
Staple Food Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Bread is really important to Egypt and its economy."
"Bread was an important food source in the 18th century."
"Rice: an affordable, versatile, and long-lasting staple for uncertain times."
"Eggs: versatile and nutritious, essential for brain health."
"Rice is a staple food in Japan, with rice paddies being a common sight in rural areas, reflecting the importance of agriculture in Japanese culture."
"Bread has arguably been the most important food source for people for thousands of years."
"Potatoes were a very important part of the diet in the 18th century in Great Britain, then in North America. They were an important, especially for the poorer sort of folks who didn't have those expensive foods available to them."
"Rice is the world's food; people get more calories from Rice than from anything else."
"Rice is the oldest cultivated food in human history."
"Bread was the basis of the medieval diet and was a staple food for everyone."
"Consider the fact that over half of all people in the world eat rice as a staple food."
"Rice is one of the easiest, cheapest staple foods."
"At its core, a potato is like the most bland food on the planet, but it's still the best food on the planet."
"No corn, no country. Corn was domesticated by the Mayans long, long ago and it's been inextricably tied to the lives of Mexican people ever since."
"Millet is a staple for almost one third of the world's population."
"This is the staple of more than a billion people and still stumbling into it in a place that serves it feels like finding a treasure."
"Rice is a pivotal part of the healthy meal experience."
"Rice is the ultimate food, okay, and it's great for long-term storage."
"Breadfruit is a big staple in a lot of countries."
"Eggs are probably my number one staple."
"You got to have rice; it's the staple of our house."
"Rice is life here in the Philippines."
"Potatoes are very packed with calories which helped humans live very well."
"Bread is such a big part of the culture."
"Bread has been a foundational food in the Western world for thousands of years."
"I always eat my food with rice; rice is my main ingredient here that gets me full, and everything else around it is just the side dish."
"The basic ration is bread, the old ancient bread and beer."
"Pasta and sauce is one of the best things you can possibly have in your prepper pantry because it's inexpensive, has a very long shelf life, and most people like it."
"I eat white rice just about every meal."
"As long as people get hungry, bread's not going to go out of style."
"Indeed, rice with stuff. That basic concept has fed half of humanity for thousands of years. You can only go so wrong with it."
"Rice has more energy per pound than almost any other food."
"About 70% of everybody's food is rice, that's the primary food group for everybody."
"Oatmeal is one of our favorite dishes, and it's something I can just reach for even if I don't have any electricity."
"The arepa is one of the most popular foods in Colombia. They are served in almost every home and are the equivalent of tortillas in Mexico and bread in Italy."
"Millet is a staple food in many countries, full of B vitamins, very high in protein, very easy to digest."
"Rice is always a very big part of my life."
"Potatoes are like the most nutrient-dense foods on the earth."
"It's a staple food, not a fad product."
"The most important crop that they grew was grain, they used grain to make bread to eat and they used grain to brew beer."
"It is hard to overstate just how important rice is to the Asian food supply. It is the staple food for 2 billion people."
"Rice is a great staple to have in your pantry and an item that lasts for a long, long time."
"Pasta is our number one, but we can't do without that, next to that is vegetable."
"The fundamental rice is rice, because as a good Cuban without rice we do not reason."
"They got 69% of their calories from sweet potato."