
Human Identity Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Just because you have a diagnosis of dementia does not mean that you're no longer human."
"I'm quite confident that in a thousand years or maybe a hundred years, we will have a different understanding of who we are in the universe."
"As human beings, you're defined by your skeletons, your cells, your tissues, and your organs...but as people, you're defined by the decisions that you make and the decisions that you don't make."
"The pursuit of truth and knowledge, the morality of science, metaphysical ideas about identity, and of course, the value of a human soul."
"You are not an accidental byproduct of nature, a cosmic orphan, or the result of matter plus time plus chance."
"To be human is to be God's imager. This is the embodied form, the embodied extension."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if we started to be identified as a human race instead of a nationality?"
"He made us in his image, me and you man, what you talking about right now?"
"Our Humanity, yes I'm trans but like I'm so much more than one and every trans person is so much more than that."
"Time is just so important to who we are as human beings right."
"I do not believe we are God, we are God's children."
"Connecting our brains to the internet is going to radically change how we live and not just how we live but how we view ourselves as human beings."
"The more diversity you know it's again a reason to support biodiversity because we actually need biodiversity in our bodies as well as we need biodiversity out in nature."
"You're starting to realize that race, nationality, all of these things were created to separate humanity. They are ego-based concepts, and in essence, underneath it all, we are energy."
"We're not human because of our bodies, but because of our spirits."
"At this point, the prospect of transhumanism stops being an intellectual exercise and becomes a question of subsistence."
"How far are you willing to go down this transhumanist road before you are not a human being anymore?"
"We each have our own fingerprint which is amazing if you think about it and we have so much power in our own bodies."
"Cyborgs aren't fiction nor are they truly competing with us, they are us."
"I think overall it's probably best for us because we're gonna get, you know, we're not gonna... I think we'll end up pulling together as one planet because we know there's something else there that's not us as human beings."
"Are we these things that contain DNA or are we just transport mechanisms for the DNA?"
"Stop putting the label on us, right? Because at the end of the day, guess what? We're human. We're human. We're just gay. But that doesn't make us... I'm still here."
"We need so badly to be strengthened in our identity as Homo sapien with souls."
"How far back would an alien infiltration have gone? How many of these guys were actually human?"
"Every discovery about the universe changes a little bit our conception of who we are as people."
"It's always interesting, the concept of artificial intelligence and like what makes a human a human."
"I don't identify as a man, I don't identify as a woman, I barely identify as a human."
"We're all human beings first and foremost before we are anything."
"We were created in the image of God, male and female."
"A human being can be a man, a human being can be a woman."
"A human being should essentially be identified as a human being."
"Wokeness tweaks the doctrine of humanity, losing sight of the imago day, the image of God as our constituent identity." - Owen Strachan
"DNA is one of the most fascinating identities of a human being."
"Mankind is much bigger than all of these primitive symbols."
"Every cell of our body holds the same completely unique DNA pattern. It is what defines us and makes us who we are."
"We cannot continue to operate the human being as a machine." - Corporal Rohan James
"Your fingerprints are more unique than your DNA. No long-lost fingerprint twin for you, sorry!"
"The advanced civilization seeks to help humanity remember who they are."
"Purpose, to know that you're here for something, to know that you're doing something, to know that you're making a difference, I think is what makes somebody human."
"We are being reprogrammed as human beings, turned into components of a corporate machine."
"I hope there's just something uniquely human about us that we always hold on to and that cannot be replicated." - Unapologetic
"Are we just another primate, or are we something unprecedented?"
"We challenge how we think about our bodies and what it means to be human."
"Random Access Memories explores what it means to be human and fit in."
"If you took everything that made us us—our stories, beliefs, culture—and boiled that down to just a few drops, that potent elixir left over would be language."
"Even DNA helps to show that each human being is distinct."
"You are not corporate, you are men and women."
"We're not divided by race, we're not divided by religion, we're not divided by ideology, we're freakin human and that's it."
"The very definition of what it means to be a human being will be transformed within the lifetimes of most of you watching this right now."
"The concern is that the human body will be changed to such an extensive degree before we know it that it is not really fully human anymore and then we become susceptible to things that are also out of alignment."
"I'm not black, I'm not white, I'm just a human."
"You are literally made of stardust. You are a star."
"We need to remember who we are as humans on this land."
"Are they our ancestors? Are they humans from the future?"
"The brilliance of RoboCop lay in its character development... asking profound questions about what it means to be human."
"The answer to this question would help us to understand who we are, what we are, and give us more insight into why we're here."
"It's about us. That's the big secret. Who we are, how we came to be, and where we're going."
"To me, the definition of being a modern human must be in the parts that we don't have from Neanderthals."
"I refuse to allow people to tell me that there's such a thing as a white race or as a black race when in fact we are all members of the same race."
"There's only one race on the face of the earth as far as I'm concerned and you'd best begin to realize that."
"There is no humanity - there are only cultures and peoples."
"The whole work of man really seems to consist in proving to himself every minute that he is a man and not a piano key."
"We are social animals, born on this planet as a human being, as a member of the social animal community."
"Sanctified rituals define what it is to be human for the believer."
"I'm a real human being, and my heart, it pumps through blood."
"What makes us human: the outward shape of our animal body or something internal and perhaps immaterial like a rational soul or mind?"
"What's a human being? A creature made in the image of God."
"You don't have a soul; you are a soul who has a body."
"We exist in a society where masculinity, particularly for men, is inextricably linked to humanity."
"In reality, the human being is not an earth being; in reality, the human being is a cosmic being, a being belonging to the whole universe."
"I am a collection of water, calcium, and organic molecules called Carl Sagan. You are a collection of almost identical molecules with a different collective label."
"We are beings of the earth; we are earthlings."
"The prefrontal cortex is where we have our memory, task management, problem-solving... this is what makes you a human."
"The unique code that gives identity to every human being, as individual as a fingerprint."
"When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man."
"All this wonderful technology, we are a scientific animal."
"With the exception of identical twins, our DNA is over 99% the same."
"Art is the last thing to go, not the first thing to go, because it's about who we really are."
"Spirit is the part of us made in the image and likeness of God."
"Our sense of history is who we are; it is how God separated us from the animals."
"You are human first and foremost. You are human."
"The most basic things we have as humans are our names, our identities, our loves and hates, our personalities."
"The definition of humanity itself is at stake in a universe where the only rule is we don't kill humans."