
Financial Power Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"The degree of cash and political capture by the city of London by the big banks and the big law firms is so enormous that the politicians have effectively become their spokespersons."
"If you think money doesn't shape our politics, then think about the fact that you've heard of Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Steyer because they outspend everybody else by enormous amounts."
"They use that money to buy politicians to buy legislation that favors them."
"Investing in a way is kind of like this hidden gem; there's a lot of power in investing."
"This is the power of money, you can literally get performance enhancing tailored to your specific needs."
"If you're willing to pay enough money, skill talks."
"Essentially what you're having happen is the same thing that happens when big institutions or the one percent hold on to money indefinitely."
"Money can't buy everything, but it can help you acquire everything."
"Money is nothing but an amplifier. It will amplify everything about you."
"There's a lot of things that people won't listen to generally, but if there's one thing big businesses listen to, it's money."
"Just madness I mean just for buying a piece of metal but that shows how powerful it is and how much the banks don't want you to to do it that's the greatest advert ever."
"Money makes the world go around. That's what's fueling the change in the United States."
"Vote with your money in your finances, you can actually start a very strong movement."
"The tides turning and if you've got someone who's going to be as big with the financial clout of Lord Sugar."
"Retail investors as a collective can be more powerful than traditional institutional funds."
"It is one of the most exciting, most powerful vehicles."
"Cash is King... If you can hold it in your hand you have power." - Dr. Pete Windham
"They're using their money to influence policies."
"If you want to just play this game on the long enough timeline, the people who are gonna win this game are the people with the most amount of money..."
"More money means more power for your personal use."
"Football is becoming about Mega wealth and if you haven't got it you won't succeed it's as simple as that."
"Having wealth allows you to execute your vision more effectively."
"They've got tons of money, 100 billion reasons to do it."
"That's the power of real estate, there is no other asset class that you could have done that in."
"Valmont is the only villain who doesn't have any supernatural abilities and who isn't a demon like lots of cartoon villains his superpower is intelligence and good old money."
"BlackRock is so influential that its assets under management are larger than the GDP of almost every country in the world."
"What buys happiness... is when you have power over the money that you have."
"Money allows you the opportunity to fix everything and that's important."
"Money isn't the motivation, it's the control. Whoever has the money, got the decides."
"Money is power and he who has the gold makes the rules."
"It's the spin that only a billion dollars can buy."
"Money is power, and if you have enough money, you can power our show and create it."
"Money does not change people. Money makes you more of what you are. It's a magnifying tool."
"When you get people that are really passionate about something and they got a lot of money, watch out."
"BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world... it owns a lot of Russia as well."
"In any business negotiation, the entity with all the money makes the rules."
"Money makes you more of what you already are."
"When you hold the money, you hold the power."
"That's why they're spending millions of dollars to lobby politicians. This is just an auction. It's not anywhere near a democracy."
"Money can buy everything, accumulate a lot of happiness for sure."
"Follow the money. Who owns everything, right? Who owns the banks? I told you who owns the banks."
"Debt is not just about money, it's about power."
"Money can wash away certain things and certain problems." - The power and limitations of money.
"The world is ruled by money, man. If you don't do what they say, they'll kill you."
"Whoever has the most money wins, that's the competition you want."
"The investor community is moving very powerfully."
"The only way to beat organized money is with organized people."
"Money in the United States lets you do whatever you want and it's just going rampant."
"Money buys you access, whether it's to testing, government relief, or an eBay auction."
"If I had all the money in the world, I would have the best lawyers suing the hell out of everyone who has ever made an accusation against him."
"The difference now is that the Fed has unlimited powers."
"You could instantly press a button and unload a hundred million dollars just like that."
"It's like enough witness statements to do an investigation and you just need enough information to develop probable cause to make an arrest."
"Money always speaks volumes and speaks for itself."
"As you're earning money because it's really really interesting the way the world works if you have enough money you control the police you control the government."
"There is no power stronger in modern society than the power to create and issue money."
"Money is just a piece of paper, but it controls lives."
"Money is power, money is control, money is influence, and it's everywhere."
"Have you ever wondered how much power and influence money can buy? Today we're going to be talking about a subject that might just shed some light on that question."
"The people with cash have major purchasing power right now major major purchasing power they've got a lot of pp massive PP."
"Unlimited money, you could buy food, you could fund research, you could support chronic illnesses treatments for the world."
"Your money is so powerful and it's so important that you really trust the people who are making and taking your money."
"Money is power in terms of building an army."
"Money is the most wonderful thing...with enough money you can stop the world going around."
"China now has the military and the money to make it happen."
"One person having such massive sway and influence over an entire asset class."
"Money doesn't bring you happiness, but it can power the things that make you happy."
"Tom Cruise and Will Smith, two of the icons of our industry, making more money and making more decisions, that's more important."
"To strip the ill-begotten power from the financial elites will require nothing less than a revolution."
"The most important weapon of mass destruction that United States has is its dollar, its capacity to just push a button and to destroy whole countries."
"Money Talks y'all this is a fact if y'all ain't learned nothing from this channel one thing for sure you should have learned is man money really does talk."
"They spent 228 million dollars bribing our government officials."
"Anything's possible if you have the right checkbook."
"Money talks, baby. Money talks. Money does all the talking right now, so yeah, aw wants it, wants to move that route."
"Our money has power as well, we don't always need acceptance from the globe to put people on or make sure that they can eat and survive and live off of what it is that they do."
"Let's go check out what 200 million buys you, let's go Mo, this is the biggest house you can find in Pom Jam."
"If you have got fat stacks to launch law Fair against another person chances are you are coming out on top."
"Amazon owning Manchester United: unlimited money and competition concerns."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse because a lot of people try to get out of obligation by making claims like that."
"It was like all right, since you want to play with my money I'mma buy half of Sony."
"This is Newcastle United with money, haven't you heard?"
"I think NBC is going to reign victorious because when you start taking all these sport things off the offline and these things generate so much money, I think they're going to be willing to offer as much money as needed to make the deal happen."
"Amazon has more money than all these companies."
"I didn't realize that I had as much financial power as I do now until I met my husband."
"The Templars amassed a fortune equivalent to billions of dollars."
"Apple is a cash generating Juggernaut."
"Under Lorenzo's Guidance the medich family's Financial influence reached New Heights with the gold Florin of the medich bank becoming the standard currency throughout Italy and parts of Europe."
"Buying power comes from how much money or how much car can you afford, not how much monthly payment can you afford."
"This is the power of compounding dividends."
"...if I raise a hundred billion dollars I can write any size check there's nowhere else these companies can go."
"It's amazing what a billion dollars could be"
"Money Talks Bud let's talk 300 million dollars."
"When you look at the way teams are made up, obviously the Padres coming out spending a ton of money, the big mark, but no team, no organization could put together this kind of roster. This is a roster that money cannot buy."
"So what's so bad about the leverage cycle? Number one, you can have a tiny group of people at the top controlling the price, because they can borrow so much money."
"Money Talks here money talks when you have money you're good to go you're good to go every place around the world when you have money you have anything you don't have anything to fear."
"Putin's dictatorship was based on unlimited financial resources."
"Most people do not realize the power they play in their own financial life."
"Stop blaming others... the power to influence our financial situation lies within us."
"Money's power, and with power, you could do anything."
"She who has the gold makes the rules."
"Nothing seems to be able to derail the banking giant, protected by London, blessed by Beijing."
"Its influence goes beyond the financial sphere and guarantees its complete impunity."
"You're supposed to be accumulating value; as you get older, you should have more purchasing power."
"Money can essentially get you out of any kind of situation."
"Money gives you power to influence your future."
"We want glory and appreciation, power because we feel great pleasure when we have money's power."
"With money, we can do very wonderful things to help people."
"Even in your 30s, your dollars are so powerful, so don't miss out on that."
"Money gives you power because it allows you to bring about what you want to experience."
"What money can do in your hand is bless, it can help, it can build, it can increase, it can bring vision, it can strengthen."
"The most important power on earth is money."
"Money is power, power is respect."
"Money is power, know it, understand it."
"If you have the gold, you make the rules."
"If you have the money in your pocket, you have the power."
"The City of London, a convenient term for a collection of financial interests is able to assert itself against the government of the country."
"You could do anything with money."
"Money brings you power, money for the most part gives you real power."
"They're going to have to use their full financial might."
"Money talks. I put my foot forward first."
"Instead of using a lot of computational power, you use financial power to incentivize people to behave correctly."
"The Toronto Maple Leafs are an insane financial powerhouse."
"Cash is king, cash is power, cash gives you the ability to negotiate and do things that you can't do with a credit card or a check."
"Money is power, especially money that no one sees, and power is protection."
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."