
Passage Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Elisha took his mantle, wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground."
"It lasted for what felt like an hour but then it too was gone."
"Just coming through, coming through, no harm intending, bro."
"Time absolutely races by. You cannot stop it."
"Time flies in ways that I didn't consent to."
"Genuinely feel like I just blinked and 2022 is gone."
"Time was slipping out of my hands faster than sand."
"But one thing about time, it waits for nobody."
"There's also a theory that a black hole may be a passage to another universe."
"It's a passage full of foreboding but no more so than many other passages you'll find in the Bible."
"Time will pass by fast, so you can't let it slip by."
"I didn't even notice how fast time flew by."
"Normally on a passage, it sort of becomes my whole world. But on this one, I'm seeing it more as just what I'm doing right now."
"The years are going by so much faster every year, it's just like boom boom boom."
"Well, well. The Passage is blocked behind us now, and there is only one way out on the other side of the mountains."
"The inner door was never unzipped as the group was able to move through the tattered remains of the inner door unimpeded."
"Time goes by so fast, it's crazy."
"Years had passed, centuries had fled backward."
"Life will do it all on its own. Without rights of passage, we wander our lives as children."
"Carlo made his passage into the group he had admired for so long and began his official journey into the mafia world."
"It feels like 2022 is like five years away and time has just like flown by."
"These four years are gonna fly by just like they did in high school, high school flew by for real, I'm going to college."
"Time flies by, even though sometimes it feels like it doesn't."
"Time bothers the time but it passes out the way I'll quickly passes by the year one year when you're enjoying something as much as we do out here time goes quickly."
"Wednesday morning. It's just gone."
"Many viruses just pass through us."
"Can you guys believe that we're halfway through the year? It's gonna be Christmas before we know it."
"...just a ride of Passage, you were 18 years old you went to frostbites and you tried to drink that wool there."
"the last four years have gone by in the snap in the blink of an eye"
"It's such a quick mention in the Bible that is one of the most beautiful passages in the entire Bible."
"Nothing will change between them and that time will pass quickly."
"Time waits for no one, it just keeps going."
"I just, I love, I can't believe we're already here to be completely honest. I feel like this entire year has really really flown by."
"Context is the best commentary on this amazing passage."
"The truth is some significant time has passed."
"It always shows me how fast the year is passing by."
"Time just rolls on; it really is a beautiful thing."
"Time just keeps slipping past me, slipping past me."
"Here we have the engine room which is accessed from the lazarette passageway."
"It's been a month already? That's crazy!"
"The next couple weeks are like December in general is just going to go by fast."
"I'm glad we got through security when we did."
"I literally blinked and it became the weekend."
"Pay attention to words like 'until', 'before', 'afterwards', 'since', 'next', or 'finally'—those affect the chronology of the passage."
"You weren't just waltzing through there, you know, those guys were gonna tell you what they really thought."
"There's something about the relentlessness of time that it just keeps moving."
"The years rolled by, marching faster and faster like an eager army."
"Congratulations, you've made it to the end of the nastiest passage I could find."
"Isabella was supposed to marry somebody else in Denver. So, that is true. And this guy was gonna pay for her passage to America. Right."
"We've been here for about three hours. We don't know what happened with our time, it just flew by."
"They've just hung here, they've drunk here, they've spent time here, and they've moved on."
"Short notes or passages that only stay in a register for a brief amount of time will tend not to oversaturate a register."
"To get to most restaurants on the ship, you will walk through this pretty cool passage lined up with mirrors."
"Crazy how fast the last few years have gone."
"This is turning out to be one of my least favorite passages of all time."
"The season of destiny that you're in won't last for years, but while it's open, walk through it."
"Time in its passage changes all things."
"Time flies, this first year will fly by for you."
"Damn, the last 10 years have just flown by."
"Incredible passage i really like that it's actually really nice especially since there's a slide out right here."
"It's a mirror, and the moment she says that, the wall just starts to glow and turns into another passageway."
"The rabbit went straight on like a tunnel for some way..."
"Time went on every day, never stopped. That's crazy."
"It's crazy how fast November is flying by."
"The year is straight up flying by. Let's go get the kiln heating up."
"John 10:10 is really a clear passage that Jesus gives us as believers."
"We're just passing through, but heard you could use a little help with your zombie problem," Hammond motioned to the barricade.
"You'll need to get a writ of passage if you want to make your way through here. Nobody gets past without the King's permission."
"Remember time is something that we're passing in ourselves."
"Despite the dangers inherent to the Gap, it Remains the only consistently passable means of traversing the mountains."
"We are taking shifts on passage, overnight three hours on and three off suits us."
"Death is not the end; it is a passage to a deeper and eternal reality."
"It opened the door between life and death and into Valhalla."
"I sit by the hourglass watching the sand of my time slip through."
"Blood is the price of passage, I will pay it."
"All who enter these portals pass through time."
"Time flies before you know it, it comes there."
"Like Moses when the Red Sea parted, you can walk right from the Irish Mainland to the island."
"Time will fly by just like the rest of winter did."
"Grief is a passage we must allow ourselves to experience to fully feel, not only lost connections, lost love or that one was not ever loved in the first place."
"We already passed the river anyway, already paid the toll."
"The beauty I felt of Lizzie's passing is she is taken home by her ancestors."
"Life's days are all passing you by."
"Like a storm, like a plague, like a swarm of locusts, the Gurkish will pass."
"He that is most burdened seems the most likely to pass through and begin the heavenward journey."
"We are traveling through time ourselves, one second per second."
"Time just goes and goes and goes so quickly."
"These feelings are designed to pass through us, but they can never exit until they are acknowledged."
"And then one day you find ten years have gotten behind you."
"Anxiety is passed, everything will pass. The feelings, the emotions, the times... it will pass."
"A black hole may be a passage to another universe."
"The beautiful thing about cravings is they do pass."
"September is come and gone, man, my September flew by."
"The year's going by fast, isn't it, Rich?"
"Few clan rituals are as bloody or as dangerous as the ghost bear clawing, representing a rite of passage into the upper echelon of the Ghost Bear command structure."
"The pendulums mark the passage of time."
"How has 20 years gone by that quickly?"
"Time is flowing pretty damn fast."
"Life is what goes by when you're not thinking about it."
"Where has the year gone? It is just flown by."
"Free entry means that scavengers will allow you to go through their territory for free without killing you."
"The Chroma Key Wall Body Passage appears to lead us to some sort of rite of passage."
"It's almost there, listen, this year passed so fast that it's unbelievable how time is going so fast."
"That's what life is, it's made up of all those different things, little moments that pass by."
"Seems like after you turn 21, it just keeps going and going, and years flying by."
"To elapse means to pass, as in seconds, minutes, or hours."
"Time will always roll on by like an arrow; we will fly."
"Time goes by so quickly; it's terrifying."
"With utmost respect, we wish her a safe passage into the afterlife."
"Time has flown, that is for sure."
"Carved steps led down into pitch, their centers worn down by centuries of passing feet."
"You've got to go through the door, you've got to go through the gate."
"Time stood still, and then time just slipped on by without notice."
"The hands of time slowly ticked away."
"Seven years passed in a blink of an eye."
"Time passes too quickly, that's all I can say."
"Fast this year has come and gone."
"I heard time marched by without me."
"It's like the years have just flown by."
"Granting their spirit safe passage to the afterlife."
"My favorite phrase in the Bible is 'And it came to pass.'"
"Each hour, the tall clock rumbled in the hall, resolutely calling the hour, the passage of time."
"I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by."
"Time flew by, and before Jake knew it, five days had passed."
"Only the good and the wise and the brave may pass."
"You and I are just passing through history, but this... this is history."
"We are almost halfway through the year, and I feel like the year is flying by so quickly."
"The decade passed in the blink of an eye."
"Time keeps flowing, without stopping. Every second is always going by."
"Simply permit the pain to come into your heart and pass through. If you do that, it will pass."
"This year has flown by like it is gone, it's gone, it's gone."