
Musical Instrument Quotes

There are 447 quotes

"Repetition is your key to making progress on the guitar."
"It does that stuff, but it really excels at the big decaying strange reverb."
"This is probably the best delay you could buy."
"Every guitar is different, every player is different... set it up for the player."
"There has been some nice enhancements with what they've done with the Opus reversion."
"I think I found a new neck profile that I like."
"I will never ever regret purchasing this for my first synth."
"I get to know the instrument on a physical level."
"It's complicated and it's not the same as a normal Jazzmaster."
"This is the prettiest, probably the prettiest acoustic I've ever seen, the double dub."
"Make sure that the guitar you get will inspire you to play it and practice on it."
"The first thing I'd like to say is that this strat plays so clean, like it is so good."
"This guitar, it was like on the verge of tears looking at it... It's become my number one guitar."
"Feels right, sounds right, looks right, plays right, it has to be all those things."
"What makes a guitar special isn't how good it is on paper."
"The double horn with a horn in F and a horn in B-flat should not be considered two horns for the price of one but a four-valved instrument which gives us many options for fingering each note."
"That guitar overall really changed my perception."
"The d50 had the means to produce sounds that had never been heard before."
"The exs24 is one of the deepest, most powerful instruments that comes with logic."
"The Vintage Modified 72 Tele Thinline is a really good guitar."
"The whole thing is just gorgeous, and I've never seen another guitar like it."
"The guitar was my mighty companion; it got me through a lot."
"Natasha: 'Have you thought about taking up guitar? I think you'd crush it.'"
"This guitar has stayed one of the best in my collection."
"Gilmour opted instead for this '52 vintage reissue Telecaster."
"This is the most accurate reissue that they've done to this date."
"This guitar is a 100% future collectible; people will drool over this thing."
"You want to talk weird? Let's talk synthesizers."
"I can completely recommend the Squire absolutely 100%. Go by the Squire Bullitt Mustang."
"I found it at a pawnbroker, among the four-fitted articles, it clearly said Stradivarius on the label."
"Every time I pick it up, I go 'nope, it's perfect.'"
"That SG is a pretty big reason why I stuck with Epiphone."
"It's pretty much like taking vampires, it's pretty cool. I like it so far, the piano I wish worked."
"Player grade to me is like the biggest badge of honor."
"The bass can be a lead instrument and have different textures."
"Grandmother is a synth with character... colorful design... extremely special synth."
"Don't give up. If guitar was easy, everybody in the world would play it."
"When I saw her playing the guitar, I promised myself to learn the guitar."
"Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest and loudest musical instrument ever constructed."
"The Fender Stratocaster is a true American icon, a hitmaker extraordinaire."
"It's a highly versatile instrument that changed the face of popular music."
"It still sounds like a million bucks, 80 years later."
"I am really impressed with all the different tones that you can get out of this"
"Not a child-sized guitar, this is a baritone ukulele."
"He's actually good, he can play. Bring on the golden harmonica!"
"If you can play, you can win the golden mouth organ."
"Vega Trim, the best tremolo in the world."
"I think a pedal is good when they send me the first version of it and I sat down within 15 minutes and wrote a whole song."
"Out of all the guitars in the whole world, the Fender Mustang is my favorite."
"It's got all that unique quirkiness of a Gretsch."
"The truss rod is a metal rod hidden in the neck of your base that balances the tension of the strings."
"A Snap-on electric ukulele in a handful of decent electronics, this is a good little start."
"It's thought to be the oldest musical instrument ever found in the country, with an age of around 8,500 years."
"You're so easily entertained. Just make me a musical instrument."
"You're not constrained to the limitation of the samples. The other great thing with an instrument like Swam is that you can basically play any kind of music genre that you want."
"The Nord Stage 4, obviously they've added even more power to it."
"This is Armenia's National musical instrument and it's called apricot pie because it's done only from apricot tree."
"25 and a half inch to 27 inch scale Fanfare guitar."
"I just want it to play real easy and just play itself and not sit there and have to like you know have a boxing match with the guitar the whole time."
"This is a 1960 Harmony Meteor, all original, flame maple neck and back, spruce top, rosewood fingerboard. It's a work of art."
"If any guitar is like my guitar, it's this one. This is the one I've owned the longest, played the most."
"My snare is a Ludwig Super Fonic that I got when I was a sophomore in high school, that would have been 1966, and it is the actual drum that I used on the recording of the song 'Born in the USA.'"
"I think for anybody that's really looking to get in at the very entry level, I would recommend the Classic Vibe from Squire."
"It's a great no-frills instrument, these are V-Mod 2 pickups, and you know this does have a push push knob which is kind of our entry into different switching options with the pickups."
"It's hard to go wrong with Telecaster in the future we're going to be talking about finding the right Strat, finding the right Les Paul, Jazzmaster all that stuff."
"I bonded with that instrument in that process of learning it."
"...this is much more of a performance instrument... the tracks has everything right in here to do an entire live set."
"I've really enjoyed playing this guitar."
"Most DAC designers want to create a particular type of sound. So they may want a very bright analytical sound or they may want a really rich and warm sound. So they're turning their DAC into a musical instrument with its own flavor."
"Becoming the instrument means when you touch the instrument instead of thinking where is this supposed to go, intellectually, you say where do the hands want to go."
"I could lose myself in the CVP 701 for days upon end."
"This is just the best guitar I've ever played in my life."
"It's fun to have a guitar that you've had for a long time and also one that you just kind of feel the freedom... I can change the pickups out I can put a be bender on it I can do whatever I want to it and it's just it's just my guitar."
"The Fender Telecaster is one of the most classic and iconic guitar designs of all time."
"This guitar is packed full of mojo."
"This has got an ebony fingerboard, proper ebony fingerboard."
"The history of this instrument as it relates to the black American music of the blues really just goes hand in hand."
"Flawless and gorgeous and perfectly built instrument."
"It's one of those guitars that will be forever with me. It will never ever, you know, until I'm no longer around, that guitar will be with me until it can't be because I won't be here."
"It's the guitar that kept me alive, it really is. It's the guitar that kept me here because if I, if I, cease to be... I couldn't play my guitars."
"It's loud enough to play with drummers and play in full bands."
"You can't go wrong, I can't recommend it enough for beginners and intermediate because of all the versatility you have access to."
"I immediately noticed with this guitar that it's shockingly in tune."
"I want you doing stuff that you really enjoy because I want you to feel inspired by the instrument."
"I just love the strength, the guitar is just so beautiful."
"This is the most amazing looking top I've ever ever seen on a Gibson Les Paul."
"This guitar in general I find more forgiving because the distance, the reaching is less."
"I was very pleased with the way that this fretboard felt. I was kind of scared about that."
"It's so huge sounding, you can really kick into fat grooves with it."
"The acoustic guitar is a beautiful instrument. It is as simple as it could possibly be."
"For everything that there is to hate about a Rickenbacker, I can find an excuse to love them."
"This is my beautiful piano. It's like a dream."
"Drums were the easiest instrument to pick up. You just sit down and start hitting things."
"Realistically, this is the guitar that you should get. This is quality."
"The high hat, for not being a two-piece high hat, is probably, in my opinion, the best."
"The number one thing I love about this drum kit is the fact that they look like they are real."
"I used that with Taste as well. It's a really good Tele."
"It feels brilliant to use; there's something very tactile and inviting about it all."
"Let's talk about the installation of components in a guitar."
"It plays brilliantly, what's not to love?"
"I love a Wurli, it just makes you play stuff."
"This guitar has great volume, excellent sound."
"It's one of those guitars that's cool for the time period that it came out in, but then it just looks goofy to us future people."
"It's like one of the last designs out of the Norlin era of Gibson."
"It's not easy for a guitar to handle 90 degrees, like 35 Celsius, with humidity in the 70-80 percent range."
"His vision for the guitar is in all of his instruments and it seems to come out; it's a living thing almost."
"The action is the lowest I've ever played on an acoustic out of the box in my entire life."
"If you suspect your guitar has playing issues, take it to a tech or a luthier."
"Improving the ability of your guitar to stay in tune is a matter of controlling variables, and the biggest variable is you, the player."
"Every guitar is not a toaster, a guitar is like this, it's an extension of me, it's what I care about, it's everything, it's my world."
"The longer a guitar is played, especially acoustic guitar, the more it has kind of a broken-in feel to it."
"Also very important to me is that they don't lose their tuning."
"If you know what you're doing, these guitars are capable of a lot of different things, so let's dive in and talk tone."
"Now because of its excellent warmth, it can also get a great jazz tone."
"The Epiphone Casino is unquestionably a well-built guitar and a great value for the money."
"There's really nothing like an Epiphone Casino, they have a very unique sound."
"My personal favorite in this, I got to tip the hat to the Epiphone Casino."
"I absolutely love this synthesizer, I have to say."
"Neck angle plays an important role in the playability of any guitar."
"The Korg Kronos was certainly the king of the ring in terms of power."
"The Korg Kronos is almost 10 years old, but let's take a look at what it has to offer."
"The Jupiter X has something special about it that I just really like."
"If I want to get really intimate and emotional, I'll do the flute."
"The fact that you're getting the same exact sounds as you are in the flagship speaks volumes to the value that you are getting."
"It's a beautiful instrument, and there are so many amazing players on it in the brass band world."
"It's a comfortable guitar, the weight's nice, the balance is nice, and I recommend it."
"The guitar is easy to play, you can vibrato and bend without any resistance."
"I think guitars know when you look after them."
"The tone after I got this guitar, I found a niche for it. It's great in alternate tunings because it gives you this full sound."
"I love playing it in like DAD or open D, it just has a lot to offer and it's really comfortable to play."
"The Dyna-Sonic snare drum... designed by Rogers with Buddy Rich in mind."
"Poor old guitar went through quite a bit, I think it's gonna live on for a long time now."
"A workhorse machine that's dialed aesthetically looks really good, you know, and on top of that it plays and feels amazing."
"Look at that baby, it's a National."
"A company saving guitar that had some really unique features."
"It's just bringing out all of the incredible qualities that this instrument has."
"The guitar featured spruce top with maple back and sides, bolt on maple neck and 2 DeArmond golden tone pickups."
"The Gibson comes packed in a beautiful tan hard shell case with gold hardware and the interior is a light red plush lining."
"I'm not trying to hype these up, but this is gosh darn the best guitar I've ever played in my life."
"It's a great instrument, folks, all solid wood."
"These instruments are fantastic, right out of the box."
"If you're stuck on which one to choose, this GP body is really a solid choice."
"It's my new favorite guitar, I gotta say."
"This guitar is exceptionally clean and really just a beautiful example of that style."
"This is the Harley Benton TE-52, this is a really nice electric guitar."
"That's great when you come across an instrument that it opens you up as a player."
"This guitar plays like a dream, and I will take a fragile paint job on a guitar that plays as well as this thing."
"A guitar that will sound better the more that you play it, that will be comfortable and that will last, and will also inspire you to become a better guitar player."
"It's often dubbed the whispering giant because despite being such a big guitar, it's actually capable of a lot of intricate delicacy."
"It's a rockin' SOB, that magic pick it up, a Les Paul that plays like a dream, weighs seven pounds."
"The Blues Hawk: this is an incredibly nice feeling guitar."
"This is by far the most affordable instrument I have ever reviewed on my channel."
"This neck feels really, really comfortable and very smooth so far."
"You need this cheap Harley Benton guitar, here's why."
"We can confirm that these Harley Bentons are really good cheap guitars, in fact, we would go as far as to say that these are one of the best affordable guitars that we've ever played."
"It's one of the best mini travel style Acoustics I've ever played."
"This is a Five Star Guitar, hands down through and through, it is absolutely flawless."
"The J-45's name actually refers to how much it cost - $45 when it was first released."
"It's a more resonant guitar, it's designed to be that way, its finish is really allowing it to breathe, it's really allowing it to move freely."
"It's about having a one-of-a-kind unique instrument with sentimental value."
"It's definitely a C-shaped neck here, it's a little bit chunky but not over the top."
"The core of this library is my Yamaha recording custom kit which we sampled at the amazing sounding middle farm studios."
"There's something about a Gibson SG that draws me to them like a magpie."
"For 150 Euros, it looks a very nice guitar."
"That is the saddest cowbell I've ever heard."
"It's very important to find a guitar that fits you well and inspires you at the same time."
"This is a Squier Affinity Telecaster in butterscotch blonde."
"It plays beautifully smooth, it's just an all-around stellar guitar."
"This is a beautiful lush sounding 12-string guitar, very comfortable to hold, very comfortable to play."
"A great utility 12-string guitar, it's got the jingle, the jangle, the chime, the ring."
"It's not the first guitar he's ever had, but it's the most significant one."
"You've got bass down to 37 hertz, which is pretty much down to the lowest note on a grand piano."
"If you're looking for like a punk rock machine, I think this does pretty good."
"Please do not hate this guitar, go try one, they're actually incredibly comfortable to play."
"It's a very collectible example of a guitar."
"Whatever we say about Gibson, there's something very, very special about buying a new Gibson."
"This digital piano is probably the top one I'd recommend just right out of the gates because it's a good balance of quality and cost."
"The Yamaha P45 was the clear favorite according to you guys, so many of you have this keyboard and love it."
"It offers unprecedented levels of versatility to pianists of all abilities."
"I really do highly suggest the Les Paul Signature."
"The ease of which this guitar wants to go into that kind of feedback sustain thing is ridiculous."
"In a lot of ways, this is my favorite guitar just because of the sort of emotional connection I have with it."
"It's the ultimate jazz or pickup, and jazz guys... once you get past that, because of what this thing does on the bottom end, this thing sounds terrific."
"The Nautilus is a very comprehensive keyboard; it really does cover lots and lots of different genres of music."
"It's incredibly light, it feels like it's made out of balsa wood, but even though it's small in size and so lightweight, it's got the biggest, brightest sound."
"The perfect angle for a guitar neck can make a huge improvement in playing comfort."
"I can't believe you got me a piano."
"Wow, this is definitely a very striking guitar."
"You should recognize some nice things about your instrument which you already have in the sound of your instrument."
"One of the reasons I really love the Tone Hammer is it's very dynamic."
"It's just a really fun, inspiring drum set to play."
"Overall, these drum sets are excellent."
"Yeah, it's fun, it's a really fun amp, like there's a lot you can do with it, you know."
"Learning a musical instrument is my go-to analogy for this."
"The huge pipe organ at the back of the stage was built in 1892 in Liverpool, England."
"I'm shocked I liked it so much when I plugged in, I was expecting it to sound like the GT 200 trying to sort of like model an amp, but it doesn't, it sounds like an actual physical tube amp sitting in the room."
"It's 88 keys, fully weighted, graded hammer action."
"The fan frets are very comfortable; it kind of follows the taper of your hand."
"I think this thing is a great value on the used market."
"The zero fret is comfortable and smooth, and the frets are silky smooth; they basically play themselves."