
Video Game Content Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"It's good to go back to World War 2 even if there are apparently no Nazis."
"Far Harbor is a fantastic example of DLC done right."
"Always welcome to see even more ATVs and also people would complain saying, 'Oh that's such a slight modification,' but come on, considering they give you 110 vehicles in this game, the more the merrier in my mind."
"As long as Immortal Empires is good, it doesn't really matter."
"It's really satisfying smacking Birkin around."
"He's a pig ripped from his comfortable life in the overworld and brought down into the depths of hack to be used for the slaughter of the ancient people."
"It would be cool if they did and just like that DK's jungle is complete. That was actually really good, I really like that map."
"And Wiggler I love everything about this I feel like for the people who for the past however many Nintendo directs were."
"Minecraft is getting an amethyst geode. It's very exciting and they'll spawn randomly underground."
"Well, before we talk about the final story DLC, let's quickly look at some other ones that are more like bonuses." - For items like maps where you fight witches and tanks to get seals to turn your units into them.
"It's an incredible addition to drastic evolution 2 and it's one that we've been really excited to add."
"The game literally has French cuisine in it."
"SCP 682 must be destroyed as soon as possible."
"The main point I wanted to make is I needed to capture as much gameplay footage as I could in the very beginning without going into too many spoilers."
"It's so lit, it makes it less scary because Mommy Long Legs isn't so scary when you see that she's just sitting there."
"This game deals with some capital T themes: themes like colonialism and occupation and independence and freedom."
"There's a dead body you can grab your foot if you want to."
"There will also be some free DLC just like with The Witcher 3."
"Definitely not as important as the Mushroom Gorge cars."
"Is Arc survival evolved being killed unless you buy survival ascended? The answer is affirm no."
"Let’s delve into something a little more recent, and that is a piece of cut content from Assassin’s Creed Mirage."
"The Extended Cut was well received and restored the closure many players were looking for."
"It was added to the game with Forsaken back in 2018, which also introduced the combat bow weapon type altogether."
"Anybody that's used Wishender since its buffs back in Plunder knows that is without a doubt one of the best weapons in Destiny 2."
"This pack adds in all the kitchen and food stuffs that Minecraft has seemingly refused to add over the years."
"The zombies are the ones that I actually want to kill a lot of."
"The new bed styles and even the new kitchen counters are so good, I love them."
"We're not getting a brand new Mario Kart game at all... we are still getting Mario Kart content with 24 brand new courses."
"If you guys had unlocked the goopy shooter, it's... it's okay. It's not my favorite plant, but it's... it's pretty cool."
"Everything was there from launch, and everything at launch kept players coming back for more."
"This mutation works great thematically. The idea of it being flu season so there are sick people vomiting and sneezing everywhere is fitting."
"Final Fantasy 14 doesn't invalidate their content as quickly as wow does."
"The double pump shotgun is back in fortnight Battle Royale."
"Padme...most outfits in this game...ridiculous..."
"Before Breath of the Wild was released, my channel wasn't that big."
"Hello there and that is the Kenobi DLC the characters included in this DLC is the grand Inquisitor the fifth brother Riva Kenobi and Vader battle damage."
"Super glad you could all join us. We'll be back next week with more Assassin's Creed Valhalla."
"The story isn't all bad. I mean, Blaze and Cream make for a cute team."
"There might be a secret ending in this game."
"Sharks should be added to Minecraft as passive mobs because they rarely attack people in real life and it could bring attention to how humans kill so many sharks, kinda like with axolotls."
"Shooting lasers at robots and monkeys in a spaceship is dumb fun."
"Inside the Soul Cairn, wandering souls murmur references to Elder Scrolls games and out-of-game sources."
"I was supposed to have a FIFA Rose Rory video today, not a World Cup won either a regular one but for some reason I can't log on to FIFA."
"The idea of seeing DLC expansions for Pokemon Switch."
"That's my new personal Channel... I do car video games."
"Expect to see a lot more of these crasher titans."
"There will be lasers, aliens, and explorable planets."
"They announced some new stuff with Apex Legends, including a new legend, changes to the map, and new weapons. Exciting stuff!" - Unknown
"Comparing 200 plus skins was incredibly hard. It's like, 'Hm, is this bunny Min Gunter skin really better than the 37 skins below it and just worse than the 17 above it?'"
"Both Wastelanders and Steel Dawn are excellent additions to the game."
"You're paying $60 for the base game, which comes with Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, and Kamala Harris."
"It's like Dark Souls 1 DLC basically, which to me is great."
"Welcome to Stellaris Ancient Relics, because Stellaris just picked up a new little story pack adding a whole bunch of archaeology into the game."
"It's not a player pack, it's just a normal rare gold player pack. My bad."
"That's it for the ultimate epic battle simulator, if you enjoyed it, click on the like button."
"Have you played the DLC versions of Sonic Unleashed? I have all the DLC adventure packs, but I haven't done much with them."
"We added four brand new and massive expeditions taking you to previously unexplored areas of Enoch."
"Welcome to the start of a brand new series on this channel, ladies and gentlemen, this is WWE 2K22, my rise."
"Yeah how about we talk about how there's an official Sonic game where you can wield a goddamn knife that you can use to stab humans."
"Yakuza 0 is a very large game and you'll definitely be getting your money's worth for how much varied content there is for you to experience."
"Red World: formerly banned game with creepy audio and endings."
"I'm gonna be starting a fresh hardcore ironman account and we'll see how far I can make it without dying."
"The answer to the most powerful benevolent thing I've ever made in this game is a guy in a banana suit throwing fruit."
"Welcome to an awesome video about a brand new game mode called Siege World."
"Victory! Doyle DC has successfully eliminated all life on Earth."
"This is the closest that you will ever get to a proper Portal 2 DLC."