better time to act."
"Educated decisions usually come after taking the time to educate yourself."
"It's better to know all this stuff rather than just use a build blindly."
"The solution is to listen to macro voices every single week, and do exactly what Eric's done by taking all of this intellect absorbing it and making your own decisions from there."
"Having the knowledge that the Mueller report provides is infinitely better than the alternative."
"Always do your research, arm yourself with knowledge."
"I want politicians who update their views when presented with new information."
"It is imperative I think that everybody gets as much information as possible so that each person can make their decisions."
"I'd rather give you the knowledge, knowledge is power. Rather give you the pros, the cons, the good, the bad, the ugly and let you make your own decisions."
"Do your politics do your research do not be upset."
"It's never been easier to learn about this sort of thing. There really is no excuse for not being better informed."
"Do your own diligence and make your own decisions."
"Do your research and gather as much information as possible before making life-altering decisions."
"Understanding that your health is affected not just by what's going on in your body right now, but also by your genetic inheritance, culture and history, can help you make more informed decisions about predispositions, risks and treatments."
"Halos main struggle is one of ignorance versus knowledge, and its ultimate message is simply that knowledge allows you to make informed decisions and act in the best way possible."
"Do your own research, your own due diligence."
"Being able to critically think, look at the evidence yourself, make up your own mind after listening and talking to professionals on both sides of an issue is one of the most important things that you could do as a human being."
"Be properly informed of the bias in the news you read."
"We gotta rise above, be informed with information and data, and make the best decisions that you can that's going to protect you and your community."
"Do your research and always make the best decision for you and your business."
"It's up to all of us to investigate issues before we accept conclusions."
"The best way to do this is to share credible data from a credible source."
"It's important to be knowledgeable about all your options."
"Be willing to correct and change based on the new information."
"Arm yourself with data so that you don't have to feel like that because you don't have to feel like that."
"Stay strong, stay focused, pay attention to what's going on, make your own judgment, do your homework."
"At this point of time, we all need to listen, gather the facts and actually come to a conclusive opinion."
"I think that's a marvelous testament to the fact that people can understand the issues, and when they understand the issues, they go out and make intelligent choices."
"The goal is to empower you so that you have more information, higher quality conversations with your doctor and you can make better educated choices."
"We are all informed so we can make the best decision for ourselves."
"Before you make up your mind about anything in politics, these are the thirty arguments pro and con that you need to know."
"A smarter approach is based on more informed assumptions."
"Cheaper is not always better. Equally, the most expensive tire is not always better. You need to do your homework, you need to do your research."
"Approach it from an informed place and hopefully with a practitioner who can hold that space."
"I always do a lot of research before making a purchase."
"One of the things I use the word agency all the time. Parkinson's is a disease where the more you're informed, the more you have autonomy over certain choices that you make that will directly impact your quality of life on a day-to-day basis."
"In the end, I want patients to be as well informed as possible."
"That's the issue, is that it's not informed properly. The decisions are not informed properly by periodically pushing interest rates below what they should be."
"...people would walk into situations with eyes wide open and they would be informed of what they were walking into."
"The safety of the flying public is our mission and it will continue to inform our decision-making going forward."
"This is ultimately about allowing people to make the best possible decisions for themselves."
"Express consent and informed consent mean that you have explained what you think is going on with the patient."
"Let's have full transparency about what's really happening so people can make informed decisions in their life."
"The important thing is to do your research just as anything in life."
"So in the future, you can make much more informed decisions."
"Be positive, but also be informed."
"It's to show us the truth and to allow us to make decisions on the basis of that truth."
"As long as everyone has all the pieces, they're aware of everything, they have the knowledge necessary, they can make better decisions."
"We should not practice evidence-based medicine; we should practice evidence-informed medicine."
"We guys are investors, so we have to have informed knowledge on what we're doing and make actual decisions based off of it."
"Both politicians and voters should do their very best to base their opinions on research and knowledge and evidence and real information about the world."
"She promised them she would help them make fully informed choices."