
Workforce Development Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Education and Workforce Development is what leads to real independence for people."
"It's a wonderful opportunity to bring people in and help them find their place and their purpose, and then help them develop skills opportunities that will make this a richer workforce area."
"Every kid shouldn't have to go to college because the system now is making a college degree the new high school degree."
"China's average wage has grown over 10 times in the past two decades from a higher educated in-demand productive Workforce."
"Second chance hiring is about safer communities, a stronger workforce, and a thriving economy."
"We're getting Americans off of welfare and back into the workforce."
"Indian tech workers are a worldwide phenomenon with 850,000 entering the global workforce every year."
"I'm hopeful that we can cultivate a new crop of calibrators soon."
"Our single most important asset is our people, the dedicated public servants across all of our agencies."
"Strengthening and empowering federal workforce is our priority."
"Increase the workforce, increase the skill set, and thereby increasing not only human capacity but our nation's capacity to innovate."
"We don't want to do anything that would accelerate shortages in critical supply chain and workforce pathways."
"The gender is less relevant. The point is when we try to have diversity for the sake of diversity, we sacrifice capability."
"Fast innovation is rooted in a talented workforce. Fast innovation and that speed of change has to be enabled by a workforce that's willing to change."
"I've spent much of the last two years focused on inclusive economic growth via workforce development and skills training."
"Education is a good part of that. Preparing the workforce here, so better access to Tech Colleges, trade schools. People can learn to do things that aren't easily gonna be automated away."
"Investing in the workforce, the country's greatest asset by far, is not just an activity that feels good but it's also smart business."
"We need to focus on immigration and get more people coming to the country. We need the smartest people in the world to keep wanting to work here."
"We will commit the resources to provide training and upskilling opportunities for 1.186 million manufacturing workers."
"One of the biggest ways of expanding your productive potential is to have an educated, healthy labor force."
"We will help millions more citizens know the dignity of work, the pride of a paycheck, and the satisfaction of a job really well done."
"We focused on getting Americans into the workforce by fixing a broken supply chain and lowering the cost of products."
"Skills are the currency of the future, the le r is the wallet. This technology is how we enable the highly competitive workforce of the future."
"Our pledge to America's workers has secured commitments over 16 million job and training opportunities from employers nationwide."
"Hiring, training, and retaining older workers is the key to a successful and efficient workforce."
"The fact that we've brought back 3.8 million Americans into the workforce."
"We believe in programs that are tested, have support, and have real standards. They've been a pathway into the middle class for many American workers."
"Innovative new approaches in education and workforce development are investments in our country's future."
"Together, we're going to close the skills gap."
"One of the things I've been most proud of is some of the work we've done around catalyzing the private sector to step up and invest in the skills and potential of American workers."
"Despite all of this, we've really accomplished a lot one year later in order to develop our workforce and address burnout, prepare for surges, and build a racially diverse, ethnically concordant community-based workforce."
"It's easier to retain somebody than it is to start from scratch and build somebody from the ground up."
"If we don't start building skilled tradesmen and women in this country, there will be a colossal collapse."
"Historically black colleges are critically needed to build a culturally diverse American workforce."
"Investing $1 billion to boost AI skills in the UAE and nearby regions will train a workforce skilled in AI."
"Advocacy and voting for the American Biotechnology Workforce Development Centers of Excellence bill is important."
"We need to train a workforce that harnesses the diversity of our country and gives opportunities to all."
"We use AI algorithms to identify who could be re-skilled... and then we can actually do the reskilling."
"The ability to upskill and reskill your workforce is going to be a core capability of any organization."
"This is the gold standard of training and retaining a skilled workforce."
"There is a huge focus on getting more skilled workers to Australia."
"Education is critical. Governments, private enterprise, and parents are realizing that an educated workforce is a prerequisite for development in today's global economy."
"The real story is we need more people, we need people with different skills, and we need to educate and train them more quickly."
"The workforce 10 years from now is going to be better than the workforce today if you play those two streams the right way."
"One of the most rewarding things is to see people coming off the sidelines and back into the workforce."
"It really is in businesses' interest to support the creation of a perpetually re-educatable workforce that's going to be flexible in ways that are going to be required by the demands of the 21st century."
"We need to train our people for new jobs rather than trying to compete for all jobs."
"There's really a shortage of people who are trained to handle this type of task."
"We need to modernize our workforce by investing more in education."
"Long-term investments in education and skill development culminate in a highly educated workforce and economic prosperity."
"If we invest in our people we'll have a better-trained workforce, which means companies will want to locate here, which creates a virtuous cycle and everybody benefits."
"That means working with all our universities and schools, including community colleges -- a great and undervalued asset -- to prepare workers for good jobs in high-growth industries."
"There are possibly enough jobs that are compassionate or empathetic or people-to-people interaction so as to retrain and absorb the workforce that might be displaced."
"The skilled migration program is designed to fuel skilled shortages in Australia."
"We're prioritizing what are those human skills that automation and technology is not going to eliminate."
"We have to develop the workforce of the future."
"To improve health outcomes by developing a competent, sustainable and diverse public health workforce through evidence-based training, career and leadership development, and strategic workforce planning."
"We're really here to build the workforce and support anybody who's undertaking work around prevention, treatment, and recovery support around addiction and substance use disorders."
"We have moved over 8,000 workers and their families, so a total of over 35,000 people out of poverty."
"In order to create a diverse workforce, you need to drive a culture of inclusion."
"Demographics is economics; we have a massive young replacement workforce."
"The only thing that works over time is increasing the productivity of your population."
"Creating a stronger workforce starts with meeting the needs of families."