
Religious Calling Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"You are called of God to preach the word unto this people... that you may bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them."
"When we do what God calls us to do, it will attract attention to the one that must be exalted."
"Those chosen by God are selected to be holy and blameless... Sanctified or made holy and justified made blameless through Jesus Christ."
"This is Joseph's mission. God has a work for you to do."
"I felt this calling... I need to become Catholic."
"Everything you thought you been losing, this is a set up for what god has called you to do."
"God, I need to hear you clear. I need you to make me the best witness that I could be. Please God, make me a better witness so that people don't have to perish. They can know you now. God, please help me, help me step out in boldness."
"We're called to make God look great by knowing Him, enjoying Him, and reflecting Him."
"Vocation is about being conformed to Christ, who suffered, died, was buried, and rose from the dead."
"If you gotta up the price 50 bucks and put a bomb ass trigger in this."
"I just felt deep in my heart that God is calling me to go preach the gospel. I somehow had a sense I will go to the nations and I'll check the Word of God to the nations."
"God is raising you up as an end time warrior."
"Life is much more interesting actually as well as much more complicated than that."
"God wants you to hear His voice. Be sensitive to what He's calling us to do."
"We're called to be Fishers of Men, to be making disciples."
"Real success heartfelt humble genuine success."
"We are called to read the word, we are called to encourage one another and build up and edify the church, we are not called to break down and vilify."
"God gave me the gift of an evangelist. It was a calling to take the message of hope and Jesus Christ with boldness to anyone who would listen."
"We are called to come out of Babylon and be a called out separate nation that is set apart and holy."
"You are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect, for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts."
"God, if you call me to be a priest, I will hear anyone's confession anytime they ask."
"Many have known me as a weeping prophet. When the glory of God comes upon me, many instances I cannot control what happens."
"You were chosen because you'll keep on inviting and calling out."
"If there was ever a time that we need that people need to give their life to Jesus Christ, it is right now."
"If he called me to preach, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper."
"God has called us into a deeper, deeper place, yes."
"I've delivered my soul, I'm free now. I can sleep. I'm thankful to God for his calling on my life."
"One day Jesus the chief Shepherd is gonna call the roll."
"Sardis is all about Christ's call to every believer."
"We were chosen for one reason, that was to bring forth the Messiah."
"In this age of seared consciences, we are called to be the Salt and Light of the earth, standing firm in our conviction and holding fast to our moral compass."
"We're called to be saints. We're called literally called to be saints."
"The army of God is called the people of God, every believer is called to walk in the triple threat anointing."
"Your story can't end in this grave; you are needed in Galilee."
"I'm not being fun to do this and so for those people out there the debunkers who falsely assert that I'm about making money out of this I am most assuredly not making money out of this."
"God is calling his men to get in the game, so that he can bring healing to a nation and a culture in crisis."
"All of us are called to walk in the Lord all of us are called to be claimed that none of us are our own anymore if we've been baptized and confirmed none of us belong to ourselves anymore we belong to him."
"I feel God calling me to tell you that you're going to be extremely successful in this and you're going to change a lot of lives."
"God, here I am. My answer is yes. Now what's your question?"
"We're going to help equip women to answer the call."
"Respond to his calling now, now is the time."
"God was using a man in his calling, and he was operating within his calling, and so the joy of the Lord was his strength."
"Abram, called to be a beacon of light in a dark world."
"Without the power of God, it is impossible to do the full call that God has called you to do."
"Esther had to fulfill the call in her life from the Lord, raised up for such a time as this."
"I don't want you to be an entertainment prophet. Get into the mind of God and save lives prophetically."
"How do you say no to that when God comes to you and it's like I want you to be the bishop... And this is why Mormons rarely say no to callings."
"I want to become a nun and dedicate my whole life to you."
"I believe I was going to be a pastor... but then I ended up being an evangelist. So I go throughout the United States and the world sharing Jesus Christ so that people come to know Him as Lord and Savior."
"If you want to do something for the kingdom of God, then you need to prepare yourself."
"You didn't call us an anointing to debate, you called us to be a witness of the truth and the power of God and the resurrection."
"I want God to use me, I want to go out and help."
"My great passion is that the church would become desert fathers and mothers in the middle of the city."
"Our calling in this church is to make people like Jesus."
"It's time to advance the kingdom of God."
"God is calling us to rebuild His house so that He can manifest His glory in the midst of a corrupt and pagan world."
"There is one body, one spirit, just as you were also called with one hope of your calling."
"The first thing is that you should be calling this individual to the tawheed of Allah."
"I hope this is motivating for all of us under Shepherds to roll up our sleeves and to do a little bit more on behalf of the people God has called us to serve."
"God is looking for people to use."
"You, little child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; you will go before the face of Yalova to prepare His way."
"You are to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
"If God called you as a person, why do you then have to adapt to be a model of somebody who's already in the pulpit?"
"You are chosen for God's kingdom."