
Local Politics Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"There's a lot of political power that's up for grabs at local levels."
"This takes a lot of action on your part, and that comes down with training and education and also getting involved in your local politics."
"Local politics could immensely contribute to a new politics approach that will save the world from the authoritarian populism."
"Be involved in your local elections, be involved in your local community."
"You need to run or at least pay attention to what's going on in your community."
"It's important that people get out and vote, not just in the congressional elections but in your local elections as well."
"Voting locally is even almost more important than voting for president."
"It's getting down to school board level now."
"Repair would mean that we have the same opportunities in North Tulsa that we have throughout the other spaces in our city."
"Your vote matters so much at the local level."
"We need to go local. All the power, all the obfuscation Republicans are able to engage in in Congress and in the Senate comes from the fact that they have local representatives who are there."
"Can the people of Florida get one billion of that and with that 1 billion can't we plan to use that 1 billion to increase teacher starting salary to $50,000 for starting salary?"
"A lot of funding cut and a lot of everybody doesn't know that you got to vote locally as opposed to just for the president when it comes around."
"Street vendors and advocates are demanding that the city vote on a bill that would lift its cap on permits for street vendors."
"It's really important to vote for those local politicians who are mitigating policy in your backyard."
"He's the most powerful man in the entire town."
"Best mod you can make: sometimes a full tank of fuel."
"We care about the president but it actually matters who your Governor is it matters who your mayor is."
"Eventually Pugh stopped showing up to meetings... to hide from the local Detroit spotlights."
"Local elections matter because they impact your life."
"I'm voting for affordable housing... I know that we can bring out our people to vote... it's a part of our future."
"I got an illegal haircut in my house today. Come and get me, Eric Garcetti, you dirtbag."
"It's tempting to begin this next story with the phrase, 'Even in San Francisco,' as in, even in San Francisco, voters are getting tired of woke progressive politics."
"This is about as local an election issue as you can get, but the reality is, if you're the Biden administration you have to say, is this a bellwether change now?"
"Voting for your local government affects you way more than voting for the president."
"People deserve answers and at the end of the day it shouldn't be this amount of drama in this small town."
"The people of Pennsylvania are rising up, and there's a large core of people behind us here."
"This is what they're doing at the school board meetings."
"Representation is not only going to be led in Congress or in the chambers of Congress; it also needs to be at the local level."
"Get involved on the ground in local politics."
"Building power locally, like Kshama Sawant in Seattle, um for instance just name one like that I think that's what's needed."
"Especially if you are in Florida's 16th congressional district."
"Gotham City politics: Panera Bread exempted from minimum wage rules."
"The fundamental building block of American society is County Government and the sheriff who's elected is the law of the land for that County."
"If you're a Georgia voter, head over to Vote Save America to make your plan."
"It'll be interesting to see how Calgary police deal with Rebel News."
"Take the time to learn who the candidates running for your local office actually are."
"The power of the machine has gotten a lot weaker at the local and state level."
"We need a rally in the Bronx! Let's make it happen!"
"It's time to fight back, if you're getting mad at your local politicians because they're not doing what they're supposed to do."
"The fight for these candidates in Texas is our fight."
"All resolutions, all major movements start on a local level. They don't start on a national level. It starts on a local level." - Roland
"Local issues inevitably played a part, but all politicians know it wasn't bins voters were angry about but Brexit."
"Locally is where this stuff starts. These things that these laws that passed in Texas, they weren't started at the national level."
"I know how people feel about it in my district."
"Wouldn't you say we've never had fair elections, at least at the local level?"
"We're going to keep an eye on that one because as i said whatever is going on in one municipality can end up going on throughout the nation and the local fight is the one that matters."
"Act locally, encourage people to vote, find candidates who prioritize election integrity."
"There was literal cheating in Paterson, New Jersey."
"I love this town I love our new mayor I love our new vice mayor I love what's happening."
"When you step away from Town Hall you can still be neighbors and friends."
"Our campaign after the election is willing to work with people to develop their skills on running for office and building local Green parties."
"For 20 years, a cat served as mayor of an Alaskan town."
"I do plan for transparency," said Granger. "I want people to ask questions. I want discussion. I want the town to come together and start doing things together instead of being divided."
"Can you show me one instance of corruption?" demanded a resident. "Residents inside and out of the town just want to see Otter Creek restored to how it used to be."
"I organized my community because the state of North Carolina had chosen Warren County to bury over 30,000 gallons of PCB-laced oil."
"All politics is local. So that means all politics is retail."
"There's so many seats that go uncontested, like by Republicans, that like, it's, it's amazing how much people can transform things on a local level."
"People are really not given love and neglecting their local, you know, party politics."
"North Carolina town electing its first black woman mayor Barbara Fuche will be the next mayor of Carboro."
"So many of these local officials... are dedicated to the big lie."
"Engage with candidates on a retail basis... all politics are local... creates better candidates and presidents."
"I've decided to run for mayor and make Block City amazing."
"This is bigger because this is something where you can make an impact right now and affect the outcome in Georgia."
"If they show up at a local school board meeting... you are attempting to silence them."
"Politics I think then is going to become much more local much more immediate it's going to return to being more incarnational physical we're we're going to be forced to think Beyond science."
"If people want the residents of Inglewood to be centered, if they actually want the people, the residents and the small business owners here in Inglewood to be advocated for, then they should choose me."
"The only way to dissolve Otter Creek... everything is the same except there's no Town Council anymore."
"Local government is where we can earn trust back."
"Mayor chris riley stood up and became a hero."
"I love it here. I really do. On January 28th, 2024, I became the mayor of Nook Tits."
"A Democrat winning the governorship in a state like Kentucky shows you that you can win if you focus on those things." - Aaron Kleinman
"Politics without money isn't going to go anywhere. And if our finances were better together, then you start at the local level funding politicians who are going to do your bidding."
"We're in the battle for this nation and it comes down to local areas."
"The best case scenario: the town of Otter Creek unincorporates and that doesn't mean Otter Creek isn't Otter Creek anymore, it just means we don't have a council."
"It's sad to see so many San Antonians 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump."
"You care about what's happening in your community and what your local officials are doing."
"Mayor Tony Keats is a shining example of the passion and positive influence local politicians have for their communities."
"If you were going to pick one County that over the last 18 years has been a constant thorn in the side of the Republicans."
"Norfolk Southern together with the questionable local government."
"All politics is local... you care about what's happened to you and your family, and you're seeing this sense of stagnation." - Kent Walker
"Your local politics is always more important than that presidential election that's coming up."
"I'm running for school board in the local area where I live."
"On the local level, that's where you have to pay attention."
"Voting is very important on a local level more than anything else."
"All politics is local, and so all these local authorities where individuals can be elected as a member of a council can in doing that form the local labor party, an activist in the local labor party or the local conservative or the local Lib Dems or whatever it is."
"There are local Republicans that are saying insane stuff with basically no push back and local Democrats that are doing really cool stuff."