
National Priorities Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"America first instincts right there. However, you're also supposed to put oxygen on other people so they don't get [expletive] over."
"It is un-American. We should be the number one nation for investing in children, investing in child well-being."
"The Prime Minister at the time famously declared that Pakistan would have its nuclear weapons even if it meant the people had 'to eat grass'."
"Saving the Republic is the only priority that should be on our minds."
"It's life, it's safety, and it's our country, but we have to take care of people at the same time."
"If America is having trouble financially, then why give billions of dollars to countries that don't even like us?"
"Putting America First, not every other country."
"It's been America first and America first all starts with the national defense."
"Most Americans want our leaders to prioritize our country before any other country. That is not an unreasonable thing for us to want."
"Just makes me feel like our country has all the wrong priorities I you know we just got to start taking care of our taking care of our citizens here."
"If I have to choose between spending 40 billion dollars into Ukraine and 40 billion dollars into finding out why this is happening in our schools in America."
"I want a country that cares more about our borders than the borders of a foreign country."
"We're not serious. We are just not a serious nation. But hey, who cares? Let's talk about something that we're more important, like I don't know, climate change, right?"
"If the United States is to remain number one, it needs to address critical shortcomings in R&D."
"I really worry about this country getting so distracted by Wars, which is where we are right now Governor, that we're going to destroy what has taken hundreds of years to build."
"The U.S. Grand strategy is not about ending climate change, it's not about economic development, it's not about ending poverty, it's not about peace."
"We need to radically change our national priorities and give children the care, hope, and help they need."
"We're going to create a country that centers the well-being of everyone."
"This is America last. This is what you vote for when you vote for America last."
"We need to get ours in order first... that will require some courage and clarity and vision."
"He wants to put America first, he wants to put Americans first."
"Americans expect more. Our priorities should be different."
"We have to have a complete and total recalibration of what we value in our country."
"Careerists, weak, gutless careerists. We need to put the country first."
"It's not about me, it's not about Trump, it's about this country, it's about the next 250 years."
"Educating America's children is right at the top of the list for our nation's priorities."
"I can think of no better thing for the United States government to focus on than that."
"No Nigerian blood is worth the ambition of one man."
"Donald Trump wasn't gonna play that game because he is actually America first."
"America needs a leader who can prioritize these fundamental needs, one who can rise above petty politics and see the larger picture."
"It's time for Democrats in Congress to start working across the aisle and put the American people first."
"When a state is forced to choose between prosperity and security, it opts for security."
"You could see the different sides, and you would try to judge the sides based on policy. But now there is a uni-party, and this uni-party will not put America first."
"America is yearning for real leadership, for someone who will put the interests of this great nation first."
"Ensuring the country was the world leader in nuclear research was paramount."
"The US needs to prioritize sustainability and independence from geopolitics."
"But it's very telling when you look at elites and the right and the left and they're going to be sitting up here and saying that we need to be getting involved with Ukraine, the borders of Ukraine matter, yet they don't focus on our own borders."
"In 2016, Florida voted to fire this depraved political establishment and you elected an outsider as president who is finally putting America first, making America great again."
"I am running for president as a Democrat, and if elected, I hope to bring forth major changes in national priorities. But let me be frank, I do want to see major changes in the Democratic party." - Senator Sanders
"It's time for the house to get on to that debate, to back the bill, to get Brexit done, and to get on to the domestic priorities."
"The increase in the military budget just this year is enough to fund free college for everybody in the country."
"Now at this moment of national crises... it is time for us to truly focus on what we value as a society and to fundamentally transform our national priorities."
"We play more of politics in this country than governance."
"When our country is not going well, and economically the average person is struggling immensely, that should be the priority."
"Space must take their proper place within a rigorous system of national priorities."
"Putting your country's interests first doesn't mean you're actually totally a protectionist policy maker."
"The national interest should come first."
"In every country, there are three kinds of people: idiots, tribal warriors, and citizens. Citizens are those who put country first, before tribe, before religion, and before political party."
"Our top job as a country today is to make sure that we are strong at home while standing for our allies."